VN Music and Remixes

I’m playing Natsuzora no Perseus and I’m so far not impressed (only finished one route so far - the imouto route - but they go by rather quick so I’ll probably clear the title by the end of the week.)
The story is full of the elements I like in eroge but I’m not enjoying reading this. Rather than embracing the short script size like ef did, Perseus feels stifled by it. Many scenes are skipped (some due to the fact that the game insists on having zero characters outside of the protagonist and four heroines - so any scene that would require anyone else is dropped. It’s also the reason the class has no teacher*), characters are extremely unnatural even given the setting; moreso than my ability to suspend disbelief will allow - and honestly I just don’t buy the entire story. It’s going to take quite a turn-around for me to end up liking this.

It looks pretty and has great music though.

*This is not unique to Perseus, but it should be pointed out that titles that do this are typically ‘closed space’ eroges that have a reason to exclude background characters, like Pandora no Yume, Cross Channel and Shoin- and even those had more characters than this.