Unofficial English Translations Discussion

See everyone is different. I actually play for both the story and the challenge which is why I like the RPG/S-RPG combo ones because they offer a level of challenge if done properly. I also always play those games on the highest level possible. Getting through a challenging level or boss is a different kind of elation than just clearing a game and getting the ending you want although I like that element as well. Sadly most of those games tend to feel like they tack on one of the two elements: either the story is simplistic/linear or the gameplay lacks depth and feels added on as an afterthought.

I’m perfectly fine with tacked on gameplay. Princess Waltz, for example, was a better game with the card battling than without. It got you involved in the battles and made them more exciting than just simply watching a fight sequence.

Well, Princess Waltz had tacked-on story AND gameplay, and since the story failed to interest it’s probably good that the card battle system was kind of fun!

the story wasn’t that was just to classical, too clichÈ, too dÈj‡ vue, that’s all.
That’s don’t mean it’s bad… Well it wasn’t good either.

Princess Waltz was mediocre and did not have enough card battles.

I do not like shooters. I do not like most of the western games simply because they more or less the same and tend to lack plot. Not all mind you just many. Or at least a plot that makes me care.

Princess waltz had story (cliche as it was), fun characters (cliche as they were), and somewhat fun gameplay (as few as they were). How many shooters have a good story, good characters, and good gameplay. Not many. So even if Princess Waltz was nothing more than mediocre I still liked it better than say Borderlands. Although admittedly Borderlands did have replay value and lasted longer…

Wow wow wow wow… don’t compare a linear eroge with a simple card system based gameplay with a Sandbox RPG using FPS mode please… It’s not the same type of game and not even play at the same level.

And BTW, for me shooter are game like Ikaruga (for exemple).What you talking about it’s FPS… And we don’t Ask FPS to have a deep Plot or a story.But tu have quick and nervous action (well nowadays those type of FPS become rare…Since everyone like Camping FPS like the COD and Bf <.< )

Maybe that’s why I like Baldr Force so much <_<;

But see, Princess Waltz didn’t exploit that. As a good example, they didn’t have an unlockable option to have post-game battles where you could open up new storyline content or h-scenes, or at worst try to beat a high score.