Updated design system

Lately, I’ve been updating my work to increase the level of detail in it while minimizing the extrenuous lines and decals. This is mainly because I have a fervent dislike of frill suits and cumbersome designs that do not work in practice. This means that I am constantly getting rid of my old designs in the favor of making a new one. Although the old design may have worked to me before, redesigning it makes me notice the crapload of flaws in the old one. Basically, I’m embarassed at them and I will throw them away now.

Before I designed these, I made 10 more before them in the span of about 12 hours. (not consecutive) What i kept noticing was that the old ones, were more and more frequently wasting a lot of their bulk (which was the general idea since it was supposed to be a progression thing) so to design these, I did the opposite and tried to make use of every individual part. The result is what you see here.

Forgive me for saying this but every time i draw main characters for my stuff, I always make them girls because guys are overpopulated. And this character is no different. I call her knives for the large amount of swords and knives she is carrying. The last one was pretty good. This one, i just tweaked the suit and the knives a bit. But I got rid of the shorts so that the suit could be one piece. The shorts seemed a bit awkward. You would not have seen the old design but the old design had some HUGE boots. You do NOT want to know.

I did this character based on his old design. I did not need to change much because he was fine as he was.

I call this guy, the overlooked guy. This is mainly because while the other two stand out, this guy fades into the background. Nothing much i could do. Out of all the characters, he has the least amount of change because in fact, I based the rest of their costumes on this guy’s old designs. Kinda ironic.

Chickfest. Because I like drawing chicks more than guys. Just don’t ask me to draw Hentai.

Nice :wink:

OMG… are those the… EVA 0Legend and EVA 0Exia ? :lol:

You are teh loserx! XD

Naw. The two machines were not based off EVAs. (As much as I hate to admit it as EVAs are awesome) Instead, they are made to be less organic in appearance so they focus a bit more on the mechanical structure over the basic design scheme. For a better translation, I designed these things to look, well like machines.

Also, their basis was aimed more at, believe it or not, the Gundam Thrones. XD (they are named Altair, Axis and Atlas) There was one more to round out the bunch (Arc) but that one is another story altogether. (totally different vibe) The Altair (not depicted) featured a folding buster rifle based on the throne Eins (because it rocked so much) and a wire anchor as its main weapons.

The second unit, the Axis was originally supposed to be designed for melee but then I was like “Fark it” and I gave it the X shaped backpack module. Originally it wasn’t even supposed to be remote pods at all. The whole thing was supposed to come off and be able to be swung around like a Roman shield or thrown like a Shuriken (that comes back). Then I was like “hey why not” so I threw in the Pods just for the heck of it. There weren’t supposed to be 8 but I was like “why waste the opportunity?”

The third one has one thing in mind. Total and utter destruction. The core in the center is the main focus of its weapons. It has a literal slew of guns (shoulders, hips, wings, arms, externals) for god knows what situation. But all that is mainly cover for the huge focus core. (In the story, it was something stolen off the main character’s unit) The wings will fold and jack into the 4 slots on the torso to focus on the core. Then using all 5 points, it charges up a big one for the ages.

The fourth one however, is completely different in its approach but I didn’t post it.

I don’t believe it…
But I will trust you since I don’t even remember what the thrones looked like (who cares about the thrones ? Just kill Nena… and cut her left hand to put it on Louise’s arm).

That’s what we call a “boomerang”.

Send your arts to Sunrise. It seems they need some inspiration since the new mechs in the next season of Gundam 00 look at little too much like the mechs of Code Geass.

EDIT : No in fact the second mech is not the EVA 0Exia but the “Zeroshiki Exia” (it has the same head as the Zeroshiki (patlabor)).

The Thrones (not joking AT ALL). Even the pilots are a bit like them. Unit 1 is a bit methodical, unit 2 is a sadist and unit 3 has too much time on her hands. Personally, I still love the Throne Eins (The rifle is huggles!). But Nena can go to hell for all I care. I’m still griping that the pilot of Gundam Cherudim is still Lockon though, I wanted Felt to pilot it… T_T She would have been so awesome…

And no, that is not exactly a boomerang. It spins like a buzzsaw and can continuously seek new targets to attack. It can also be commanded to separate in midflight for rapid deployment.

I don’t even know Sunrise’s address much less inclined to send it to them. I mean seriously, I don’t even speak Japanese. And just to note, i designed the heads to be similar to the Guren Nishiki seeing as I like the streamline from the face to the helm.

I surprise myself.


… No sorry what i mean is “It’s not a gundam…”. :slight_smile:


It’s amazing how twincest makes everything twice better. :mrgreen:


LOL, the character was supposed to have a split personality not be twins XD

Not my area of expertise, since I’ve never laid a foot in manga/comic production, however from the hearsay I’ve picked up: it’s not detail but speed that gives an artist stress in the commercial market. Apparently being able to draw at a high quality level, while cranking out image after image in a rapid pace, is the key to survival.


I suppose that’s what makes an artist the same as a programmer, since it’s the same thing, only code instead of art.

The ability to crank out the code is not needed in a LARGE variety of programming jobs. So it just ends up as to what the work is.

For most programming, the ability to solve puzzles is a much better bonus then write a lot of lines quickly.

Lol this makes me wonder how many pictures he has done this to, Edit(sorry I should know better than to give you just 1 laugh face) :lol: :lol: -2 thumbs up-