Waiting on XC2

Calm down, I’m sure we’ll hear something in the Monday update when they takedown the “free shipping” thing.

It would be nice to hear something… It has been a long time since Peach Princess released any games, wasn’t critical point their last? That is over a year now, this worries me.

More Games! More Games! More Games!

Right now all the money i had saved for BS and XC2 is spent. i coudn’t hold out any longer, got other stuff to pay for. right now i have a little money saved up,but if PP doesn’t release a game soon, it could be a long time before i ever buy there games.

and the longer i wait, the more i lose interest in the games, i’m really not hyped about BS as how i use to be. at some point i don’t even care if its released anymore,But XC2 i definalty still want.

please give us some good news PP, i don’t want the next update to just be about G-Collections release Horny Bunnies.

[This message has been edited by Crimson (edited 03-03-2003).]

Originally posted by Bigdog:
[B]It would be nice to hear something... It has been a long time since Peach Princess released any games, wasn't critical point their last? B]

Keep in mind that X-Change 2 was not originally intended to be released as soon as it is.

Kumiko indicated several times on the old site and boards that sales were lower than expected for PeaPri's second wave titles like the gross-out "Water Closet" and the more romance oriented "Snow Drop."

Kumiko expressed genuine shock that X-Change was their best selling title.

Keep in mind, "Brave Soul," "Little My Maid," "Slave Bazaar," and "Critical Point" were all to be released before "X-Change 2."

But the low sales, coupled with the unexpected delays in "Maid," led to severe cost-cutting at Peach Princess. The group moved to smaller offices, Kumiko left, and "Bazaar" (and initially XC2) were placed on "hiatus" in the production process.

The people who post on these boards represent the small but loyal, hardocre fanbase who will buy anything Peach Princess will send down the pike, regardless of amount of sex (or lack thereof) in the game and who genuinely care about things like story, humor and characterization in a game.

Nobody likes to admit it, but X-Change ended up being PeaPri's best seller because of the sheer amount of sex in the game, most notably the fact it has six seperate "I'm being raped but I'm enjoying it" h-scenes, which appeal to perverted fans.

Peach Princess was forced to put "X-Change 2" into the fast-track, along with the equally perverted "Gibo" to try and get a new cash cow going.

Originally posted by ZEN:
Nobody likes to admit it, but X-Change ended up being PeaPri's best seller because of the sheer amount of sex in the game, most notably the fact it has six seperate "I'm being raped but I'm enjoying it" h-scenes, which appeal to perverted fans.

Hmm, I'll admit that may be part of the reason but it's not the only reason. Of the games other than Critical Point, Water Closet tended to be avoided because of the subject matter and Snow Drop, while people enjoyed the story, it got a reputation of being extremely difficult to complete and causing too much frustration among players. So that left many people stuck between choosing X-Change and TCI, and X-Change was cheaper. And some of the people who made that choice, ended up turning away from bishoujo games until G-Collections came along with games like Kana. (That's what I've been gathering from some conversations concerning G-Collections vs. Peach Princess in general.)


Peach Princess was forced to put "X-Change 2" into the fast-track, along with the equally perverted "Gibo" to try and get a new cash cow going.

I don't about being "forced" to put it on the fast track. (And I really don't consider "Gibo" being on a "fast track".) Granted, there is marketing considerations in determining which titles to concentrate on, but other factors are probably contributing like availability of the original material, complexity of the game and amount of resources necessary for the localization process. Like many things in life, there's not just a single, simple answer.

Well I think you missed the point which is that they have not released a game in over a year now. Which in my mind does not bode well. Also I am still hoping that the next newletter I get says something besides:

We are still working on Brave Soul and X-Change 2. They are both translated and in testing.

Just sell me the game now, I will test it for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The fact that G-Collections is cranking out a game every month doesn’t help PeachPrincess look any better. True, G-Collections probably has more resources to devote to translations, but they are embarassing Peachprincess.

Originally posted by kmusky:
True, G-Collections probably has more resources to devote to translations, but they are embarassing Peachprincess.

And embarrassing Peach Princess is a good thing? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

I don’t think he meant it as a good thing. Although I try not to compare Peach Princess to G-Collections as far as release times go (even though I have in the past, I should try not too ;P). There are too many things that factor in to make a accurate comparison. I love the fact that G-Collections is releasing games, but it does not make me like Peach Princess any less. I want them both to do well. I just want to see Peach Princess get their next game out the door, because I am more excited about Brave Soul and X-Change 2 than any of the upcoming G-Collection games right now, well except maybe Kango 2 I am kinda excited about this game ;P. So I am anxious to hear any word on a release.

[This message has been edited by Bigdog (edited 03-04-2003).]

Thank you for defending me, Bigdog, and you are correct, I am not implying that Peachprincess deserves to be embarrassed. Lord knows, pp’s games are a cut above. I am merely stating that PP’s struggles to get a game out are being exagerated by G-collections flooding the market with a new game every month.
In fact I have to wonder if g-collections market flooding is hurting PP financially. I have noticed that some posters on other threads are on a limited budget when it comes to games. I have to wonder if sales of PP’s next game will be hurt by the fact that some will simply not be able to afford it.

