Turning Point

I’ve reached a turning point in my life…
What should I do…?
Which should I choose…?

Should I…

Take two steps north into the unsettled future, south into the unquiet past, east into the present day, or west into the great unknown.

which to pick…

And if you were faced with such a choice…
What will you do??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I would probably choose west or north.

I think a northeastern direction would be good, a little mix of both.

Go up. No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Life is a river… Options:

Stay on the bank, watch others live life and see another viewpoint upon it.

Push your canoe in and navigate the world as best as possible, avoiding and fighting all obstructions and hidden dangers…

Dive in and let yourself be at the mercy of the flow…

Hmm…for my two cents on this…

Life is for the living. Living in the past is like trying to paddle upstream. Living on the bank may allow for perspective and rest but also allows precious time to drift by. Having no control upon ones life lets fate rule which can be most cruel.

Try this advice instead of a direction: Come to terms with your past. Live in the present (for you are guaranteed only it.) Plan for the future and work toward the best path to follow.

So, technically…
You like surprises…like me! I too love surprises…I hate things that are too predictable…because why?
It’s going to be boring…
I want things to be exciting! I would also prefer CHAOS rather than order .

A mix of both huh…
I don’t know…

Si! Si! Asta La Muerte!!!

Somehow I already have a decision for this one…

I’ll choose to navigate the world and fight not avoid all oppositions…
I will not plan for the future, for it will be too boring…if I already expected my enemy’s surprises…and I will not reminisce my past…let alone live in it!

[ 10-30-2006, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

And yet…
After all that…
I still couldn’t decide…
On which way I should choose…
To shape my destiny… :frowning:
…because I am immature…
…and everytime…I…
Make a choice…I…simply…
…cannot remove the…
Shadow Of Doubt:frowning:

[ 10-30-2006, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

The decision not to choose is also a choice.


What will happen to me?

IF… I don’t make a choice??? :frowning:

If you do not choose then maybe someone else may choose your destiny.

NO WAY!!! :mad:

I will decide my own fate!!!
Not anyone even God will shape my destiny…

Even if God says that the choice is not mine…

I will be the only one who shapes my destiny!!!

Even if they say that… Free-will is an illusion…

More power to you, then you have made your choice.

Thnx! :slight_smile:
Guess I somehow made my choice.

How about you…?
What would you do…if you were faced with such choices in real life? :confused:

Just curious…

What would you do…if you were faced with such choices in real life?

Just from reading the other postings in this folder I am assuming the other posting parties have already faced such things and are trying to give helpful advice.

Especially the post listing from Johan stating “The decision not to choose is also a choice.”

If you believe that no force, including God, can not or will not affect the outcome of your future I would say that is very untrue. Even the best laid plans can be thrown amiss by something unseen. However, this being said, making no plans represents the worst outcome (at least in my experience.)

The myriad of forces in the real world which will prey upon those “adrift in life” are almost without measure. They are out for “number one” which will never be you.


I just want to live my life doing all yhe things that I want not the things that I need…

I hate BONDS …either family bonds, friendship ties, or having someone to protect…

There’re all parasitic bonds to me…

I want to go to a path where I have no worries.
No love ones…No families, no responsibility to others… So that, I would have no weaknesses that will blur my decisions in life.

“No heartbeat to hear, no greed to bribe, no fear of death.”

That’s just me…