Virus alert!

about 3 hours after I posted in the Game Editor position thread that I emailed an application, I received an email containing a zipfile w/ a VIRUS from

The subject say: "Re: Application"

And here’s the result of the Nortonscan is:

Scan result: Virus W32.Sobig.E@mm found. File not cleaned.

Please be on the lookout for this email!!!

The zipfile attachment is 110k, which is suspicious in itself.

Please post here if anyone else received this email.

Yeah it’s one of those new confirmed viri going around now. Many people will probably see it.
The fact that the subject was application was simply a coincidence (it can be either Re: Application or Re: Movie).
This virus is set to self expire July 14th 03. No need to panic :slight_smile:

Believe it or not, this is the first time I ever received a virus in the mail from anyone in the past 8 years I’ve been online. :confused:

This is the newest vector for virus transmission. A lot of viruses can read your address books now, and they’ll simply email themselves to everyone in it when you get infected.

Yeah that’s pretty much what this one does, until the 14th that is ^_^;;.

whats sooo special about the 14th anywayz? the dudes gunna get hundreds of free B-Games in the post?


I have no idea. I was just told that the 14th of July is when the virus stops spreading itself.
It’s a spam virus, used to collect emails and send out more spam. I guess the creator only wanted it to stay active for so long…
who knows.

[This message has been edited by H-Gurl (edited 06-29-2003).]

Call me callous…

But anyone nowadays who’s foolish enough to open unsolicited attachments sorta deserves to have their hardrive formatted by a virus. They’re messing up things for the rest of us… How many times has the net been brought crawling to a halt because of virus’s like that?

Here’s a hint:
Unless you are expecting it, never EVER open an attachment. If you aren’t expecting it, but it’s from a friend, just send an e-mail to confirm he sent it.

Well in this case I think he opened it cause he’d sent an application by email to PP,and figured it was a reply. It happens ^^

Another hint:
If you get a mail that contains a “RE: Any Subject Here”, and you never sent out a mail to anyone with the said subject, don’t open it.

(ex: I get “RE: About the game” in my mailbox. If I never sent a message to anyone with the subject About the game, I shouldn’t be getting a RE :(reply) ^^;
It’s computer generate spam almost 100% of the time). Spam is just getting smarter.

[This message has been edited by H-Gurl (edited 06-29-2003).]

Originally posted by GnatB:
Call me callous...

But anyone nowadays who's foolish enough to open unsolicited attachments sorta deserves to have their hardrive formatted by a virus. They're messing up things for the rest of us... How many times has the net been brought crawling to a halt because of virus's like that?

Here's a hint:
Unless you are expecting it, never *EVER* open an attachment. If you aren't expecting it, but it's from a friend, just send an e-mail to confirm he sent it.

You're callous. You expect too much of the general population.

Certainly, anyone who knows better (or ought to know better) and opens the attachment anyway is foolish. That's not to say everyone ought to know better. People who don't know anything about computers might not even know what "executable" means, or why its bad, or what kinds of files are executable. People may not even know what an extension is, since there's an option on Windows machines to hide it (an utterly stupid move on MS' part, one of many).

Don't confuse ignorance with stupidity. One is easily correctable. Yes, people who practice poor 'net security harm the community as a whole. If you're going to assign blame, though, most of it can go to Microsoft for having such poor security in the first place.

Yeah, I got that nonsense as well, and since they came from that means the free email accounts were the easy means of this virus transmission. I just dumped that crap.

Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
whats sooo special about the 14th anywayz?

Vive la France! (sp? OLF, care to correct my spelling?) Now, not that I am saying anything bad about France, it is just a coincidence.

[This message has been edited by fxho (edited 06-29-2003).]

Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
whats sooo special about the 14th anywayz? the dudes gunna get hundreds of free B-Games in the post?
The world as you know it will cease to be as billions of virii will trap you all in The World without a possibility to log out, then make it merge with The Wired. Then Lain-sama will reformat a brave new world, after sending her Herald Aura-sama to gather the Chosen. [img][/img]
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
The world as you know it will cease to be as billions of virii will trap you all in The World without a possibility to log out, then make it merge with The Wired. Then Lain-sama will reformat a brave new world, after sending her Herald Aura-sama to gather the Chosen. [img][/img]

ho ho ho ho ho, that would be cool....i think will it get rid of them AOL class spammers???? or jus make 2ice as much,

oh an i dun get no e-mails from hotmail/yahoo/msn/aol an the likes of em ^^ they get auto-deleted b4 i get em ^^ cool huh


oh an i dun get no e-mails from hotmail/yahoo/msn/aol an the likes of em ^^ they get auto-deleted b4 i get em ^^ cool huh


Except SBC DSL and hundreds of thousands of legitimate accounts get assigned domain addresses by default. If you start blacklisting domains, before long you'll be blocking 90% of all users.

Originally posted by perigee:
Except SBC DSL and hundreds of thousands of legitimate accounts get assigned domain addresses by default. If you start blacklisting domains, before long you'll be blocking 90% of all users.

AND where is the problem with that??? their problem for gettin yahoo accounts got nuffing to do with me jus so happens thats where most spam comes from, an since i dun wanna waste my time blocking thousends of individual adresses i jus make life easy an kill the domain simple no?


Originally posted by H-Gurl:
Well in this case I think he opened it cause he'd sent an application by email to PP,and figured it was a reply. It happens ^_^

Another hint:
If you get a mail that contains a "RE: Any Subject Here", and you never sent out a mail to anyone with the said subject, don't open it.

(ex: I get "RE: About the game" in my mailbox. If I never sent a message to anyone with the subject About the game, I shouldn't be getting a RE [img][/img]reply) ^_^;
It's computer generate spam almost 100% of the time). Spam is just getting smarter.

[This message has been edited by H-Gurl (edited 06-29-2003).]

Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't open the attachment. I did a nortonscan and saw that the zip file was infected. [img][/img]

but using the PP board to get my email address is a rather dirty trick. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Ecchifan (edited 06-30-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You're callous. You expect too much of the general population.

Certainly, anyone who knows better (or ought to know better) and opens the attachment anyway is foolish. That's not to say everyone ought to know better. People who don't know anything about computers might not even know what "executable" means, or why its bad, or what kinds of files are executable. People may not even know what an extension is, since there's an option on Windows machines to hide it (an utterly stupid move on MS' part, one of many).

Don't confuse ignorance with stupidity. One is easily correctable. Yes, people who practice poor 'net security harm the community as a whole. If you're going to assign blame, though, most of it can go to Microsoft for having such poor security in the first place.

correct me if i'm wrong, but don't some viruses send emails using the infected user's account w/o his/her knowledge? if so, would you still blame the victim in this case?

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
but using the PP board to get my email address is a rather dirty trick. [img][/img]

That's true but it's a problem that most board listings have. You can always remove your contact information. You just sort of have to decide if keeping your contact information up is worth the added spam you'll get from people picking up your address from various scans.

And to let you know, and to show you how demented I am, I occassionally purposely open up infected emails to a) verify that my virus scan would catch them in the event I went brain dead one day and b) it's sort of funny reading the virus codes at times. I wish people would stop automatically assuming all virus writers are real coders, some are obviously kit bashed and others are just downright pathetic. And I think I once again showed how much of a geek I am... [img][/img]