Web comic?

In general, would there be interest in us getting a bishoujo game related web comic going?

sure woulkd be a nice thing online g

all chars out of peach princess games ? ,)

Count me in as being interested.

It might be interesting, for sure! What game(s) would it be related to through?

snickers You could always syndicate Ghastly!

editing to add a link to an OLD ghastly strip featuring Hentai Guy. - http://www.ghastlycomic.com/d/20020922.html
His art has gotten better since then. And it’s funny.

[This message has been edited by papillon (edited 05-01-2006).]

I’m intrigued.

I’m interested as well… and a bit curious as to how it would work

Sure, why not? =)

If its of good quality, of course.

If CROWD (or Will) has created something like the manga of this promotional booklet (pages 11-14 -on a side note, the downloadable free material for that game is here-), count me in!

Good idea.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

Great idea!

Okay, watch this space for our first web comic. (Well, watch the JAST/PeaPri pages…)