
Ok peeps

Today I decided to try this game out since its been lying around just waiting for it since the begining of august.
Now I’ve encountered 3 problems were as one of them is quite major.

1:I’m having the same stupid text problem as i’m having with Princess Knights,I simply put it can’t see any text at all,I only see the little arrow that tells me to push any button to proceed. Well this is minor since I can’t read japanese anyway but its irritating not to see anyhting compared to text I can’t read.

2:Seriously there must be some music in this game right? I have sound effects (doors opening,sword slashes etc) but there just isn’t any music to be heard and frankly that bothers me :confused:

3:Now comes the big poo poo,for christ sake can someone please tell me that my computer is stupid and that there is speech in this game? I can’t hear a single thing and that renders this game completly unplayable for me. (I might not be able to read but I can hear well enough to comprehend japanese)
And It would be rather odd if a game made 2002 (correct me if i’m wrong) doesn’t have speech in it,if it indeed doesn’t have speech i’m going to bash my head in the wall and then commit suicide in a horrible way

sorry dude, but there is NO speech for this game…go figure. I was surprised that there is no speech, but I can live with it; a game doesn’t necessarily have to have speech for it to be good. If you cannot comprehend written japanese, more power to ya…

the music? The music is on one of the CDs via cd-da; refer to the user manual…if you can run the game there is absolutely no way there is no background music.

text, can’t help you with that if you are not running japanese windows.

…seriously if you can’t read japanese you will find this game to be impossible to beat unless someone teaches you the battle mechanics. You can learn them via the tutorials offered in the game, but you will have to be able to read the tutorial text first…

but yup, no speech :stuck_out_tongue: don’t know if you should bash your head against the wall or commit suicide though

No seppuku for you, Gurra! grabs the sword and throws it away before you do anything stupid

Well, in a worst case scenario, you’ve at least got a mom who can translate it for you, right? . envious

ARGH %¤/"%!&#&&

Not the answer I wanted to hear so to say but i’m happy that atleast it wasn’t my cash that went down the drain :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I think Iknow how to fix the music problems then (music run straight from cd’s doesn’t work in win98 on my computer,only in XP)

But seriously Lamuness,what could possibly be so complicated about the combat system?
I tried the first fight and there wasn’t any trouble in the world there,do they perhaps introduce some kind of super combo specials later or?

Kagami:Well the strange thing is that the game actually works even worse in XP with japanese mode activated :confused:
I still can’t see the text and no sound at all works there and the game gets laggy as hell (starting to really hate XP)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
No seppuku for you, Gurra! *grabs the sword and throws it away before you do anything stupid*

Well, in a worst case scenario, you've at least got a mom who can translate it for you, right? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. *envious*

hehe well that is true tough but as the problem with me not seing the text still remains,the game is simply unplayable for anyone here :P

Originally posted by Lamuness:
If you cannot comprehend written japanese, more power to ya...

Oh, please, don't be mean! I am still trying to tackle the 1880 Yoyo-Kanji. The japanese kids learn them over a period of at least 6 years (starting after elementary school), so I think it's reasonable to think twice, before trying to learn them and instead to rely on the spoken words.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
the music? The music is on one of the CDs via cd-da; refer to the user manual...if you can run the game there is absolutely no way there is no background music.

... but maybe, the direct connection-cable between CDRom-Drive and soundcard is missing? This would kill any CD-DA-Music as far as I know.

well, unicorn, solely relying on listening to understand a bishoujo game is very difficult, mainly because it’s not always 100% speech…sure, a majority of the girls have voices, but male voices are a rarety, especially for the main character who you take the role of. So you only get to know only say half of what’s happening…

for the cd-da problem, ya like unicorn said check the cd-da cable first…but I wonder why it works in XP but not in win98…are the 2 OS on different computers?

actually, yes, the combat system is pretty simple, but if you don’t know how the wasu (skill) system works you will not be able to unleash multiple attack combos (and multiple healing spells) and your ultimate attack at the end; therefore if you just rely on simple attacks you will be put into a disadvantage during the second half of the game…not saying that it’s impossible (it may be impossible or extremely difficult though for the last boss in my opinion because I think you have a time limit for the last battle…I think), but definitely less fun and enjoyable. I tried explaining the wasu system to one the translators but he still couldn’t understand so I told him to go figure out by himself via the tutorials. I guess it will be difficult to explain how the wasu system works by just me talking about it…please figure it out through the tutorials.

anyhow, good luck with the game…it’s worth playing even though it has no speech.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well, unicorn, solely relying on listening to understand a bishoujo game is very difficult, mainly because it's not always 100% speech....sure, a majority of the girls have voices, but male voices are a rarety, especially for the main character who you take the role of.

Of cause, you're right about that!
I myself had to give up partially on Dokusen and OMnY because of this until I know enough Kanji. Exactly this was, why I asked some weeks ago, if anyone has seen any b-games with Furigana: They help memorizing some more Kanji in context (and are more fun to read).

But, so far, no one seems to know other games than the one, I have already mentioned myself on that post: "Gakuen ojousama Kitan!"

Kagami: hides one of his arms inside his sleeve NOOO IT’S NOT TRUE!!! O__O

And after making my sexy Luke Skywalker impersonation I will simply say that I hate my computer and i’ll kill it one day when i’ve finally got a computer that has parts from manufacturers that still exist >__<

I’ll probably just go back to my good ol’ Studio E-go games then (yay everyone has voices in their games and they work on my computer) =)

Originally posted by Gurvon:
Kagami: *hides one of his arms inside his sleeve* NOOO IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! O__O

And after making my sexy Luke Skywalker impersonation I will simply say that I hate my computer and i'll kill it one day when i've finally got a computer that has parts from manufacturers that still exist >__<

I'll probably just go back to my good ol' Studio E-go games then (yay everyone has voices in their games and they work on my computer) =)

Heh, I think you forgot one phrase in your Luke Skywalker impersonation [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. But if you want to kill off your computer one day, feel free to ask me about borrowing my katana to do the "bloody deed" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh, I think you forgot one phrase in your Luke Skywalker impersonation [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. But if you want to kill off your computer one day, feel free to ask me about borrowing my katana to do the "bloody deed" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].
What are you talking about? He will use a laser-saber, not just a katana! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
What are you talking about? He will use a laser-saber, not just a katana! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Really? Erm, then... *changes katana into a laser-katana* There! Good enough? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. Then again, there is weapons that can withstand the blow of a laser-sabel without taking any damage. The Siths were fond of those during their "Golden Age", or so I've heard.