Well I'll be damned, Silence is the key.

I’ll keep it short, I was making my way to the secretary office where some important paperwork is approved and sent to a main office for a final “stamping in” if you will. I had really screwed up this time I thought, as I carried the very paper that would save me in this predicament. A paper excusing me via medical terms only to be used in such an emergency, but there was a catch as they were on to several other attempts just waiting for any minor screw up. I make my way towards the big boss area and as I step towards the already open crevice I hear some no so light conversation. Oh man, It went something along the lines of “watch the weight on that spot” and “we’re gonna have to call in at different times so they don’t catch on”. Wow, the smile on my face just skyrocketed there as I type this and not because I smiled then but because I recall my own paranoia. I couldn’t believe no what it sounded what they were doing but from what I heard that they could falsify documentation so easily with solely their approval. No I believe it actually but to go that far, I thought this had got to be something serious. I walk in, just like a reaction to wanting to know i guess. One was engrossed in the comp while the other was holding some sort of documentation. I would of liked for everyone to see their faces when I not only walked in and wasn’t noticed but I was already at a 4 ft distance from them before one lady glanced up. Sweet mother of Jesus, that face was something else. Oh and it doesn’t end there, the face she gave me only lasted a second for she was a great actress along with the second lady. In one second it went from priceless to professional, “What is it you need sir?” she went whilst the other just sorta made some quick mouse clicks. The lady with the documents goes " Oh she can help you out with that." and she walks away quite quickly into the corridor. I was asked for my info and she just immediately took the paper through it in a stack and in front of me unlocked the permit and checked me off for not only the day I was in deep for but for the next week and spring break. She smiles “All done”. Doubly impressed you can call me after that one, I couldn’t help but go “THANKS!” and we both laugh a bit and she finishes off with a “Let me know when you need anything else”. Other workers began to walk in at this point with documents or numbers in hand and someone with coffee I think. I got the hell out of there fast, and long story short I decided to take advantage of this and take that vacation.

Yeah one problem with that, I don’t know wtf to do. So I’ve decided to give my GT from various games I go on at random intervals and I guess I could finish that concept art and also work on my vids. So here it goes:

GT XboxLive: BlackNWhiteW0LF
GT StarCraft Broodwar: BlackNWhiteWolf
GT Steam (TeamFortress2): NinjistuKnuckles
GT Gamespy Comrade (Crysis, TF2, NeverwinterNights2MOTB, and Stalker I think) : InanimateNinja

Send me a request and I’ll most likely accept it and will probably be on early morning/late night only. (midday if I get any guests) Damn I want to go to the beach…maybe if I had a vehicle. Well thnks again for those who didn’t lose interest in the story half way through it, that is all.

You got it, gonna accept request asap. Lol, you trash talk too much and got your account suspended? Wow, it takes a lot of trash talking to get suspended off of X-box Live man. Like were you telling 9yr. olds to go suck a c**k or something cause it really takes a lot. Well, a win’s a win and I’m pretty good myself so it’s all good in this neighborhood. Oh and don’t worry about me reporting you, trash talking is the least of my concerns. ( Freakin Haxorz damnit! :evil: well more than likely not hackers but people who glitch and mess around like that).

Edit-> OH I almost forgot after reading big’s post. I gave ya’ll my Gamer Tag for Live but as for the Steam thing I decided to add otaku forumns to my groups official hang out sites (hope no one minds, you let me know). The groups Steam Name is Cold Steel Soul Reapers Aka " C.S.S.R." and we host mostly Team Fortress 2 and Crysis games. The group is composed of members from the GameFaQs corresponding Steam related game boards, Shoryuken Forum members, and hopefully now some otakuism forum members. Its on a casual gaming bases, just play whenever and you can find friends of the same group faster so the members can play on the same games. As admin I set up announcements, events, and name player of the week (lol I’m currently player of the week). Join up and take part in the Reaper Society asap! Good hunting Reapers.

EDIT 2 Oh snap-> Again, I just remembered about the beach thing I wanted to do and I got my way. High five, seriously I got together with some buds to go camping out at the coast for 5 days straight it’s gonna git crazy up in there. So yeah, I may not come by around March 09 08 which is this coming Sunday up till Friday of the following week.

Ok yeah but DAMN, still that takes a lot of non stop trash talking. I do that a lot too but I don’t think I’ve ever been reported for it. Do you trash talk your own teammates when they suck too? That would probably be the only way or like in lobby right before or after a game. Well I’ll be looking into the friend request and in the mean time let’s see.

C.S.S.R. Is operational, we got members from GameFaQs set up and I’m still pending on the guys at shoryuken forums but anyone from otaku forums intrested in joining the group on Steam so you can play with other members of the board just leave your Steam ID’s in this topic and I will check it daily and add to the group. Good hunting Reapers.

On another note, I’m getting my hands on a Wii soon before Sunday March 9th and I’m sure you can take a guess as to the why. Thinking about that I recalled that Wii owners have like a friend number or something like that so leave your “Wii number” here and maybe we can have a little event on the 9th to let “the brawl begin”.’

