Walkthroughs for japanese/chinese games

anyone got hints to where to find walkthroughs for japanese games?

You know, I had always thought that Peach Princess had lost its collective mind when they asked us not to post FAQs, claiming that they aided and abetted piracy. I am beginning to see now that they actually may have been correct all along.

On the other hand… why buy the game if you dont understand it?
Because i can name a few games ive only seen previews/screenshots for that i would buy if there was any chance i could understand it.

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 09-26-2002).]

Yeah like square of the moon. If I could understand it I would buy it in an instant

the only thing I can say is that, if you have played some games you would have known…
1)unless you are insane you can’t get the ending even if you know the language
2)Or you must have played it tons of times and gonna through every choice route…
oh well I pretty sure that they actually exist…even though they might not be in english…but I know that they’re actually chinese game books as well…oh what am I thinking ^^;

Originally posted by tryo_kane:
the only thing I can say is that, if you have played some games you would have known....
1)unless you are insane you can't get the ending even if you know the language
2)Or you must have played it tons of times and gonna through every choice route.....
oh well I pretty sure that they actually exist....even though they might not be in english.....but I know that they're actually chinese game books as well.....oh what am I thinking ^^;

I must admit jumping to conclusions; I had never seen you post here before, and to me you sounded like a pirate who just wanted someone to tell him how to beat such-and-such a game.

And besides which, you do not need a FAQ to beat these games. Brute force will do just fine.

I personally feel ok with giving out japanese walkthrough pages for japanese games…because they do exist in Japan and I personally do visit them myself when I am stuck…but for english walkthrough pages (for japanese games especially), I personally somewhat stand by Dave E’s opinion on no posting FAQs, partially because of my previous somewhat annoying experiences at densetsu.com

Here’s a good list of walkthrough pages in japanese.
One of my vital bookmarks in my computer.

Nandemonai, I am not sure if brute force will do, since some games do pose some difficulty…like snowdrop for example, and a lot of people do get stuck in that game trying to get into the second half of the story to get the true endings (which is partially why I think it didn’t do as well as say TCI or ahem, XC1). So I am not sure if I can agree with you on the idea that faq/walkthroughs are not needed for bishoujo games. I think I’d die if I played comic party without any help…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-26-2002).]

actually it was snow drop that first drove me insane… i musta got the same ending like 20 times, made me wanna blow something up… finally i went though the game and saved at every choice… the game has its way of showing if your on the right path in 1 way or another, i later found out the walkthrough was posted on a forum… and was ready to blow something up again.
Also, as for things written in japanese… check my profile, this link is totally awsome… IM NOT SPAMMING! this is a lagit site! before u delete my post… ITS A LAGIT NON PAY TRASLATION SITE! so… geez… deleting my right to speak…

Also i must say that for first 3 week japanese students like my self, this page helps a ton… ITS FREE DAMNIT! quit deleting this message!

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 09-26-2002).]

I’m pretty sure that most english games have walkthroughs…and I know a lot of people know how to search on that ^^;

forgot to say something ^^;
oh yea…as you do know most game company websites, do have forums that offer game help(especially for the newest) but they’re not very comprehensive…it’s quite hard to understand. that’s all…but I guess that by giving away walkthroughs do mean that game companies have lesser bussiness if they produce their own game walkthroughs…

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I must admit jumping to conclusions; I had never seen you post here before, and to me you sounded like a pirate who just wanted someone to tell him how to beat such-and-such a game.

Well, I think you're partly right about the "pirate" part, for if I remember correctly, he was the one who argued on the behalf of the pirates on the "Hentai BBS" here for some year ago. I may remember wrong, through [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-27-2002).]

it’s me hehe…but oh well it’s the best for the consumer ^^; lolz

oh yea…been thinking a bit…so if anyone would be interested in giving me answers to these questions…
1)would tawain game companies be providing all those mp3s for their games, customer support forums, etc if there weren’t so many pirates…for me…I wonder…perhapes they will be…(as in the present) perhapes they will be (as in the future), alikely they will not…
2)if there weren’t pirates…wouldn’t games likely to go that cheap? yes? no? has it made it worse? yes? no?
3)would they disapear in the future?
4)Are people selfish?(this is a question of relation, if you give it some thought)
any more questions? I know someone will flame me soon after this one

