
…Most of the B-shojo games have voices on each characters. Also, when they have H- scenes they make sounds or H-voices. How they do that? Anybody know? lol [¬ï√á])¬Å√ü¬ª¬Ø!!

Fake it? Have you ever seen the movie When Harry Met Sally?

Or perhaps it is some standard set of what they call “incidentals” or such sounds they can recycle since most of them sound the same, it is basically just pitch of voice more then matching the sounds to the talking voice right?

Still I am going with faking it, to which some voice actresses probably become very proficient.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-26-2004).]

(¬Å¬Ñ¬Å¬§¬Å¬É¬ÅG¬ÅG ¬±¬æ¬±¬æ¬Å@Probably…they doing the recycle on the voices but from I played or watch anime DVDs maybe they act real. Also, some actors have different voices and they make different voices. If they record different voices they will have different voices. It hard to decide way they act or record the voices and make the game. I need more information. lol Or maybe I will just e-mail them…

Yeah, that’s easy. You just have a girl recording her voice in a studio. Some people can fake erotic moaning better than others. I think that ANY Japanese voice actress does a better job the the English dub voice actresses…

Here’s a question that I have been thinking about. When G-collections or Peach Princess release bishoujo games, the are uncensored. How do they do that? I thought of two ways. First, when the game is being made in Japan the CG is originally uncensored but by law a mosaic is required. So the Japanese company puts a mosaic on the CG and releases the game. Then GC or PeaPri can get the original uncensored CGs from the game company when the aquire the licence. OR, GC and PeaPri don’t get anything but the right to relese an uncensored version. But, to make it uncensored, they just draw over the mosaic with images that were never part of the original CG. What do you guys think? Are the uncensored CGs created in Japan or are they just altered versions of the censored CG?

for older games made eons ago (dos era) it’s possibly the latter (made something us), but as we get more recent and people being more open minded and less strict censorship laws in japan, it’s 99% the former (they do it uncensored at the beginning but they mask everything out) although for time saving purposes usually the censored parts are less articulate (either via drawing and/or coloring), which is why sometimes the penis look rather plain in coloring and shading.

voice acting…of course the japanese ones are way better than the ones here; they do have specialized voice acting schools in japan…while you should have a nice voice (and talent) to begin with, proper training is essential as well.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
voice acting....of course the japanese ones are way better than the ones here; they do have specialized voice acting schools in japan.......while you should have a nice voice (and talent) to begin with, proper training is essential as well.

True enough... even why, in Japan some seiyuus (voice actors) are so importants and famous than live-action actors.
Seiyuus for anime shows, seiyuus for adult anime shows, seiyuus for bishoujo games... there's no difference. They are all artists in the same way and go to the same voice acting school.

Originally posted by Lamuness:

voice acting....of course the japanese ones are way better than the ones here; they do have specialized voice acting schools in japan.......while you should have a nice voice (and talent) to begin with, proper training is essential as well.

That does make a lot of sense, just wondering if they train them to make all the sounds we hear in anime and games, sounds done with voices, or just the basics and they have to learn some more on their own?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
for older games made eons ago (dos era) it's possibly the latter (made something us), but as we get more recent and people being more open minded and less strict censorship laws in japan, it's 99% the former (they do it uncensored at the beginning but they mask everything out) although for time saving purposes usually the censored parts are less articulate (either via drawing and/or coloring), which is why sometimes the penis look rather plain in coloring and shading.

voice acting....of course the japanese ones are way better than the ones here; they do have specialized voice acting schools in japan.......while you should have a nice voice (and talent) to begin with, proper training is essential as well.

I didn't know about the voice acting school. Maybe I herad before. Anyway, true that japanese seiyuus are better then here. I like to check out the voice acting school.

Originally posted by Computermania:
I didn't know about the voice acting school. Maybe I herad before. Anyway, true that japanese seiyuus are better then here. I like to check out the voice acting school.

Well, the claim is that they're getting better in the US. Personally I don't know how much faith I put in this because I'm too used to the Japanese seiyuu to switch now, but we have English dub VA's showing up at anime conventions now - this means there are some who at least care, which is always a good sign.

