Upcoming Releases

Mm, I guess that also explains the new artists for their Nangoku Shiofuki ADV… pass from the genre alone, although the artists are also a couple of levels below choco chip (and M&M) too.

Snow Drop’s been pushed back to Winter 2010. Prototype for Mugen Yakou is complete, so hopefully we’ll get the full version this weekend. Himawari Aqua After.

Anyone reading Sca-ji’s twitter account would have heard of these MADs already, but Subahibi x Koiiro Soramoyou Crossover (no spoilers), and Subahibi MAD, using the full OP song (required viewing, but ONLY after clearing the game, as there are spoilers galore that’d ruin the experience).

Edit: Forgot to mention the upcoming NTRfest Resign, with what they claim is a full length scenario (1.7mb/8200 voice files) with full price quality for 2800 yen. [generally though, the scenario lengths given aren’t a particularly reliable prediction of the game’s overall length as there are a variety of ways of measuring them. From the figures Lancer-X and I have kept the number of voice files is a little below the average for a full length eroge, but it’s roughly equivalent to some other full price/length eroero works, such as Serina (8858). The number of CGs (47) is certainly mid-price level, not full price. For 2800 yen though, absolutely no complaints at all - in terms of production values, it’ll blow just about anything in that price range out of the water.] It’s certainly the best art I’ve seen from Kumatora Tatsumi too.

The 5th entry in Liar Soft’s steampunk series has been announced, and the pre-site is open. AKIRA (Shikkou no Sharnoth) is back on the art, and before the formal site opening later this month, they’ve started posting some story previews.

Pro dlsite’s having a sale, with 10 titles being offered at half price - most notably Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Latest Edition. Last week they (finally) added Konakana, and yesterday they also added Eien no Aselia + Expansion, with the other games in the series soon to follow.

There’s no August summary yet, so here are my thoughts on some of the upcoming titles. I’ll leave doujin eroges out of the list, as most have already been mentioned in some of the earlier posts.

Kono Uta ga Owattara: Delayed from July, and released at the start of August. As Lancer-X predicted, the reviews suggest that it does contain utsuge, horror and nukige elements, but with none of them being executed successfully. It also seems to have come with some of the teething problems that can crop up in first releases from new brands. Probably a pass unless you’re really into the genre or a big fan of the artist (in that case, Resign’s probably a safer bet though).

STEINS;GATE: No comment necessary. Hopefully if Demonbane goes well, JAST/Nitro+ will be able to give this an official release.

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi: A week or so ago, the trial was finally released, so one assumes that it will actually be released this month. I had a look at it, and yeah… aside from it being a Feng title, I can’t understand why so many people have preordered it (amongst other things, it’s sitting at the top of getchu’s preorder rankings). The trial was also very short, and didn’t even introduce all of the heroines, so it’s hard to consider it as a representative sample of the game. It’s probably not going to be a terrible eroge, but everything in the trial was very average. After all of the delays, I think a lot of people might be rather disappointed by it.

Suzukaze no Melt: A little while ago, there was a discussion on #denpa, on whether certain eroge companies would actually sell more copies of their eroges by employing better writers. The original company in question was Circus, but I think the argument would also be relevant to Whirlpool. Their two regular artists are some of the best in the business, and as long as they’ve got scenarios that aren’t terrible + provide a decent foundation for the artwork to shine, there’s possibly no need for them to try and create a ‘masterpiece’. Chances are I won’t be getting this, unless the scenario turns out to be unusually good.

SEX LIFE: Following on from the art discussion, I think G.J? have realised that people will only buying their eroges for the nukige value, so they’ve taken the logical step and dispensed with any pretense of a scenario altogether. There’s not really a need to comment on it, as the game doesn’t seem to leave any middle-ground - it’s targeted directly at fans of the artist/pure nukiges, who will probably like it, but for everyone else it’s a default pass.

No Pants!! [or Pantsu]: … is there really a full-price market for this? Ridiculous concept aside, even for a nukige, the game looks vapour-thin.

Cthulhu Great Hunting: I salute the intrepid souls that have preordered this fandisc. :stuck_out_tongue:

Akizora ni Mau Confetti: The trial left me with very mixed impressions, that on the whole weren’t too positive. The backgrounds + music are both fantastic, but besides the obvious issues with the bizarre CGs and tachie and the potential for problems stemming from the fairly generic scenario establishment, I don’t think the writer’s done all that good a job either, as the text is fairly pedestrian and none of the characters seemed particularly memorable. I’m not ruling it out completely, but it’s looking like a pass. I read (I think it was on gamestyle) that etude were aiming to surpass their previous work in quality - very, very slim chance of that happening.

Oppai Sensou: While it’s obviously not going to be this month’s best eroge, this is actually the game I’m most looking forward to. Softhouse Seal have really outdone themselves with the setting, and although it doesn’t have my favourite Seal writer on it, I can’t see how it won’t be immensely amusing to play.

Majino Complex: The third (and presumably final) installment in the Sakakoko/Don-chan trilogy. If the other two games are anything to go by, expect great characters + brilliant voice acting offset by a fun, but somewhat inconsistent scenario. Although the game should come with an optional feature that will explain what happened in the past two eroges, it’s probably best to play the series in order to get maximum enjoyment. It should be available for dlsales on the day of the package release.

