Visual Novel or Multi-Path?

Wanted to start up a new topic here, since people seem to be somewhat weary of the wait and so I thought I’d start something to get everyone’s nogging working.

Which type of gameplay do you prefer, Visual Novel or Multi-Path? As of lately I’ve been leaning toward Visual Novel, probably because I find the amount of free time available to me quickly dwindling, and I’ve found Visual Novels to be quite satisfying as they tend to have quite strong stories, can be played through like reading a good book, and can take a long time to finish but can also be easily put down with a bookmark like a real book. Multi-paths can be kind of tedious sometimes, when one isn’t quite sure what flag he missed and can take much more time than a single path visual novel. Amy’s Fantasies, Desire, Nocturnal Illusion are just some examples of single path visual novel games I’ve played, and yes, they are ordered according to rank.

Well, implementation makes a big difference, of course.

Having to frustratedly click through what looks like the same options over and over again trying to find the one that lets you move on is insanity-inducing no matter whether there’s only one right way or many right ways. For this reason, I didn’t get very far into Nocturnal Illusions.

Well normally i like the multi path, though snow drop was frustrating to me… anyway Chain is essencially 1 path, however the story makes it VERY interesting, so if qualifies as a visual novel… so be it i like them too.

However the pointless clicking of legend of faries was just retarded… and the story was… ok it was terrible…

Anyway im trying to say, it just depends on the story.

Story is paramount to me when playing a Bishojo game. Art is second.

I like both formats. While I like multi-path adventures, I also like the visual novels as well. Preference would be toward the multi-path type. I like seeing every potential permutation of a story, and it answers that age old question. “I wonder what would happen if I had done that differently.”

Visual Novels have always been a nice effect in the ripple of my life, but lately I’ve been waddling through the multi-paths games, which too me, seem very time constricting and a little frustrating, though still entertaining and at times, enjoyable. So, when I want to have a nice relaxing moment, I’ll go with the visual novels, but when I want something with a little variety, I’ll play the multi-paths.

Well, I prefer Multiple-path over Visual Novels any day. Maybe this is becuase that I’ve had very disappoining encounters with those int he past, but even so, I like it best when I can control my own character, isntead of getting “dummy-plugged” and just go along with the flow…

I find single path visual novels with fake story options like Desire and Nocturnal Illusions somewhat tedious, although the stories and graphics may be good. Multi-path novels have more replay value and make better use of the capability of the PC. You get several stories in one game with well written multi-path novels.

Multi-path all the way. Visual novels don’t even feel like real games…

I have to say visual novels if the plot and game mechanics are done well. Chain is a good example of plot and mechanics done well. Multi-path games are also good. But I just get annoyed when the paths don’t really branch out into new areas. So you end up rereading bascially the same things after you finish the game once.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Visual Novel or Multi-Path?

Pardon my ignorance, but wherein lies the difference?

I have both Shirow Masamune's GUN DANCING and PILE-UP. These were fine examples of what e-manga could be, with extras that turn them into more than mere page turners, but living manga.

I imagine Visual Novels would be the same. So, may I make the assuption that VNs have only a single path? I'm not sure I would consider that a gaming format, if so.

Circuitry Bear

[This message has been edited by Circuitry Bear (edited 03-31-2003).]

It’s a recurrent thread, so I’ll just post links to my precedent posts…
On 12.3.2001 and on 01.28.2002.

Hmm, like Doug-san, the story is my main factor, rather than format. I do like them both. Guess I’d favor more towards multi-path since my top two favorite games are Kana and Snow Drop.

multi-path. though I won’t shy away from a visual novel.

I like multi-path better because visual novel usually make me stuck for some times when I played it(especially Eve Burst Error)