We need more b-games!

That’s right!

“B” as in bromance!

Manly Tears! :cry:

I prefer Heterosexual Life Partners

… because sheesh, people, girls have close friends too!

I don’t know - see, if the game has long conversations with the protagonist’s male Best Friend Character, unless they’re sufficiently entertaining (e.g. like in Tsuyokiss, for example) or otherwise good, I often find myself making ample use of the CTRL key.

Sry, bro, but I like talking to the cute girls more.

i have to agree with the above, i’d much rather be with the girls. Honestly that’s part of the stuff i hate most in my games, all the bromance. Frankly all the wasted dialogue with my bro could have been better spent on the girls

There are certainly eroges in which the male characters are considerably more awesome than most of the heroines - one of the first ones that comes to mind is G-Senjou no Maou where Haru is the only really strong female character (sorry Yuki :P), but on the male side besides the protagonist Kyousuke, you have Maou, Gonzou and Eiichi. So yes, I definitely want more games like that with prominent and fleshed out male characters.

Hey, whatever, as long as the story is good. It might be comedic to have a game with two guys who are best friends live together. Some interesting situations that could come up: friend walks in mid-coitus (or other way around), going on a double date with your friend, and finding a girl not only for yourself, but helping your friend find one as well.