Upcoming titles and speculation

I didn’t see a thread for this so I thought I’d create one.

From JAST USA’s Twitter:


Despite Overflow ceasing game development, there seems to be a good bet we’ll see a release of Shiny Days. This makes me happy.

Repost from another thread:

“New ProjectS”
So 2 or more new licenses

One of which is probably Steins;Gate based on these tweets:



As for Shiny Days, we had this recently:

and back in March we had this for ‘My Girlfriend is the President: Fandisk’:

I dunno, that doesn’t actually mean more than one project. The plural form is also used when you’re talking about an indeterminate number, possibly including one. It might have just left off the “any” from “Any new licenses” because of Twitter’s 140-character maximum.

I’m pretty sure that’s not what’s going to happen though. You’re probably right about those guesses. But I’m honestly less interested in new announcements from Jast than I am interested in them announcing they’ve figured out what’s wrong with their process, and games should actually be released in a reasonable timeframe in the future, rather than languish at 99% for a year.

We’ve been led to believe that the rate-limiting step for releases is on the developers’ end, not JAST’s. If this is true, more projects with more unique developers means more games released per year. At least theoretically.

I dunno, I used to be on board with that explanation, but I guess I’d have an easier time continuing to buy into that if ALL of their projects weren’t in various stages of near-collapse.

That only counts for Nitro+ titles. It’s been referenced that they don’t prioritize the English market and only work on anything to do with the English games in their spare time. Moogy also revealed in his Dra+Koi notes that apparently Nitro+ wants to release the titles in the order they were licensed, so in theory it sounds like they haven’t started doing anything on their end for Django/Sumaga/Kikokugai. They might have started Hanachirasu by now.

Trample on “Schatten!!” is due to a translation issue (Moogy is nolonger working with JASTUSA). According to twitter JASTUSA is currently searching for a new translator, till then this is pretty much stalled.

Starless/Yumina look to be on track.
Yumina seems to be the AX2013 release (everything’s complete its just in testing).
Starless started translation by at least December and is still being worked on. Uncensored CGs have already been received based on twitter (it took a few months for them to get them for Saya)

Seinarukana looks to be the only one behind schedule. Translators start working on it, then vanish, then the process repeats itself.

In theory I believe we’ll see at least 2 releases this year:

A further 2 depending on other things:
Hanachirasu (If Nitro+ picks up the pace, maybe with DMMD Re: connect released they’ll spare some staff to work on it)
Starless (its been in translation for a while so it should be nearly done. After editing it has testing. It has nothing special so testing wont take too long. Perhaps Q4 this year/Q1 next year? )

More hints to Steins;Gate

(Because it involves fan translations I wont link to it)
On the page for the fantranslation of Steins;Gate a new message has appeared
“S;G Status: Super Secret, special summer announcement soon”

AX is during summer. The hints keep piling up.