Warning to AVG users regarding maid.exe notice

I didn’t know where to put this but I thought before anyone started posting messages in the help section about what I’m about to say.

AVG anti-virus is falsely reading maid.exe as a trojan virus (either on the hard drive or off the install disc)

Anyone getting a virus warning regarding this file should ignore the warning and contact AVG (if possible) and notify them of this false positive so they can correct it (more voices mean more action)

If this is the wrong section then can a mod please move to the right place.

That’s for Little My Maid right?

On a sidenote… Trojan? :lol: http://www.trojancondoms.com

AVG thinks there’s a viral infection from a sex game.

Am I the only one who sees an irony in all this? :wink:

That be right narg (it’s surprising that the second H-game I bought now suddenly has a virus in it according to AVG)

Also I can say that AVG is the only anti-virus that has this false positive (my sister scanned the CD with avast (which she has on her own computer) and nothing glowed so avast users are safe)

AVG has been known to find executables with certain copy protection algorythms as trojans, most recently SecuROM 7.xx. I don’t have LMM so can’t confirm what is triggering it. If you accidentally quarantine the .exe, you can just remove it from AVG’s quarantine folder.

Actually I’ve had the game for almost 2 years (and that was even before I needed anti-virus) and nothing showed when I first installed AVG so it has to be a update that has caused this sudden false notice (I’ve already removed AVG since it was blocking the exe even though I’d told it to disregard the notice)

I have been a user of AVG for several years, i find it most useful.
I used my LMM game a few days ago and AVG didn’t act up with it.
Both AVG and LMM worked just fine.

That could’ve been because the problem was fixed since I had updated at about 7am (local) on the day that I started this thread (which meant I would’ve been using the updated virus database from the previous day) and the notice didn’t show up until gone 7pm (local) that day and as I mentioned it also detected the so called virus on the same file on the CD so it was a false positive at the time.