Tsukushite Agechau 4 Quickie review

Well looks like Thanksgiving didn’t deter our wonderful mailmen from delivering this to me Friday So without further adeu, welcome back to another chapter of wanfu’s quickie reviews…

First off I want to say I actually got a pack of the cards, yay Of course I have no clue what to do with them. Basically you get 3 of the same card for each picture. Each girl has 2 different pictures one with her clothes on one without. plus you get 2 blank cards. Maybe it’s like old maid with the 2 blank cards. Anyway, if anyone knows what to do with these cards please let me know.

Now onto the game…

Graphics - The characters designs are pretty good. Some of the characters expressions and faces reminds me of previous trabulance games. So if you like trabulance character designs you will like the character designs in this game. Although some of the characters eyelashes look a little wierd.

Sound - It’s another typical trabulance soundtrack. With the music light and simple. It’s not cresendo quality but it’s fitting for this lighthearted type game.

Gameplay - What can I say it’s trabulance, So it probably istn’t going to be extremely difficult Although this game is more complex and will require more thought than the kango series though. You first select which girl you want to go after, then a little later you have other choices to need to make with that girl. So you can make some wrong choices and screw up with the girl, unlike kango 2 where you basically just choose which girl and that’s about it. It’s still not as complicated as cresendo(jeeze I’m comparing this alot to cresendo) though. In a nice return, whenever you are faced with a decision the save screen pops up allowing you to save. Very nice for us lazy people so we don’t have to click , Also the return of the hint system is back in the game (let’s just hope this time the help system gives people the right information )

Well it looks like anothe fun, light series from trabulace. While at first it looked like it could be serious with the accident and stuff it soon becomes apparent that it’s not dark and is another typical trabulance fare(which I don’t mind ) So if you like trabulance or if you like light fluffy fun then this will probably be a good choice. I’ve only played for a couple of hours so, but that’s what my impression of the game is so far. If anything changes I’ll be sure to post them here.

So unicorn go buy this game now along with cresendo and ekylo hahahahahahahah you don’t have your copy

I asked the same question about the cards when I got them with Crescendo. Unicorn-san answered it in the thread:

Actually, I was about to do my ritual hating of your guts but then I remembered I hadn’t check the mail today. Sure enough it came in. Oddly enough, Brave Soul also came in today…now I’m conflicted…

Thanks for the review, wanfu. Glad to hear the game is more complex than Kango, which I passed on for that reason. Would you say it was more/less complex than Tottemo Pheromone?

And Ekylo! Get playing with Brave Soul right now! Conflict schmonflict

I Have 1 ending in this game, and from what im told the ending i have is prolly the LEAST dramatic of all the other girls… and still it made me stop for a second and say "well damn, i didnt see that coming"
and if thats from the least dramatic, i cant wait to see what the other endings are.

I got the Takano ending first and then intentionally got her bad ending. Then Brave Soul came so this will be put by the wayside for the time being.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

I got all eight endings. (I got six endings yesterday, then got two endings today)

Originally posted by Interzone:
And Ekylo! Get playing with Brave Soul right now! Conflict schmonflict [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Why? Not like I can catch up to the rest of you maniacs in that game... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Just kidding. Actually, I started this one because I know I can have it finished by the end of the week and then spend quite a bit of time puttering around Brave Soul. It would be different if I had ordered the Minna de Tsukushite Agechau. Then I'd probably be playing Brave Soul until that came in and then switched over or something like that... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Interzone:
Thanks for the review, wanfu. Glad to hear the game is more complex than Kango, which I passed on for that reason. Would you say it was more/less complex than Tottemo Pheromone?

And Ekylo! Get playing with Brave Soul right now! Conflict schmonflict [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Yeah it's like Tottemo Pheromone complexity. Actually it's kinda like kango 1 if I remember my games right. For the first part of the game you choose a girl for the scene then after some dialog you come to a question to answer, then more story then another chance to pick a girl, ect...When you finally have the girl you are going for then there's some h-scenes and more choices and based off that you get good or bad endings. Well let's just say the first time I finished the game I got a bad ending so there are some tricky questions or I'm just a insensitive ahole [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Gambit:
I Have 1 ending in this game, and from what im told the ending i have is prolly the LEAST dramatic of all the other girls.. and still it made me stop for a second and say "well damn, i didnt see that coming"
and if thats from the least dramatic, i cant wait to see what the other endings are.

Which one did you get. I got the bad takano ending, and her story is pretty interesting.

Well… If you need some hints, then I may help you.

I got all eight endings, yesterday.

[This message has been edited by RonXE (edited 12-01-2003).]

Originally posted by RonXE:
Well... If you need some hints, then I may help you.

I got all eight endings, yesterday.

[This message has been edited by RonXE (edited 12-01-2003).]

Walkthrough...walkthrough...walkthrough...write a walkthrough(chanting)

While cracking open my 24oz mikes hard lemonade and eating my heart attack special dinner, I realized that they implemented mousewheel control in this game. You can use the wheel to scroll back in the conversation. I thought this was pretty f;n cool since I have never seen a game use this before.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that with everyone hehe

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Which one did you get. I got the bad takano ending, and her story is pretty interesting.

Hate having to admit to my tastes in the girls in this game.. heh, my first ending was the good ending of Leo.

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 12-02-2003).]

Originally posted by smog:
While cracking open my 24oz mikes hard lemonade and eating my heart attack special dinner, I realized that they implemented mousewheel control in this game. You can use the wheel to scroll back in the conversation. I thought this was pretty f;n cool since I have never seen a game use this before.

Um, it was implemented in the other games as well. I usually use it when I'm searching through the dialogue for something. (For instance, I was looking for a piece of dialogue in Tottemo just last night.) So, it's not exactly anything new...

*blink* Hmm, so far I'm not finding the pathing that difficult. Oh well, we'll see once I get through the whole game...

Heh damn I learn something new every day. Didn’t know about the scroll wheel thingy. Gotta try it this next time I play the game.

Heh actually I usually go after my favorite character last, unless I get myself too caught up in the story and inadvertantly go on her path, like I did with cresendo

Well you dont need the damn mouse wheel function in tottemo pheremone since ther eis almost no story. I’mn really impressed with Tsukushite agechan 4. The story is quite entertaining, and the characters are cute. I say this is a must buy game. It totally blows away tottemo pheremone in every aspect if you ask me. Way more story with less sex.

I was just using Tottemo as an example, it was in the other games as well. And regardless of story, someone had asked me specifically about something someone had said in the game, so using the wheel to search made it easier to track down. I also tend to use it when I click too fast for my own good. (It happens sometimes.) I’m just a little surprised you guys just didn’t notice that you could use it all this time…

Nahh I usually use my keyboard. Lot easier for me hitting than keep on left clicking

Originally posted by smog: It totally blows away tottemo pheremone in every aspect if you ask me. Way more story with less sex.[/B]

Which some people will argue that tottemo is better because of that [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]
Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm just a little surprised you guys just didn't notice that you could use it all this time...

...honestly...that's because it's Tottemo Pheromone - the dialogue isn't exactly the most important thing in the game...