Twincest is Best

Heh, I just finished playing Kagetsu T.

Artwork was 5/5.
Story was 5/5.
The Len scenes were 10/5 :slight_smile: .
The Twincest with Hisui and Kohaku was ‹ber :smiley: .
…need more twincest…

So, what twincest titles would you recommend for someone who:

  1. does not prefer loli
  2. does not like Giant Tits either
  3. prefers quiet, intelligent girls who do not mallet you
  4. likes gothloli
  5. would prefer to avoid the kind of SCREAMING that some of your reviews refer to? :slight_smile:

… I need to find an appropriate avatar to feel accepted, see!

I would like to ask a question from all the twincest lovers out here (I’m one two :smiley: ):

IF you had a chance at having a threesome with a pair of identical twins IN REALITY would you do it even with society branding it a tabu.

What I really want to ask is that steping over the boundrys of society and going into tabu for the sake of some barely describeable feeling like love or affection would be allright?

This is, of course just a question, but it has been on my mind for a time, so I dare put it up here.

P.S. 1: I’m might be steping over a boundry, I hope I won’t get banned for this… :smiley:

P.S. 2: If anyone will answer this question please do it seriously, not like: yeah sure, or stuff, that would be upseting.

Thank you, Nero Blackheart

[ 07-23-2007, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

Well, is it really taboo for you to have sex with a pair of twins? The taboo comes from the incest part, and it’s not incest on your part, exactly… it’s them who’re doing the naughty. :slight_smile:

Societal taboos don’t matter as much to me as personal morality - doing good and not doing harm, when possible. Twins having consensual sexual involvement doesn’t in itself do harm. After all, twins can’t cause pregnancy, which is one of the biggest problems with incest. It might be a symptom of an otherwise screwed-up life that needs help but that’s not something we can know from a vague hypothetical ‘if you had a chance in real life’ type question. I’d have to judge for myself whether it was a good idea to be involved with those girls. And since I have no interest in casual sex in the real world, I’d already know them quite well and have a good answer to that question.

Are you mad? :smiley:
I have a Carpe Diem personality :smiley:
(Well the reason for it is not so funny so I’ll pass that)

But no the question wasn’t quite about the “sin”
of incest but the male’s action after contemplateing the chance of discovery and-

(under this I mean that if the community finds out about the incest part, which would result in disaster… well they wont be put to the thorch but alienation is likely, but that two could prove fatal for the girls)

-still agree to such a dangerous relationship.

To put it poeticaly: would the male lover accept
such happiness knowing that the source of happiness could be destroyed by its existence alone?

Of course this still is just a hypothetical question, but a rather intresting one.
At least for me. Oh, my manners.
Thank you for your input.

[ 07-23-2007, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

If you live in some crazy backwards country where being involved in kinky sex could get you killed, then no, it’s probably not a good idea. Of course, I’d also think it’s not a good idea to live there, but that’s just me. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… your request is difficult, because you invalidate 90% of the games I play with some of those factors. :wink:

But getting back on point: in the true love twincest b-games, the ultimate decision for the twins and mutual love to pursue that taboo relationship, is the whole point of their struggle: that their love is beyond what other think is right and wrong, since it does no harm to others – and not pursing such a path will cause endless heartache for the twin not chosen.

On another side note: there are brother-sister twincest b-games that I know of, which such an ending being canon. Those are very HEAVY things to talk about with others, let me tell ya…

[ 07-23-2007, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

No, I pointed out that it would not directly put them in danger (we do live in the 21 century doh… well at least I think so) but being cast out from the norm could bring unwanted attention, like persons that would scorn, abuse, dehumanize, or prove outright hostile to the outcasted party, just because they feel that tourturing people that other people dont care about is fine.

(side note: cruelty is universal it does not matter if the country is Cambodia or the US)

And to escape this torture the suffering party might do something despret.

(not a real side not but whatever: kinky sex in Hungary is quite normal :smiley: , we are the hotbed of the porn industry you know)(is it good to be proud about it?)

I cant argue with that :smiley:
I was kind of hoping that you would reply, since you are the expert on this topic, I was really intrested in your opinion.

