VN's that have moved you

Welcome to the forums, as well as congratulations on finding a very interesting hobby.

I can’t really remember the last one I played that triggered something like this for me. I think it might have been Chaos Head watching the character go more and more insane to the point you actually feel bad for the guy, or even want to just smack him. It’s been a while since I last played it, though I plan to do so again once the English translation is complete.

YMK certainly had the same effect on me, however, anger wasn’t hard to come by on Aeka’s route. As to bad happening, I wouldn’t call it as bad as Aeka’s route, but they were certainly good reads as well. All three were pretty top quality.

If you haven’t already played it, I highly recommend finding yourself a copy of Ever 17 if you don’t have one already. I remember seeing a copy on Amazon a while back, though I doubt that lasted long.

Hmmm, let’s see. YMK was a good one, eliciting feelings of anger (Aeka’s route), guilt (anytime you don’t do Aeka’s route), and (some may find this odd) depression (the end of Kirimiya’s route, and no I’m not talking about the detailed bad end). Kana - Little Sister was extremely depressing, and the secret character’s route in Crescendo was also quite sad. For eliciting utter hatred (on the part of what we call “light siders”, of which I am one), there is Hitomi - My Stepsister. In that one I kept wanting to beat the crap out of and strangle the protagonist you play in the game. I think that about covers the strongest emotions I’ve felt playing these games.

Dan_G, welcome to the wondrous wold of visual novels!

YMK has a LOT of drama, so don’t be surprised if you find it also touches you on the other routes. It’s one of the more emotionally powerful stories currently available.

The true ending (aka Vampire Road) on MinDeaD BlooD: Mayu to Mana no Yuketso Hako. I watched the sequence over and over again. It was a total “Oh Hell Yes!” experience. One of the best dark eroge endings I’ve seen… it’s masterfully executed.

To a lesser extent: the credit sequence to the true ending of Gore Screaming Show gave me that “this kicks so much ass” feeling.

While not an eroge, the ending in Sakura Taisen 4 was heart touching. The ending theme song Kimi yo, Hana yo was beautiful, having all the Taisen girls singing with Oogami confessing his feelings. It finally meant Oogami picked one of the girls he loved most, ending his harem once and for all (canonically Sakura of course), and the part of the song where the girls sing without music is especially sad: it represents the girls who weren’t chosen. So many broken hearts… yet all of them strong enough to continue on and find another. They say it best:

Oogami Ichiro to the girl he finally picks: “Waga inochi no hana yo. Kimi yo. Hana yo.

Beautiful song. Simply beautiful. 8)

Welcome!!! :slight_smile:

Let you know that three Japanese Bookstores locate at Manhattan. I will check more Japanese bookstores at New York City later.

Kinokunlya Bookstore-
1073 Avenue of the Americas

Asahiya Bookstores- … c-new-york
360 Madison

Book Off
14 East 41st Street


Oh no, I thought I could let “Sakura Taisen” end for me with the third part (got hooked on that one thanks to some videos on YouTube (“Ohayoo - Bonjour” anyone? :lol: )) and now it seems like I have to do continue to the fourth part too… :shock:

Well, at least it seems like the fifth part could be ignored! Sayonara, samurai-cowgirl Gemini! :twisted:

Dude. I can’t believe you’d pass on Sakura Taisen 4. :shock:

It’s not a bad game… it was just rushed. You can tell there was supposed to be more than the game presented (there isn’t enough cat fighting between the lovely girls), but seeing as how the Dreamcast was terminated during development of ST4, it’s understandable why the developers cut everything short. Nonetheless: the ending sequence was planned out. They knew how everything would finish… they just didn’t get all the time and resources to make it the best and greatest of all Sakura Taisens.

As for Sakura Taisen 5… yea… it’s pretty pathetic. They ran out of original ideas and recycled the old stuff… badly too. Unfortunately, it’s the Sakura Taisen that’s getting an official English translation. Ratchet was cool at least.

The franchise isn’t dead yet though… there’s rumors that ST6 will feature the Berlin Kagekidan. However Ouji Hiroi is giving the series a long rest for now: brainstorming new ideas, figuring out what he did wrong with ST5, and determining which system it will be developed on (my bet is XBOX). There’s still one more member of the Hoshigumi that hasn’t been revealed… I think ST6 will have her as the “default girl” or something. I’m crossing my fingers for German twincest. :wink:

According to ST5, Ratchet is supposedly going there. I assume Leni might make an appearance. Then there’s the entire Paris unit available for a cameo or two. :lol:

Also it has to be said: NAZI’s… you can’t have a Steampunk set in Germany’s wartime 1900’s without evil NAZI’s to kick around. :twisted:

zokin from heaven’s feel of FSN and the protagonist i just hated him because he was pathetic so much so i couldn’t finish the game
and YMK i hated the bully girl
eldin from princess waltz was a real ass

Well…I dont khow if you guys forgot or didnt like it… but i always remember the true ending( final ending) of Figure of Happiness.
The girl, Minamo, loves the boy, Rio but everytime she realize her feelings, shes already dead. After that (life), her soul returns to a world of spirit or something like that and awaits to be reborn again, fall in love again and die again. An endless, tragic cycle. Then, in a certain time before the reincarnation, Minamo and Rio’s souls made a wish: they would change their fate and lived together even if its only one lifetime in the neverending cycle. In this lifetime, their promise before they were born became a unforgetable memory telling them to seek out each other. And before the events of the game, they met (again) and the unbreakable wall of fate had been broken: Minamo took Rio’s hand and a new, brighter future open to them. The final word of the game is:“I have finally found you, Rio kun”
The beautiful thing is, even if they could live together for one lifetime only, they would never regret it: Its their “true happiness”. Their love crossed over the distance of life and death, breaked even the great wall of destiny…
When i played Clannad, it reminded me alot of FoH (Clannad also has the life-death, reborn, fate change stuffs). Of course Clannad is much more better than FoH, i think no games can compare to Clannad in term of story. But those old Angel Smile’s games is really great, nevertheless, and i love the way they made their games (though they failed, financially). Another the game i like is Heart de Roommate. Well, i have to say that this game is one of the greatest games ive ever played in my life, and also the first Hgame i played.
Everything about HdR is great, but the ending “The place where sunset” struck me entirely when i first played it. I used to think that Hgame is no diff from sexgame but after playing this ending i changed my viewpoint and came to love Bishoujo and VNs…And I’m still waiting for the right time to replay this wonderful game again.

I realize you were trying to justify why you like FoH, but some spoiler tags would have been nice. Thankfully, I realized and stopped reading that part before the end was spoiled. In any case, in time I may add FoH to my list of ones that move me, but first I have to play through fully. (I have the game but haven’t gotten through it yet.)

Everything is said except that if you want to play a sad and depressing game, you should also try Narcissu (it’s a free VN) →
There are a lot of free translated VN available now.

I have great hopes to see you join the lighsiders side :lol:

Wanko to Kurasou was pretty moving i nearly cried near the end

yuka’s story from crescendo was extremely moving all the shit she has had to deal with