Western VA's versus Japanese VA's

Why do Japanese VA’s go the “extra distance” for their media? Take this for example:


These are the VA’s for Sakura Taisen 3. They are singing and dancing, in front of a live audience, while maintaining their character’s voice (which is not always their real voice), and in costume (which may not always be that comfortable and perhaps a bit embarrassing). The performance was not lipsync’ed to a prerecording (you can hear their voice crack and when someone misses a beat).

There are Hollywood actors who can’t do that. Take a look at Walt Disney: singing voice is not always the same actor as the speaking voice for their animated films. And of course, if you go to a Disney Broadway based on one of their movies, IT IS NOT the original VA’s: they’re professional Broadway… and sometimes it lipsync’ed to a prerecording.

Is it their love for the fans? It is the love for their jobs? Is it for the extra paycheck? Do they just have really binding contracts? Are they just plain better?

And yet its not unusual for Japanese voice actors to be performers and signers too…

Does that mean their standards are higher than Western ones?

That I have. However Cirque de Soleil doesn’t do Western anime/cartoon voice acting, last I checked. Their whole purpose is that circus show. Not sure where you’re going with this. :?: That Cirque de Soleil has a musical based on the Beatles (or some other popular band) is not something unusual for a musical show. Broadway does it all the time. Japan has their own equivalent in the Takarazuka Kagekidan (which Sakura Taisen is partly based off).

Better talent pool. VAs in US are considered worst of the worst. Anything dealing with animation really is seen like worse than mud on their shoes. Their are exceptions, Beauty & the Beast, Spirited Away, etc., but that’s it: exceptions. Even then they usually don’t get any respect until after the fact.

Thus, the number of people who want to be treated worse than mud on someone’s shoe isn’t too high…

I wouldn’t say it’s a better talent pool, It’s just that in the US, Quality VA’s have more options. (Radio, Hollywood, Broadway) Which means we Anime fans are scraping the bottom of the talent pool Barrel, so to speak. :smiley:

  • Anime is a much bigger cultural phenomenon in Japan than cartoons in the US, even back in the heyday of Saturday Morning
  • I am given to understand seiyuu salaries aren’t that high, and a general trend is that the lower a creative endeavor pays, the more often practitioners practice – this means they’re going to be better
  • VA work in the US for dubbing is in its infancy, whereas anime VA work has been progressing for decades.
  • Even as advances as it is in Japan, there are still plenty of seiyuu who suck. How many seiyuu are good enough to have pulled off the Sakura Taisen series? Even in Japan, not that many.

Of course, the end result is still that the US is behind. The initial US actress for Excel in Excel Saga, for example, had to drop the show cause she tried to match the voice of the Japanese seiyuu; her doctor finally told her “look, cut it out, or you’ll permanently injure your voice”.

Oh, and Narg – CHECK YOUR PMs. Even a “go to hell” is better than no response :smiley:

I agree with this one and must emphasize by quoting this area in particular. It is definitely a gear that is on a steady crank, VA is definitely receiving more popularity though and just deserved attention it has received. We have already begun to see small but noticeable things which point towards this I’m sure, I for one have seen a good change in voice acting standards in general most heavily an increase in quality for the video game department. Lol, does anyone remember those God awful lines and lame things that we used to watch and hear and we were glued to it cause we didn’t know any better?

OMG perfect timing, Inuyasha was on while I was typing this. LOL, this one part was perfect. “What do you mean Lord Seshomaruu?” camera shifts towards moonlit sky and cue Inuyasha “There you are you little Wench!” * Jumps and is in a midair pounce move and one character looks at the other for 2 seconds* " It’s Inuyasha". LOL, NO F’ing way are you serious? I would of never figured that out. Wow it’s hilarious, cause she just tells him in one second. “It’s Inuyasha” I mean damn, like wow thanks captain obvious are you gonna tell me Italians come from Italy too or are you holding that startling revelation off? Oh but then again that’s not as much voice acting fault but rather just lines and story boarding.

Back on topic so yes Japs are quite the talented bunch no doubt about that, in their society they prosper and that is at least more than most can say. Congratulations Japs, rice and sake is on me this time around, but then again so are the nukes LOL. Sorry, didn’t mean to offend anyone there. Just wanted to poke some light humor and while I was at it thank them for losing World War II. It just couldn’t have been possible without them. “I know not what weapons WW III will be fought with but I do know WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Well radio & Broadway is a better option, but my statement on VAs included Hollywood…or rather especially Hollywood as well.

I have to disagree. Why?

Video Game VA.

if anime VA is in it’s infancy than VA for video games is a newborn and yet within a few years they’ve already jumped ahead in most respects to VA for anime, and it’s not because of pay.

That wasn’t the most comprehensible thing I ever wrote. Let me try that again, so it makes sense.

  • VA work in the US for dubbing is in its infancy (for anime and games) whereas in Japan, VA work has decades of experience, and a much larger established talent base.

Well to be honest, Western VA isn’t just the dub community. What about people like Jim Cummings, Peter Cullen, Tara Strong, Rhonda Gibson, etc… they’ve been around for decades. This isn’t just about imported/dubbed anime (on a side note, my favorite of all time Western VA would be Tony Jay – Judge Frollo from the Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame and Megabyte from Reboot – a damn shame he died when his VA’ing was growing ever faster).

Interesting enough, someone pointed out to me on a chat, that Pokemon had a few drama or character song CD’s released… he mentioned hearing the guys who did the voices for Brock and Jessie.

That’s true, but for most decently budgeted games they have good VAs. For most decently budgeted anime, they don’t.