Well… G.J? always did mostly Nukige… And good one to boot (well if you like Nukige, they’re one of the best).
So why searching a plot in a G.J? anyway ^^

The problem I can see with removing the scenario altogether is there being a greater chance for exceedingly short playtimes, and poor characterisation and writing, which would all definitely would weaken the game. I’d argue that sex is the least original part of any eroge, nukiges included. Across all the eroge releases in a year, there are at least 10000, and probably 15000+ HCGs, so whatever you do will probably have been done tens, if not hundreds of times elsewhere. I don’t mean that sex can’t be used as the basis for an eroge, or a story, but without at least decent support from the other components, the game’s not likely to be very good. I know that G.J?'s Hime to Boin was poorly received by quite a few people, because although it had hime and boin, it was very short, and outside of the segments the artist was responsible for, had little else going for it. (Value for money’s probably part of it as well - SEX LIFE’s a full price eroge, and it’s up against some works in the surrounding months that should fare far better in that respect.)

I see where you’re coming, and i understand very well.
What i mean by no plot… it’s that no a plot like a Clannad and such.
When you see the older work by G.J?, even when a lot of female character were present, you always add a simple plot, and every character got different feature (well except the fact that most of them have big boobs :mrgreen: )
And that’s enought for a Nukige.

Back from Tokyo and right in time for this (man I should have picked up TECH GIAN the other day for that >_<).

New MAKURA project revealed Ikinari anata ni Koi shiteru!!! Art karory (!) a~n~d Korie Riko (!!) with Scenario by Sukaji (amongst others - the usual writers, expecting Yuzuriha’s name to pop-up there as well). Now, not having seen any pics from the TG scoop yet, I wonder whether this is the secret project Riko and Yuzuriha are working on?

OP video and battle trial for Oppai Sensou up. The OP video is pretty wwwwwwwwwwwwww

@Tetsurou - yep, SCA and Yuzuriha.

For some reason I heard “Ikinari anata ni Koi shiteru” in Naruse Mia’s voice :x … and wtf she retired this year?!

Here’s Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi’s postponement history. (from here) Any bets on another delay?

? ??? ?

As the site’s not open yet, here’s part of the article, courtesy of 2ch.

Thanks for that! Ordered TECH GIAN through HMV (finally a way as Gaijin to place order for Eroge/Bishoujo Soft magazines now again btw.) for this MAKURA scoop. Both Korie Riko and karory mention their new project on their respective blogs without further details. So much for Sukaji wanting to take up work on Sakura no Uta, but I should have known better anyways. Also no sign of Sukaji at Comike78 (since he mentioned to think about putting out a SubaHibi book some time ago) but Motoyone has done so as well as Suzuri (first Circle I lined up for an loved to stare at the Korie Riko illustrated Shinrin Hogo Bokin Poster at the hall column while waiting ^^).

In case anyone cares, got my copy of TECH GIAN 2010/10 and blogged some info from it with a focus naturally on Ikinari Anata ni Koi shiteru.

You managed to list Grisaia no Kajitsu but somehow missed the fact that KIO NACHI, freaking KIO NACHI is on scenario? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Yes, that’s all very nice and all… [url=http://www.cyc-soft.com/b-cyc-pro/mdb_ce/publicity.html]but what does it say about MinDeaD BlooD Complete?[/url] :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry Narg, but the publicity coverage Black Cyc mentions within TG 2010/10 for MinDeaD BlooD Complete Edition is just a short mention among the “Prerelease Hot News” part of the issue alongside many other forthcoming releases, stating nothing new than it’s been announced as - new CG, additional Ending plus Soundtrack and Settei as Bonus for a Kanzenban experience of the Soft. Also this short article part among the feature is accompanied by two H CG shots (tiny - one of backside Mayu and one of Hitomi x Koji)…that’s it.

@Lancer-X: Blame it on my Bakemonogatari fetish (and my admitted little interest in Frontwing projects on top) the Watanabe Akio involvement let me overlook that detail completely >_< Also Grisaia no Kajitsu HP open and release date contrary to the winter (2010) now revealed as 2011/01/28.

Damn it, I hate it when they cock tease like that. :frowning:

Thank you very much for the info on the article! :o

Oops… wrong thread. :oops:

Another delay, this time coming from TYPE-MOON Mahou Tsukai no Yoru delayed from September to…winter (no exact date stated yet).

And with that, I guess September’s going to be a fairly dry month as far as new releases go. I’m most looking forward to the free (are you listening Black Cyc ? :P) Tomo voice patch for Ruitomo, that iirc will be released on the same day as the full voice edition of the original + the fandisc once I get around to playing the original, but other than that, for me at least, there are too many question marks over the upcoming releases, including potential delays (feng), bugs (0verflow) and particularly over the scenarios (everything other than Ruitomo’s fandisc). I’m expecting a few of this month’s offering to turn out to be worthwhile, but that won’t be clear until the reviews start coming in. Can’t see anything interesting on the low budget front either - nothing from Seal until October.

Why give away for free something you can sell + people will buy it anyway? Clearly Black Cyc are the clever ones here >_>