I’m not really an expert per se… that title belongs to Ken Wahl “husband” of the Barbi twins. I’m more of a preacher of the Faith. :wink:

In other news: one eye red, one eye green is quite freaky looking in real life… although no less kinky. :stuck_out_tongue:

Incest between twins is a subclass of sibling incest and includes both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. In traditional Balinese culture, for example, a set of twins of the opposite sex were forced to marry each other, since it was assumed that they had had sex in utero. In Mohave culture, opposite-sex twins were thought to have been married in heaven. Other depictions of or references to it can be found in fanfiction (where it is usually referred to as “twincest”), traditional folklore, erotic and pornographic magazines and videos, advertising, and even mainstream films. In the latter two cases, incestual relationships between twins are usually only implied and almost always used for a shock effect.

In a review of the scholarly literatures on twin homosexuality and twin incest, Ray Bixler (1983) concludes that “most same sex homosexual twins, if reared with their co-twins, do not attempt or even want to seduce them in adulthood”. His study draws on Edvard Westermarck’s (1922) hypothesis that sexual desire is generally absent in relationships between members of a nuclear family.

I’m bored so I put this up, I think it gives this thread a more, scholarfull touch. Or whatever.

“Twincest rules”

I’ve never been one to care too much about that. As long as I’m not annoying people or otherwise directly affecting them in some way, it isn’t really any of their business.

Of course, this depends on which taboo you’re going to flout. If you want to become a serial killer, I think I have to say that would be a good urge to suppress. (Or, like, not have in the first place. But maybe that’s just me …)

Of course, there’s another issue … Just because it’s normally nobody else’s business – doesn’t mean you can’t MAKE it their business. If they don’t want to know something, then don’t tell them. I don’t want to know that Bob in the office likes to get tied up and beat with wet noodles while listening to Britney Spears. I really do not need to know that. (I mean, god. Britney Spears??) Bob’s perfectly welcome to do it if he wants to, but if he makes it other peoples’ business then they probably won’t like it.

Britney Spears? That really is terrible. You got a point, but people tend to snoop in other peoples business and thats what I really fear.

Well to be honest, I think most b-gamers are on the liberal side of the political spectrum, and thus we’re generally more open to “unusual ideas” than the bulk of society. I mean I find it hard to imagine Bill O Reilly or Pat Buchanan playing b-games - let alone the tentacle demon twincest stuff. :smiley:

Crap, it really does :smiley:
This wery well shows that twincest rulz!

Who knows? In a download software (cant remember its name) there were geographic download sectors and I found a Vatican download server offering tons of porn and hentai, so…who knows? Pope playing the tentacle demon twincest stuff?

Damn I’m a sinner…YAY

[ 07-26-2007, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

Nooooo, this thread cannot die, please people cry out for the sake of twincest, shout LONG LIVE TWINCEST with all your heart(or at least say happy birthsday for me:P). Come on! Give at least some lip service to twincest. Goddamit I want this alive again. So please write people, or I’ll have your hides…(just kiddin…not)

Well the thread never really dies… it’s just that I need more time to find and complete twincest titles. Let it go inactive for a bit to let fresh threads popup. It’s like fishing. Give a little slack… real it in. :smiley:

Hmmm… thread is starting to lack actual twincest. I’ll have a new batch in a week or two - getting swamped at work. In the meantime…

[ 07-30-2007, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Found a twincest title.

Getchu Link

Official Homepage

[ 08-06-2007, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Fenrir90 ]

Hey Narg, which game is this from anyway? (title in English, and developer please)

It looks like it might be good…

Actually… I don’t know what game that came from: I just happen to have the image, because I lifted it from 4chan. It’s inevitable that I will find it though. When I locate the title and source, I’ll be sure to mention it here. :smiley:

On the flip side: AIM conversation I had this morning, brought it to my attention, that the Inyou series from Tinkerbell is expanding ever more darkly:

There’s also the earlier titles here:

I haven’t played the third entry - just ordered it this morning - but the earlier two had twincest out the ying-yang and how. I doubt the third will disappoint. :smiley:

[ 08-15-2007, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]