Viper Paradice Questions

I just picked up Viper Paradice and played it for the first time yesterday. Anyone who has played it can you answer a couple questions?
1. When I pick up movie cards and try to play the movie it does not play, why is this, do I need multiple copies or something?
2. What is the point of the telecards, you can use them and they play sounds, does this give you money or anything?
3. Whats the difference between gold movie cards and silver.
4. What do you win if you win a duel? I have tried 5 times now and neither me or my opponent won the duel…
5. What the hell is that millionaire guy that moves around the board.

I think that is it for now. Thanks for any answers you can provide.

Depite the fact that for some reason Viper Paradice only works 1 out of every 5 times I play it, I think I know some of the answers:

1. Nope, you don’t need multiple copies to get them to play. I think there’s a setting somewhere that you can set as to when or if a movie plays when you get a movie card.

2. I don’t think they do, or at least I never noticed anything yet. I think there’s some sort of bonus for them on certain types of the game, but I can’t remember for sure.

3. The gold movie card gives you all 5 of the movies in that row.

4. You get money from the loser. Though I’m surprised that neither you nor your opponent ever won. Usually one of us lucks out in the duel.

5. Not sure, except I think one time I was playing, one of my opponents ran out of money and she sold cards to him but that’s the only thing I saw. (I think that’s what happened, some of the screens flash by pretty quickly…)

Hope that helps a little Bigdog-san. Probably a few of the others can give better fleshed out answers…

Originally posted by Bigdog:
I 2. What is the point of the telecards, you can use them and they play sounds, does this give you money or anything?

The telephone cards can mean the difference between winning and losing a game. Using a telephone card will allow you to gain 100 viper money per space moved after you use it. Each card you play also stacks with all previous uses. so, if you've used 5 telephone cards you'll get 500 viper money per space moved. Best to use in a longer game (Get all movies Game). Another Good time to use it is the turn before using a two die or three die card.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 10-31-2002).]

Well I beat the game for the first time today and acquired all but one movie card in that game, I now realized how many movie cards this game actually holds! Which is great, I should get quite a bit of play time trying to get them all. I actually did figure out one of my questions, which was why the movies did not play. If anyone has this problem you have to explore the Viper Paradice CD and run the file inside the “patch” directory. But now I have another question, thanks for the previous answers.
Does anyone know how to unlock the secret movie card? I get these and pass the checkpoints and they still don’t do anything, I tried clicking on one at the checkpoint and it showed me the movie but said since I clicked on it I lost the card…
I have a question for Doug, I am assuming since I read in another thread you talking about the lingerie series that you have played at least one of them. What did you think? Can you send me a review or anything via email? I would love any info you could provide, also are the movies contained different between Paradice and Lingerie Black/Red etc.

Originally posted by Doug:
The telephone cards can mean the difference between winning and losing a game. Using a telephone card will allow you to gain 100 viper money per space moved after you use it. Each card you play also stacks with all previous uses. so, if you've used 5 telephone cards you'll get 500 viper money per space moved. Best to use in a longer game (Get all movies Game). Another Good time to use it is the turn before using a two die or three die card.

Cool, never noticed that before. But like I mentioned, everything seems to fly around pretty fast at times and I probably would never have noticed it on my own. (Heck, half the time, I barely get a chance to read how much a player is losing or gaining in yen when they land on the various spaces.)

Just some more comments to this, according to my observations (I wrote a review about “Paradice” last weekend, so I have to add my 2 cents):

Originally posted by Bigdog:
1. When I pick up movie cards and try to play the movie it does not play, why is this, do I need multiple copies or something?

As you already figured, you need the new codec from the patch-folder(this bothered me also a bit).

Originally posted by Bigdog:
5. What the hell is that millionaire guy that moves around the board.

If your piece/character stops his move at the place where he stands, he gives you a spin of the wheel of luck.
(If his move ends on the field where your character stands, it works if yopu use a card that lets your piece remain on its current position (for example a telephone card))

Originally posted by Bigdog:

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Does anyone know how to unlock the secret movie card? I get these and pass the checkpoints and they still don’t do anything, I tried clicking on one at the checkpoint and it showed me the movie but said since I clicked on it I lost the card…

At the end of the game, one of the animations is declared as the secret movie and is added to your collection, if you have the secret movie card (and if you have it multiple times, as much copies of the animations are added to yout collection).

Thanks Unicorn, I did figure out what the millionaire guy was and now since I play a money game (first to 100 wins) I try to implement some strategy of hitting this guy for a chance to win money . But I had not figured out what the secret card was yet, thanks for that info, but if that movie decided at the end is the secret card then what is the Viper Red Mystery Card that is supposed to unlock if you win, which I might add I had this card, won the game and nothing special happened. (That was a nice run on sentence)

Bleh, both times I won, the “secret movie” declared was the “viper” ones, you know with the snake? What fun is that?

I don’t know why I bothered with the money game, I won that but I only ended up with two new silver movies. Sigh, guess I got to play the “find all the movie” game a few more times… (I know, it’s just such a bother to play this game right? )

Originally posted by ekylo:
Sigh, guess I got to play the "find all the movie" game a few more times... (I know, it's just such a bother to play this game right? [img][/img])

I don't think so.
In fact, I usually play with that finishing condition and build all my strategy for that kind of play (it's simply most effective in order to collect the movies [img][/img] ).

Actually I play the money game and typically get all but 1 or 2 movies when I win. I may just be lucky though I don’t know, The line change cards can help alot .