Edit-> Oh right, and no one on Otaku forum plays StarCraft? Maybe I’ll make another thread and add all this info to the Anime Gaming Otaku thread.

Yes your Battlenet should be the same, I think. Never played Warcraft but you would think it’s the same right? And what’s up with Mr.Biggens, did the online name just stick? Mine was first used for my main Morrowind character, then I used it for Knight Online, Create an officer mode in Dynasty Warriors Empires 4 n’ 5, KOTOR I n’ II etc…lol

Lol’d at zerghuntr, that actually sounds alright. So, biggens biggens. Well just careful with your comments about using those screen names for mostly everything online related, oh snap that reminds me about when I ordered something and I think it was from J list. Anyways you probably don’t use those for financial things so it’s cool right? On a side note, the camp at the coast idea was a huge success let’s just hope we don’t die of starvation over there and we gonna see about getting a secret power line from a hotel to run into the camp cause a bud wants to bring Brawl but I got f’d over at G Stop and their mediocre amounts of Wii’s. They get like three a day, of course they’re sold out, now I got a reservation on Brawl with no system lol.

Hells yeah, X-box shooters just plain work for me man. I got Halo 3 too but I had been getting into Gears but it was my friends and the imbecile scratched it up real bad when he moved out into an apartment with two other guys not to mention he got his equipment jacked one night. Lost his N64, 360 and all his games except Gears which just happened to be at somewhere else at the time. As for cpu, RPG and RTS work well. I still have odd dreams about Morrowind which I haven’t touched in 3 years, every odd month or so and it usually takes place in Solstheim. Note: Solstheim is a half forest half frozen tundra like island miles north west of the main land of Vandrefell you Nwaah!


Another note, I am one of the few hardcore Morrowind fans left who was not satisfied by Oblivion and the attempt at satisfy us with Shivering Isles still left a sour taste and a plague in my gums. Lol, that reminds me I was playing Mass Effect today and the damn game froze on a loading screen and I had lvl’d up SO much :cry: . Well, It was a slow day and I was expecting some guests which never came so I am now free to work on my vid I guess. Oh Patrick Stewart you had me going there at the beginning with your “Close Shut the Jaws, Of Oblivion!” why have thou forsaken me?

Today is the release for the DLC, Rock N’ Roll! Enemies Everywhere! I will destroy you! and (insert random enemy taunts), Krogan testicles, etc…
Yeah man, I can see it already. Damnit, I’m gonna have to postpone camping at the beach for this and my bud’s gonna kill me.

Hey hey, at least he’s got ya a little something you know? I don’t get gifts from no one on my birthday other than my mom (that’s right, my dad’s an uptight mother f’er lol) and that odd person who sometimes gives me 20 bucks. Which reminds me I got my Wii, she brought it in the morning and I just woke up to it and felt relieved and sort of pathetic at the same time that good old fashioned momma still buys me things like that so I gotta do something about that.

Moe on topic the weather brutalized our camp and flooded the tent, it was a pristine sense of pride though to be able to set it all up within the raging winds that bombarded the camp and yet we were disbanded and forced back home by the law enforcement (to close to the private property). We’re going back today though and picking a more secluded area, I’m getting that tan and catching those fish whether they like it or not.

Come on man don’t give me that, if not as a human being but as a man. Relying on another is just not my style, having things handed to you like that fully knowing you don’t NEED it is what gets me but then again I am the one who mentioned it in the first place. lol, it’s just one of those things.

Edit-> Oh that reminds me, about having things handed to you. I was playing Mass Effect and I beat the Bringing Down the Sky DL Content with my secondary character. Wolf Sheppard (LOL) she’s an adept with bonus in god knows what cause I forget. Got her multiclass in Nemesis thanks to that moon mission. Anyways, it was nice but short and at the end the Chief Engineer gives you pick at his High Class Gear which is Armor Light, Medium, Heavy, Quarian, and if you’re the charismatic type you can take a omni tool which I believe is a Savant X. I am assuming he’ll give you the best of each type of the game so I’m gonna test it out later with another character and saving right before the pick.

Well at lvl 60 you can pretty much buy all the high quality X things but they’re still rare to find at stores so it’s a pretty good option. If you don’t already have any of those things then go with armor for yourself or if your a tech character his omni tool is a Savant X. (FYI that owns)

Got it already and I just got off like 30 min ago cause I keep getting called in to Brawl on Nintendo WFC. It’s been accepted too, call me in whenever man and I’ll join up. Been wanting to see this so called l33t pwning of noobs on Halo 3 and assuming I’ve guessed your skill lvl correctly our tactics should turn all to ruble.

Oh god you won’t believe this but I was reading your comment and watching tv at the same time and while I was reading " I am technically a general" there was a man dressed in a general costume dancing like Rick Astley on the tv and then I read “my bro sux huge cock” and there was a tall mustached presumably gay man wearing ass-less chaps standing next to the general and I just started laughing man.

So anyways we talking like deep throat here or does he choke on em too?