Very Quick Quickies

nothing special, and nowhere close to official…it’s mainly on LMM; i dunno what’s happening with doushin yet

lmm is in its final stages now; we are doing some final polishing and debugging on the game. the manual is 99% done but it wont go to the printers without me proofing it first (i didn’t write the manual). peter told me the testing will be done in 2-3 weeks, but he is just being optimistic and i always take his timing with a grain of salt so i would change that to 2-3 months instead :stuck_out_tongue: anyways i dont see a reason why lmm can’t be out before the end of this year though

and after reading the “next crowd game” thread, we will consider doing miss you and we will ask the president of crowd about it the next time we bug him about xc3 and doushin. again, we are just CONSIDERING to do it, we are not offically doing this title yet

Cool beans. Thanks for keeping us informed Lamune.

Indeed this is very good information and very good to hear that, if all goes well, LMM could be out by the end of the year.

Not going to say what I fear about manuals and printers, hasn’t happen in a few games shouldn’t happen this one knocks on wood.

Also interesting and hopeful news for the game you are considering as one to talk to next time you talk to the President of Crowd.

Thanks for the updates, one side question, conflicting info, the front page of Peach Princess says the translation for XC3 is 1/3 but I thought Peter said 50%, any idea which estimate is closer to being the about where it is? Just curious for the sake of curiousity. Again, thanks for these updates.

does it really matter? 33% or 50%…

well my collegue ex-woo who is doing the translation for xc3 is not online at the moment, i will ask him later

Originally posted by Lamuness:
does it really matter? 33% or 50%....

well my collegue ex-woo who is doing the translation for xc3 is not online at the moment, i will ask him later

Does it really matter, probably not, but 50% is a little closer to having a major step done.

Thanks for the update Lamuness
Realy god news this (^_^)

Originally posted by SCDawg:

Does it really matter, probably not, but 50% is a little closer to having a major step done.

Exactly. Its not too terribly important, but might be useful for someone who doesn't read this thread.
Originally posted by Lamuness:
and after reading the "next crowd game" thread, we will consider doing miss you and we will ask the president of crowd about it

That surprised me and is probably going to surprise him as well...

Well, I finished the translation of Doushin quite a while back so the smart money is on Doushin before X/3

…then again, Bravesoul was released before Gibo and Gibo was the first thing that I worked on so the order I work on them doesn’t seem to have much bearing on the actual progress of the projects ^^

As for the progress on XC3, I’d put it right at around 45% right now…soon to be 50% :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to think Doushin is first but with the tech issues Lamuness mentioned earlier I wonder how that will effect the timing, hopefully not at all.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
does it really matter? 33% or 50%....

well my collegue ex-woo who is doing the translation for xc3 is not online at the moment, i will ask him later

Well it looks better seeing it 50% done, course then we'll have all these questions by people asking how long does it take to get the other 50% done [img][/img] In either case good news from Lamuness and thanks for keeping us in the loop.

Thanks for the update!
I am happy to see that the game i was and am looking forward to is nearing completion. LMM in this year - would be great!

Now if only Sakikage doesn’t get any technological problems. ^hope^

Thank you for the updates, Lamuness.
Much appreciated.

Starts X/3 chant… .

well, as far as I know, I have been promised the Doushin editing project, but Peter hasn’t contacted me about it yet, so I would guess it is not completely ready for the next step yet

what? i thought u r given sakigake…i told him i would take doushin instead because i have no time to play through a strategy game

really? oh, then maybe i just wasn’t informed that you got Doushin as a swap for sakigake

he said a while back he’d be happy to give me doushin, but it wasn’t completely translated at that point and he didnt know when it would be ready for editing

then later he asked if i wanted sakigake, but didn’t say instead of doushin, so i thought i had both projects

no problem on my end as long as i have a project, there’s just some confusion

Thanks for the update!