I’ll keep it short, I was making my way to the secretary office where some important paperwork is approved and sent to a main office for a final “stamping in” if you will. I had really screwed up this time I thought, as I carried the very paper that would save me in this predicament. A paper excusing me via medical terms only to be used in such an emergency, but there was a catch as they were on to several other attempts just waiting for any minor screw up. I make my way towards the big boss area and as I step towards the already open crevice I hear some no so light conversation. Oh man, It went something along the lines of “watch the weight on that spot” and “we’re gonna have to call in at different times so they don’t catch on”. Wow, the smile on my face just skyrocketed there as I type this and not because I smiled then but because I recall my own paranoia. I couldn’t believe no what it sounded what they were doing but from what I heard that they could falsify documentation so easily with solely their approval. No I believe it actually but to go that far, I thought this had got to be something serious. I walk in, just like a reaction to wanting to know i guess. One was engrossed in the comp while the other was holding some sort of documentation. I would of liked for everyone to see their faces when I not only walked in and wasn’t noticed but I was already at a 4 ft distance from them before one lady glanced up. Sweet mother of Jesus, that face was something else. Oh and it doesn’t end there, the face she gave me only lasted a second for she was a great actress along with the second lady. In one second it went from priceless to professional, “What is it you need sir?” she went whilst the other just sorta made some quick mouse clicks. The lady with the documents goes " Oh she can help you out with that." and she walks away quite quickly into the corridor. I was asked for my info and she just immediately took the paper through it in a stack and in front of me unlocked the permit and checked me off for not only the day I was in deep for but for the next week and spring break. She smiles “All done”. Doubly impressed you can call me after that one, I couldn’t help but go “THANKS!” and we both laugh a bit and she finishes off with a “Let me know when you need anything else”. Other workers began to walk in at this point with documents or numbers in hand and someone with coffee I think. I got the hell out of there fast, and long story short I decided to take advantage of this and take that vacation.
Yeah one problem with that, I don’t know wtf to do. So I’ve decided to give my GT from various games I go on at random intervals and I guess I could finish that concept art and also work on my vids. So here it goes:
GT XboxLive: BlackNWhiteW0LF
GT StarCraft Broodwar: BlackNWhiteWolf
GT Steam (TeamFortress2): NinjistuKnuckles
GT Gamespy Comrade (Crysis, TF2, NeverwinterNights2MOTB, and Stalker I think) : InanimateNinja
Send me a request and I’ll most likely accept it and will probably be on early morning/late night only. (midday if I get any guests) Damn I want to go to the beach…maybe if I had a vehicle. Well thnks again for those who didn’t lose interest in the story half way through it, that is all.