Downright tasteless you say? But tasteless is such an ugly and incorrect word to use in this situation. I prefer…warped. I’m really trying to refrain from going into “sarcasm” mode here because then it would get hard to prove my point but your just too tempting there. Proud? Not at all. I was not involved whatsoever in WWII nor was I alive or take credit for the “Big Boy” that landed on Japan. Oh? I am welcomed ON your ignore list? Lol am I seriously on it or something? Is it like a seat at a PTA meeting? And I am also the second who made it? Oh boy, I also managed the high score because apparently I " needed only one post for making me do that!"

only one post for making me do that!

one post for making me do that!

post for making me do that!

for making me do that!

I will assume out of respect that you went ahead and that at the very moment you took my comment personal you immediately typed back at me in a hurry. Now kids, just for kicks
let’s assume he meant to write it this way.

So your telling me I MADE YOU do that 'ey? Wow, I’m really sorry for forcing your hand in that manner. It truly is unlike me, who holds virtues as the most important thing in life to become manipulative and make another ignore me in such a fashion. Look I can go on and on about this so lemme cut it short to avoid even more confusion and misinformation. We are on a social board, ignoring doesn’t solve a problem and that especially goes for a SOCIAL BOARD. As stated above on the quote of mine that you quoted and I read, It was a " light poke of humor" and I “didn’t mean to offend anyone there” and if you believe it’s " downright tasteless" I can fully understand and respect that opinion for I know just how it sounds and am personally quite used to those not understanding my humor ( watch some RMA and leave a horrible review like the rest of those pricks ) but as this veil unwinds we see that ignoring anyone or anything should never be an option ( even though on a diplomatic point of view, ignoring seems better than resorting to violence ) and that a touch of sportsmanship can cool our heated heads.

Sadly while were not at each others throats my writing will go wasted to your ear seeing as how the infamous ignore option blocks my diplomatic attempts to reach a compromise. You see now, what have we done? Unable to communicate but I leave this response in full view of the rest who would not ignore my message, the message to never ignore, never forget, and never say never again.

Both your replies are neither related to the original topic nor suited to be discussed in public. As was my opinion that Roroneku’s wording was tasteless - that’s why I replied via PM in order to prevent a flamewar.

Thus, I instead chose to again reply via PM.
Try to keep flamebaits there and flamewars out of the public forum. Thank you!

[list=1][]Posting a PM without the consent of the author is very impolite.[/][]Calling Japanese people “Japs” is close to racism.[/][]You’re being way off-topic anyway, and bringing out WWII and the nukes would almost call for invoking Godwin’s law and declare you’re wrong on all accounts for the matter[/][/list]

Please let me add:

[list][]Simply assuming that I am so spineless that I would have ignored a PM-reply is a direct blatant insult.[/][/list]

As I recall, your right the original topic was voice acting. That’s when I ( assuming it would be harmless: lol big mistake on my part among you apparently ) popped in with a few remarks on history.

Now, as to whether you believe history should be discussed in public is your given right as a human being. But I’ll stop beating around the bush and tell you I know that’s not what you meant, apparently the atrocities of war are something you find gut wrenching. ( And so they are, the only difference is some people can hold their stomach better than others )

And as for your fear of starting a flame war, never fear. My actions are as of now purely diplomatic, I posted your PM because as you can plainly see from my above statements
I thought you were ignoring me and I don’t believe in that sort of thing. Seeing as how I’ve never used the option online before in a BBS I thought it meant we could never speak to each other again. ( write, srry not speak lol )

  1. It’s a private message yes, but no where in there did it say " omg please keep this in between us" and I figured we could never see what each other are writing now that he turned on the “ignore” option so that’s where my action kicked in.
  2. Lol, Ok my bad. (btw when I put lol I mean I am seriously laughing in real life) As Senior Biggen stated, not only is that NOTHING close to racism but I thought I was being quite polite by shortening Japanese to Japs for everyone reading. Oh boy, never come to one of my BBQ’s when the Milkman is here (that’s a member on this BBS too, DJ Bobsanchez look him up) He’ll be eating and drinking and laughing and using racial slurs like momma used to make 'em. So far he calls the Japanese “Japs” too cause I haven’t said anything else on the subject so far, we usually go for black jokes. Trust me, Japs get off easy. I could call 'em all kinds of other things if I so intended, not that I hate them cause In fact I love the little guys. ( Women aren’t impolite either lol)
  3. Yeah yeah, keep your knickers on we’ll get to voice acting in a bit. Now unless your going to invoke Godwin and prove me wrong, I suggest you zip it Zippy-Long-Stockings.

I don’t assume lad, sorry to have insulted your spine like I did. I will tell you again that I don’t know how this “ignoring” works and yes I am an idiot for not trying to find out just to gain some extra knowledge but, “whada’ are we gonna do 'bout it now 'eh?”

Now back on topic, so how 'bout them voice actors? We in for a rough season are we? Oh well I tried.


“Jap” is a derogatory and culturally insensitive term. Use of the term on these boards will not be tolerated.

Rorokenu, this is your first and last warning before a ban - you’ve managed to insult a good part of the forum population here (not to mention the country where these games come from) and break several rules of forum etiquette in the process. Further ad hominem attacks or demeaning language directed against a person’s country of origin, race, gender, etc. will result in a ban.

Should anyone wish to continue discussion of the original thread topic you’re welcome to start a new thread; this one is now closed.

Any questions or comments regarding forum policy can be directed to me via PM or at (pr@jastusa.com), or to Lamuness via PM.