Originally posted by tryo_kane:
the only thing I can say is that, if you have played some games you would have known....
1)unless you are insane you can't get the ending even if you know the language
2)Or you must have played it tons of times and gonna through every choice route.....
oh well I pretty sure that they actually exist....even though they might not be in english.....but I know that they're actually chinese game books as well.....oh what am I thinking ^^;

You're true about the fact some games are %*£$@ to beat without a FAQ, even when you know the language. BUT, when you know Japanese and are playing those games, then you're interested by them, then you know where to look and where to ask. And it's probably not on an English BBS for English games...

Originally posted by tryo_kane:
it's me hehe......but oh well it's the best for the consumer ^^; lolz
If you're a pirate, you're NOT a consumer.

lolz… I’m wondering if it is so…I’m not going on this issue again ^^;
they’re agurements from both sides…as like companies actually trying to gain power etc…competition…whatever whatever…I won’t be fitting up a perfect explaination…
I have only one thing to say on these basis…respect is mutual…hmm maybe I should give some thought about it…I’m just going to post a new topic…it’s kinda of out of point here…

Originally posted by tryo_kane:
oh yea...been thinking a bit....so if anyone would be interested in giving me answers to these questions.....
1)would tawain game companies be providing all those mp3s for their games, customer support forums, etc if there weren't so many pirates....for me....I wonder....perhapes they will be...(as in the present) perhapes they will be (as in the future), alikely they will not......
2)if there weren't pirates.....wouldn't games likely to go that cheap? yes? no? has it made it worse? yes? no?
3)would they disapear in the future?
4)Are people selfish?(this is a question of relation, if you give it some thought)
any more questions? I know someone will flame me soon after this one

*sigh* Well, just to kill time, I suppose that I'll answer some of the questions you put out... *Kumiko-sounding-warning here! Beware!*

1. I don't know anything about tawian companies, but one thing I do know... Legal companies are for the most part creating things like support forums and such to help out those who actually payed for their games; otherwise what'd be the point? Otherwise, they might be holding a knife to their own throat, if they're legal, that's it.

2. If there weren't any pirates, the games would likely be cheaper. More paying customers means that you can sell the products for a more cheap price, and still get a good income enough to cover the various production costs. A proof of that might be the anime market, most anime DVD's was very expensive some years ago (I still remember the shock I got when I first saw an anime DVD in my local store and what it would cost to buy it... Today, it's about half of what it was before), but the market has grown since then, gotten more support and, msot importantly, more paying customers and therefore, they can afford to lower the prices to what they are now.

3. What exactly would "vanquish"? The english games? The english companies? Or the pirates? As for the first two; If there is not enough profit made, then how do you except any company to survive? It's not like you can pay for all those expensives out of your own pocket forever! (unless you're a millionare, that's it). If you have any sense of business, you should realize that and without the profit to cover the production costs (as well as various other costs companies like Peach Princess cannot survive, which will in turn be the doom of the market and perhaps the end of the small interest that some of the Japanese companies has in the english market. As for the third one; pirates aren't likely to disappear, There will always be those who want things "for free" no matter how good or well-done it is, and those people does usually not care about the efforts of those who made what they took "for free".

4. I think all, or most people are selfish to a certain limit, but there ar also certain limits to exactly how selfish you can get; you can be selfish in a non-harmful way, and a harmful way.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-27-2002).]

Man…it has to come to this. I really want to feel like locking this thread up…

Tryo_kane, I honestly don’t know why you are bringing these totally off-topic issues into this thread…to confuse people even more? I personally don’t understand why you would compare how game companies here work with those in taiwan. They are 2 different countries with different standards and different ways to deal with things. If you are really emphasizing on respect then don’t compare things.

What OLF said is pretty much what I wanted to say, and he said it so there’s no need for me to repeat him. SB pretty much answered most of tryo_kane’s questions too.

Sorry, guys…I am locking this thread up; this isn’t going anywhere constructive at all.