Water Closet - time for reactions (possible spoilers)

I received my copy of W.C. yesterday. First impressions are so-so. Bathroom humor really isn’t my thing so I’m kind of lukewarm towards it. Question : Do some pictures get revealed only if you’ve played the other women’s scenario’s? I’ve gotten all the events for Setsuko but I don’t have all the CG’s for her.

conclusion… let’s respect each other’s opinions… i think that everyone might show their opinions as they want … but thinking that some words could “insult” or “bother” someone else… but… gee… showing opinions without “editing” them reveals the true impressions of each person… and Kumiko… that’s what you want …ne?

well… that’s true… sometimes people missunderstand the word “freely”… and end up “insulting”…

but the fact is that we must respect each other’s opinions…

also… diferent opinions… allows different options… and variety in everything is the best…

I guess sometimes people see things out of context, I think ranting about a certain subject is insulting, not just using strong adjective, we have become way to oversensetive on what people say. I am a straightfoward guy, and from experience people don’t really like my bluntness. I just saying don’t take everything to heart, take it like a grain of sand. I don’t think people would feel insulted so easily.

(Drum Roll) I’ve finished W.C.! Once I got the first true ending (Julyne’s) The rest fell one right after another.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Heh heh... well, Kumiko said there was a little trick to the design, so she's glad you solved it without asking what that was. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

So, Doug-san... what did you think? It's a little bit different from the usual game structure, wouldn't you say?

( and what about those endings...! )

Yes, it's a lot different although I'd have to say it really didn't appeal to me (storyline) all that much. The CG's were excellent and the character designs were real good. The Endings? Twisted, Twisted, and Twisted.(Although Setsuko's was probably the most "normal" of the whole bunch)

Ah yes, Ikumi-chan… My intuition was telling me that she would end up the way she did, but what not a better way, ne? Hehehe. And I thought Setsuko’s ending was very touching, and sweet.

And what about Reika-sama? I liked how she turned the tables and took charge!

And last, but certainly not least, poor Shouko-san… oh, but actually, I think she was quite happy in the end… hehehe.

Well, I know this is just my opinion, but it is sad… it seems like I am the only one who enjoyed this title… Or am I the only voice? Oh well… as I have enjoyed every title that Peach Princess has brought here and look forward to them all, I hope that Water Closet will not be the last of its kind here…

Thank you for your time.

[This message has been edited by Joshua (edited 08-11-2001).]

Originally posted by Joshua:
Well, I know this is just my opinion, but it is sad... it seems like I am the only one who enjoyed this title... Or am I the only voice?

there are 3 kinds of people in this life..
first.. the ones that shows their feelings/opinions without thinking if what they are saying could harm someone..
next.. the ones that try to "modify" what they would say in order to prevent insult someone..
and finally.. those who prefer remain silent so everyone could be happy.. or they share their opinions just with a few persons..

hope that you understand what i mean..

Hmmm… why is this such a touchy subject, or a serious matter? Do not take things so personally, and lighten up a little.

I am just curious to see what others think of this title and that is all, whether it is positive, negative, etc. I am not trying to force anything out either. I am always interested in hearing other peoples’ opinions, whatever they may be.

By the way, Kumiko-san… will we see anymore titles by Guilty?

Thank you all for your time.

[This message has been edited by Joshua (edited 08-11-2001).]

Originally posted by Joshua:
I am just curious to see what others think of this title and that is all, whether it is positive, negative, etc. I am not trying to force anything out either. I am always interested in hearing other peoples' opinions, whatever they may be.

By the way, Kumiko-san... will we see anymore titles by Guilty?

I wonder if it was my comment that stirred all those negative messages... OK, the reason why I didn't like it is because it is a bit disturbing to me. Probably the expectations, to say the least, were different from all the posts I read. Though, I keep what I wrote. If other Guilty titles are similar (even if WC was the "tamest" of all) will be an absolute no-no for me...

I just finished Water Closet, and I want to say that apart from the really disturbing bits like the ones with Reika, I really enjoyed the rest of the game. I probably should have figured it there could be stuff like that with a name like Water Closet. Generally I do not mind more extreme titles instead of Romantic ones.
I liked the gameplay style in this much more than Snow Drop. Getting the extra options for characters by having events happen with other characters is a lot easier than what I had to do with Snowdrop. Snowdrop was far too picky, and there was no way I could have finished it unless I had come here looking for help. Water Closet was much easier to finish without being too easy. I would like to see more titles from Guilty since most of the game was pretty good if I ignore the few really disgusting parts, just perhaps warn us if there will be any more scat in any of them before I buy them.

One other thing that bugged me was there seemed to be inconsistencies in the characters stories. If the events for each character were supposed to be consistent with what was happening with the other characters, why with Julynes story at one point does she give her own urine sample to replace Ikumi’s, and with Ikumi’s story it says she replaced it with some chemicals? Also why is it when the doctor was examining Ikumi she said she could tell she was a virgin, and at another point she says that Ikumi is pregnant - to which Ikumi replies that isn’t possible because she has not had sex in 10 months??? Were these mistakes in the translation or is that how they really were in the original game?

Actually you can explain it by point of view.
While Julyne remembers something happening one way, Ikumi might remember it completely differently.

I think your last assumption concerning her virginity is probably the correct one. It seems to me that she was embarased about the fact that she was a virgin and did not want to tell the doctor that, but at the same time wanted to make it clear that there was no chance she could possibly be pregnant. By saying she has not had sex in 10 months she has covered both bases there.

I liked Water Closet because of it being an entirely different sort of game than the ones mostly associated with this genre in the English speaking market, for the ones that know if it.

Although I’m not a scat fan, I thought the feces sort of looked like yams, for some odd reason. That alone made me enjoy the game, not to mention the kooky dialogue and Julyne, who I couldn’t help but like.

I have neither played nor own WC. The subject matter explored within this title never appealed to me. There were however other Guilty titles that cought my eye. Odds are Ill pre-order most of the other Guilty titles should PeaPri realese them in the future. Heck I may even order WC, but with so many other titles out there it is doubtful that will happen any time soon.

I must admit, WC took me by surprise. I chose to play Shoko first and well, her situations shocked me quite a bit…

The game’s audio-visual aspect is top-notch, and since this is a Will title, the interface reminded me of Snow Drop’s. I can’t really comment on the plot further at the moment because I am still in the middle of things. One thing’s certain – Gotta give PeaPri credit for being daring enough to come out with a game that tackles this type of fetish. I suspect most game companies would typically shy away from it and choose to do more… uh, conventional subjects.

While as a whole I find WC a good game, I have to admit that I couldn’t… internalize (for the lack of a better term) some of the things they ended up doing… (like drinking uh, urine and being urinated on…)

There were a lot of funny parts though.

I had mixed feelings regarding the Prof Nicholson character. I can’t say I liked him, he kinda makes you afraid to go to the bathroom…

Very funny thing though, Mr. Nicholson only does the barging and lecturing to females . Maybe he has a hidden intent in doing it huh?

Well, if you meet Setsuko first through some of the other characters, she can seem stuck up a bit. Or at least that was my impression. (Can’t remember who I was at that point.) Though now that I think about it, it’s almost one of those “adults are so stupid” kinda “stuck up” attitude teenagers sometimes have instead of the purely stuck-up that Reika is.

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Yes - she's a very smart girl, and she knows it. Her comment to Julyne is hilarious, and totally fitting! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

If she's so smart, how come she ended up full of diaphragms and can't get them out [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]?