I’m sure that plenty of US voice actors/actresses are good. For me, I don’t really care if they’re good or not because it’s Japanese animation so I want to watch it in Japanese. We pay enough for it to get it that way. There’s plenty of dubs and American animation on TV already. I’m glad that Peapri doesn’t try to dub games. Usually when mainstream games get dubbed the Japanese track is removed. When they don’t get dubbed it’s probably because they don’t think it’s worth the time and money. But I don’t really want to start any big debate about it since there is already over 20 pages of posts on subs vs dubs on anime nations’s BBS.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I'm glad that Peapri doesn't try to dub games.

....you didn't know that ouji's voice in lmm will feature my voice acting? :P

Originally posted by Lamuness:
....you didn't know that ouji's voice in lmm will feature my voice acting? :P

Of course it won't. I have it on good authority that the disc refused to master properly with Lamuness' voice on it. Something about low standards. So they had to grab Richard Simmons at the last minute.

I think what would help for the short term too with the English dubs, if they could pull it off, is raise those VA’s that are established as close to the status the VA’s in Japan have, and for any gaps temporarly try and place already popular actors and actresses in those roles, sort of what they did for Steel Angel Kurumi.

It might not be practical, but if you have ‘stars’ there it might draw more people to those roles and have more talented people drawn to those roles.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Popular is not always the best.You want people to sound good there, not how well they are on the silver screen. My gripe is that it seems for Adult Anime you got the same two people doing all the voices.

You are right I liked those in Steel Angel Kurumi but popular is not always good. However popular will draw attention to it and perhaps get excellent voice actress/actors that would not have normally considered anime dubs to suddenly consider anime dubs since the popular artists are taking part in the dub process.

In this case having people assume since the popular are doing it, it must be the 'thing to do' might work to the advantage of those that like the dubs.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I'm sure that plenty of US voice actors/actresses are good. For me, I don't really care if they're good or not because it's Japanese animation so I want to watch it in Japanese. We pay enough for it to get it that way. There's plenty of dubs and American animation on TV already. I'm glad that Peapri doesn't try to dub games. Usually when mainstream games get dubbed the Japanese track is removed. When they don't get dubbed it's probably because they don't think it's worth the time and money. But I don't really want to start any big debate about it since there is already over 20 pages of posts on subs vs dubs on anime nations's BBS.

Sub VS Dubs.... I will choose Sub titles because they speak as japanaese language and dialogue is in english. If the anime Dubs I will stay away because from my view it doesn't much.

I actually like the dubs if for no other reason then to see the English actors version of the characters and culture references.

I prefer dubs because it gives a better experience and immerses you better in the world, instead of constantly having to read at the bottom while missing what is happening above.

I also prefer subs because I find most Japanese seiyuu good and most English VAs bad. Reading subtitles without losing sight of the animation is an acquired skill, though. The biggest test for me is Karekano with its multitude of in-frame captions.

How though can we ever hope to have good VA’s, VA’s of the quality that they have in Japan, here if no one supports the work that is out there that might someday lead to good VA’s here?

I thought the 3 episodes per disc was partly about greed on behalf of those making the discs that probably did numerous studies to find out how few shows they could put on a disc and still sell it for about 30.00 dollars.

I can understand costs have to be made up, but 5 bucks more say for 4 episodes per disc would probably also sell many discs. I did not think it had as much to do with needing to sell one or two more discs to cover costs, I am sure they build in at least a little cushion with what they sell and how they sell them.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
How though can we ever hope to have good VA's, VA's of the quality that they have in Japan, here if no one supports the work that is out there that might someday lead to good VA's here?
That doesn't really follow. The quality (or lack of) English dubbing doesn't influence my purchase of anime. Since I rarely listen to the English soundtrack, I wouldn't even notice any improvement. Listening to the original Japanese adds to my enjoyment of the work, even if I don't understand the words. The tone and inflection of the voices convey emotion. Besides, I can slowly acquire a few Japanese expressions as they gain familiarity.

I also agree with woodelf that it would be a shame to lose some of the older series simply because the distributor can't afford the cost of redubbing. I'd hate to have missed a classic like KOR because it was too expensive to bring over.