UK Politicians outraged by eroge, want to make it illegal

… I notice how you qualify that you’re not talking about all guys, but don’t bother saying that you’re not talking about all girls, even when you’re obviously speaking to a girl who is nothing like that and doesn’t know any girls who are like that. :slight_smile:

For that matter, there are plenty of guys who do nitpick their girls’ appearances, constantly compare them to other women, and threaten to divorce them if they don’t look exactly like they did at age 18 forever. There are guys who complain that they can’t find any girls of “their type” to go out with, and when asked about “their type”, hold up the airbrushed supermodel.

There’s a popular cultural myth that women are all catty and attacking each other. Sure,some women are. But it’s a trope seriously inflated by the media. Watch the tabloids and see how they desperately try to invent drama between female celebrities and play it up like they’re going to go into a nail-scratching hair-pulling fight, when all they did was happen to attend the same event.

It’s generally not women who hurl insults and eggs at other women on the street.
It’s generally not women who seek out non-conventionally-attractive women and tell them to die or kill themselves so no one else will have to look at them.

So you think I’m insulting women? Well, I’m told the mere existence of men is insulting to women, but then again, so is their own mere existance. :slight_smile:

I know SEVERAL girls that hurl insults and ROCKS at other women, at the same time. In fact, it’s a common worldwide practice, from what’s recorded in the written and oral histories of humanity. Eggs? That is uncommon. Well, these days. But it wasn’t in the past. Women tended to be the first at hurling rotten food at those they didn’t like. Rocks are for when they don’t hate enough to want to humilate, and demean, and dehumanize someone again and again and again and …

But this…

Humm… I frequently have heard women tell each other they should go kill their themselves, so no one else will have to look at their ugly body, or hear their horrible voice, or smell their sewerly smell. I learned to ignore it when it was directed at the women I care about— until the rocks (or other potentional weaponry) appeared in female hands, anyways.

Happy now?

Seriously— what I was trying to say was the most guys aren’t as critical of a girls appearance as girls think or tell each other. Most of the guys I know that ARE that critical of a gal’s appearance-- are gay. You cannot say a gay guy is normal (if they were, no one would freak out about it). Science tells us that most gay men’s brains are feminized, often highly. The gay male’s brain that isn’t is the exception (as far as science has been able to study— but wait 10 years, and see what the new studies tell us about human brains and human sexuality norm or unusual). The ones that are not gay are generally picking on a gal to MAKE HER GO AWAY or to exercise some power (generally over her). The latter are certainly not normal nor common.

I didn’t bother mentioning every GIRL is also an individual because the topic I thought we were currently addressing was why so any girl would find pictures of other girls bodies threatening. After all, if they didn’t, they couldn’t find what was done to cartoons in a fictional scenario (such as a game or magazine) reflective on them personally. Nor do I see any woman making the mistake of thinking that even young adults that are slightly off would think that something as different and extreme as rape in VN or eroge was REALLY a normal thing or something that people should emulate in their own adult relationships. Did I run too far ahead and I should have included that part of the topic as well? I know that I prone to post long, meandering, illogical, stream of consciousness rants, but I thought we’d established a few common points for discussion, and just want to make sure I wasn’t too mistaken about that. :wink:

I didn’t say anything about you insulting women (at that point), I said you were over-generalising.

I’ve already said that apparently you know extremely strange women who are obsessed with their physical appearances. I can’t tell you that you don’t know those women if you do, obviously. I can tell you that I don’t know those women, that I have never known any woman even vaguely like that, from all my years from school through business and even on the internet, which is full of pretty strange people. I’ve been personally attacked many times, but never by women. And sure as hell not by gay men, who couldn’t care less what I look like.

Have a run through the comments at … side-down/ - It’ll probably either bore or depress you. Obviously, not every man is like that either! I’m sure there are plenty of men who would never dream of behaving like the men in those examples. But the men in those examples do their best to screw it up for the side.

… Now that is ludicrous to the point of insult. Apparently you think every single person who has ever complained about rape culture is not just a liar, but a silly shallow self-obsessed liar who’s “just jealous”.

Yes, the angry feminists are indeed legitimately concerned that glorifying fictional rape will increase the incidence of real rape. It only takes listening to them for a split second to know that. They happen to be wrong, because fantasy != reality, but it’s a common mistake for people to make when they get swept away by emotion instead of reason. (See the other thread with links to moral panics in general, or see any discussion of piracy, where neither side usually wants to hear facts!) They see people getting off to depictions of rape and brutality. At the same time, they see a lot of rape and brutality in the real world, and they see men justifying this behavior and expressing that rape is a compliment, or that if she didn’t REALLY want it she wouldn’t have dressed/danced/whatever like that, and anyway you can’t blame men, men are just animals and it’s in their nature…

So they add 2+2 and get 5, and think that the rape porn causes the rape. And then they complain about it, and get inundated with insults and violent threats, usually some not-too-imaginative variation on “you’re all fat ugly lesbians and I hope you get raped to death”.

They’re misguided, but they’re sure as FUCK not jealous. They’re scared, and they’re angry. (And listening to you, so am I!)

Always the one behind you that you have to be scared from papillon. stands behind you and winks
Also not scared and angry, bored and angry.

Anyway this is all ridiculous. I say we ban meat and everything depicting or implying the consuming of meat since it may lead to people cruelly lusting after it and since meat is acquired at the expense and at the cost of animal cruelty and death it is BAD. Also it may lead to rape and violence, as this chart shows insert one generic chart. As all sane person would agree that animal cruelty and suffering is bad we should ban meat since its the root of all evil, that and Eroge and the suppressing of woman’s rights. Since we live in the 19th century.

Wait… that last part was a bit off oh well.

Hey, why not we ban peeing while standing? I’m sure its the cause of rape and the lessening of woman’s rights since they get all messy if they try it, men should not do it since it encourages discrimination against women!

Let me grab my pitchfork and torch, there’s a trip to Japan in the making.