Website Update!

Well, I updated my website again with a bit of a navigational clean-up…I hope you all like it It was a good three hours work to update everything and create new buttons

There’s also a new poll which I think most people will bei nterested to see the results to

I can understand the importance of your new project (especially if it is what I think it is), but you have to understand that less updates lower the attractiveness of your page for visitors that already visited it.

So, I think that finally buried Diamond Level Three for this year (only 753 votes until now out of 2500 necessary ones make that almost impossible anyway).
Well, I think I have to quote Kaolla Su from Love Hina: “Don’t worry Keitaro! You always have the next year…”

Wai! Wai! Waffo! Er, sorry, was watching Sugar again…

Well, at least she does update when she can. I recently went to a webpage, which as far as I can tell, hasn’t changed since I first visited it in college.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Wai! Wai! Waffo! Er, sorry, was watching Sugar again...

I'm still waiting on my Sugar replacement disc from Rightstuf. I don't know why I'm so addicted to that show, it's so cutesy. :bleh:

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 09-19-2003).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Wai! Wai! Waffo! Er, sorry, was watching Sugar again...


I like that show. It's cute.

yeah, i have pretty much given up any expectation of making level 3 this year…but there are other things going on right now that take precedence over getting a website award

of course, the project i spoke of, and also, Brian and I have finally settled on a move-in date of next March, so we are starting to do little things to prepare for that (even though it’s six months away) and that takes some time too

I am hoping my site will be in a caliber next year to seriously compete for level 3 though there will be some great games for me to add to the full sections (CRC, Brave Soul, etc) that will up my page hits, I hope

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
I am hoping my site will be in a caliber next year to seriously compete for level 3 though [img][/img] there will be some great games for me to add to the full sections (CRC, Brave Soul, etc) that will up my page hits, I hope [img][/img]

I see.
As a true FWOBIGOLS, I'll try to do my part of it by giving your exclusives priority then. So, I'll now give up on XC2 and all of it's best endings and instead work more on playing CRC in order to write that one next.

Oh good, at least I’m not the only person watching Sugar. Then again, it did take me almost three weeks to find a copy of volume 3 locallly…

Hmm, I do know your site has gotten mentioned a few times on GameFAQs. Seems like several people there do go to your site for information. They’re probably just not voting!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
Well, I updated my website again with a bit of a navigational clean-up....I hope you all like it [img][/img] It was a good three hours work to update everything and create new buttons

There's also a new poll which I think most people will bei nterested to see the results to [img][/img]

Hi, when voting for the poll, I get an error message :

The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Connection Failed
The system returned:

(111) Connection refused
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

Same thing when I try to view the results.
Otherwise, I tried all the other inside links and they work perfectly, as usual.
Anyway, my vote would go to Bravesoul, which I preordered 2 years ago.

that’s really odd, stephan, it works fine for me and obviously for others, since there are other votes besides mine

my only advice is to try again at a later date?

I just tried again and it works !