I dont think their sales are going to be hindered much, because well… some of us are waiting for a specific game, most LMM, some Brave Soul… and a very limited few XC2 (ok im kidding) but in general it is tre that most of us want that specific game… if g-collections started to release PP games THEN there would be trouble… but since they are totally differnt style games (from what ive seen) then only us as fans can effect their income.

If u understood the last half paragraph congrats because i lost my self somewhere around “I Dont Think”.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Well I think you missed the point which is that they have not released a game in over a year now. Which in my mind does not bode well.

No, it doesn't. But it isn't as bad as you might think either. Peach Princess is staffed entirely with people who care and do this for little pay, in hopes of expanding the market. They're like Working Designs in their perfectionism as well.

Also keep in mind the titles they're working on now:

* Brave Soul--an RPG, as compared to the standard ADV

* Synchronous Hearts (Doushin)--has an unusual gameplay mechanic wherein you can switch back and forth at will between 3 main characters; this will be a major pain to test.

* Little My Maid/Pandora's Box: these titles involve sim elements

These are all big, hairy, and probably internally quite ugly titles. It's understandable that testing everything could take aeons.

Originally posted by Gambit:
If u understood the last half paragraph congrats because i lost my self somewhere around "I Dont Think".

I lose my brain all the time. It's always a big problem finding it again; if I had the damned thing, I could find it. Which is, of course, always the problem...

To me, blarg on G-collections and their games. I want what PP has promised to put out, XC2. I’ve been waiting well around 2 years for it to be translated, I want SOMETHING from my patience.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I lose my brain all the time. It's always a big problem finding it again; if I had the damned thing, I could find it. Which is, of course, always the problem...

Hmmmm. First the jaw, now the brain.
Oh, I see: the almost headless Nandemonai, right? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Shilar:
I've been waiting well around 2 years for it to be translated, I want SOMETHING from my patience.

[img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img] How did you do that? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img]
It's been only about a year since:
a) the preorders page for X-Change 2 was available for the first time
b) the work on X-Change 2 became temporarily suspended

When it was announced the first time it had a tentative release date at Fall/Winter 2002, so a delay because of the temporary suspension should be o.k.

However, it still is winter until march 21st, so right now they could even meet the original schedule, even though this is most unlikely.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 03-04-2003).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
I want BS now,this BS picket line is getting rather long. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

You got it confused:
It's not a picket line for BS, but for SB.

*finally joins the SB-picket-line again*

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Hmmmm. First the jaw, now the brain.
Oh, I see: the almost headless Nandemonai, right? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

I think we've run out of stuff to try and keep him put together.

The only thing I can think of that Shilar-san is getting the 2 year time period from is from the fact that way back when, it was talked about that X-Change was translated with the intention of eventually following up with X-Change 2, whenever that would occur. But I'm just speculating...

I'm still waiting for LMM myself. If I had known the way would end up being this long, I would have started working on translating the artbook months ago... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
No, it doesn't. But it isn't as bad as you might think either. Peach Princess is staffed entirely with people who care and do this for little pay, in hopes of expanding the market. They're like Working Designs in their perfectionism as well.

The only thing bringing them in money right now would be sales from other game titles and movies. Now I am sure that they still have a games/movies selling, although not sure how often. With the limited number of games they have released there is no way they can be breaking even on business expenses. Whether it be a small staff or not. If they want to get any money from this venture they need to start releasing games on a regular basis. The market is not big enough to ride on the games you have already released. Also the longer they work on a title to "perfect" a localization as you say, the more they have invested in this title and the harder it will be to sell enough to break even. Whereas if you just find a default engine and translate and pop games out like G-Collections you don't have as much invested in the game and have a much better chance of actually making money.

Also on a side note, it drives me nuts when you use Working Designs as a example of perfectionism. Their games are riddled with anachronisms and they have errors like everyone else. Some people like the way they localize others don't, I just happen to be one who doesn't. If I heard that horrid dubbed voice for the dragon in Lunar one more time I probably would have went on a rampage [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img].

[This message has been edited by Bigdog (edited 03-05-2003).]

On the whole subject of PP vs. GC: I actually like both company’s products and don’t feel any prejudice toward one or the other. I like that GC has been releasing games regularly, and I’ve been buying from them, but I still am looking forward to what PP releases next.

I’m just personally frustrated that PP has gone (almost?) a year without releasing anything and isn’t even giving any clues about when they’ll release. I’ve been waiting on LMM as long as anybody else and even though I’ll still probably buy it when it comes out, I still don’t like that I had to wait so long in the first place.

I dunno what I’m trying to say. I like GC’s stuff, I like PP’s stuff, but I wish PP would release something. Until they do, I’ll keep playing my GC games. Peace!