Unicef takes Japan to task over child pornography

http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/0 … index.html

“Japan should ban possession of child pornography and crack down on animated films, comic books and computer games that show children being sexually exploited, UNICEF said Tuesday.”

Of course, that fact that drawn pictures aren’t children, not when they can be easily and perfectly “distinguished from real people” (as made clear in French laws), so that no child was being exploited, either way, in the making of drawings probably never went through the mind of the UNICEF people.

For a moment there I was worried, but then I realized this is the same Japan that defies the UN on general things like: illegal whaling, discrimination of Korean/Chinese second rate citizens, insensitivity to WW2 atrocities (not to mention rewriting them), unequal economic trade practices, questionable immigration policies, and various other odds and ends that Japan likes to ignore.

No worries mate. Hopefully Japan will continue to ignore the UN when it suits its needs, just like every other countries does. :wink:

I’m not into lolis, so I don’t care, but apparently an US ambassador was involved, so I guess the USA may wish to “help” the UNICEF on that matter. :smiley:

LOL! America wants to do what the UN says? Now there’s a first. :wink:

It’s election time in the US, so politicians here are suddenly “proactive and determined to clean filth” wherever they see it. Kinda funny too, because in Japan, whenever its election time there, the politicians go all out of their way to claim they don’t need or want American influence (i.e. keep the White Devils out).

On a serious note: as of late, Japan has been passing (or trying to pass) ever more restrictive laws against eroge in general. The whole “Nice Boat” thing being the most recent issue. On the whole, these laws seem mostly superficial, as nothing has changed too much in general… I can still get my guro and loli fix, despite these new laws to standardize them.

From another prospective, it will be a pretty hard sell to make the Japanese public accept being influenced from an “outside” organization like UNICEF, since the Japanese government has gone out of its way to paint such “outside” organizations as insignificant (due to whaling and economics). For them to suddenly do a 180 and announce that the country should obey one part of the UN - but still ignore everything else - is a REALLY flimsy and REALLY transparent political move.

UN (and EU too) parasitic bureaucrats guzzling & gulping OUR stolen money need some reason to justify their continued existence :x , and Loli is an easy target.

http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingne … _id=124128

Reports say that draft legislation will not cover sexual cartoons and comic books, which remain legal even if the drawings depict children, due to concern over freedom of expression.

…gives me hope that Common Sense is not dead yet 8) .

This is what I have to say about this.

Also… freedom of expression my ass. They just don’t want to admit, that the Lolicon Movement is a sociopolical juggernaut that no mere international organization can oppose. Lolicon is king… even Narg must admit that it’s arguably the only thing that threatens Twincest Domination of the world. Then again, there’s a lot of Loli Twincest… oh no! The Lolicons have already subverted The Faith without anyone realizing it!!!

[color=#FF0000]LOLICON IS EVERYWHERE!!![/color] :shock:

Even in the air you breathe and water you drink! :lol:

i showed the cnn link to my friend and the only thing she could find, japan-side, in terms of some sort of “statement” is this:

http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/ … ws097.html

in the article my friend said that the statement is made by ???, but she also noted that this just a social group that supports unicef, and does not really belong to unicef nor UN itself. from wiki:


so i am taking all of this with a grain of salt for now (in terms of if it really comes from the official unicef or UN), i will believe if this gets posted on unicef’s website :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh… well remember, UNICEF carpet bombed the Smurfs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gargamel finally wised up and hired himself some PMC’s. :lol:

You know I almost had a heart-attack when I read the name of this thread…
And Narg, look it this way: loli didn’t subvert twincest, twincest subverted loli :smiley:
Hmmm… shota twincest?

Of course, with the new federal ban on CP, bigoted groups will try to get there say, even if they know it’s likely pointless…

Notice that I read that that Unicef Japan group seems to even want them to get rid of AV with young-looking actresses and role playing such as school uniforms, shows how reasonable they are…

In a country where a woman can be sued if she try to resist to a molester, I can’t imagine that they would try to do something against the lolicons…
Japan was probably the last country to sign the Geneve treaty (in fact… sometimes I wonder if they signed it), so it’s still a difficult concept for them.

Despite of that I don’t like lolis, so i wouldn’t care at all if all the girls in eroge were really over 18 year old.

BUT I perfectly respect the fact that we are all perverts with different tastes (loli, tentacles, loli with tentacles, starfish, …).
I’d destroy the UN if they wanted to do something against the bro/sis incest (especialy when they are twin), the obedient girls, …

WTF? In which reality are you living? Last time I checked, it wasn’t the case.

Methinks you’re a bit biased toward Japan. Check it yourself: Japan ratified the conventions on 21.04.1953. Let’s notice that, for instance, countries such as Canada (14.05.1965), Finland (22.02.1955), Greece (05.06.1956), Ireland (27.09.1962), the Netherlands (03.08.1954), Portugal (14.03.1961) didn’t ratify it until later, having just signed it beforehand (but a signature isn’t binding at all), when others such as the UK (23.09.1957) and the USA (02.08.1955) ratified it way later and even then, it was with reservations, though they signed it beforehand, when others such as Germany (03.09.1954) and Iceland (10.08.1965) didn’t ratified until later and didn’t even sign it beforehand.

I’m sure it could happen in the US too.

Wierd things happen…
For example there is a law in Germany that states that having sex while playing chess is a crime. :shock:
And I remember a chick geting sue’d because a group of teenage kids mastubated on her in the middle of the street.

I don’t know if it is connected, but currently UNICEF has here in germany that scandal running, regarding a misuse of their donation-money…

So, I wonder whether that is a vain attempt to re-establish their credibility - or to ruin it worldwide? :shock:

What about when playing mahjong? Is there such a law for it as well?

Actually more extreme things happen. It would likely not pass in court, but the person if they were good enough lawyer make the case drag on so long it became cheaper to settle out-of-court.

ha ha ha hahahahaha thats funny. MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS NON JAPANESERS!


But those cases are basically along the same line. Different actors and different crime, but same principle.