What about Russia?

… that they’re a bunch of pirates and spammers.

That…was rather uncharacteristic of you, papillon. The original post does kind of sound like an unsolicited advertisement rather than an honest question though…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-14-2005).]

It was originally posted NOT in the off topic forum, as I recall. It’s a first post, has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with bishoujo games, comes from a username which is clearly related to the question he’s asking and not bishoujo games, and he hasn’t come back to post anything else, either.

My spam detectors went off.

Don’t you frequent enough web-boards to see tons of people who join up just to promote their own site/product/affiliatelink and then are never seen again?

If I were a mod I would have deleted the post, not moved it.

Originally posted by papillon:

Don't you frequent enough web-boards to see tons of people who join up just to promote their own site/product/affiliatelink and then are never seen again?

Actually...not really, though I've heard of it. But I suppose that's because the message boards I tend to frequent are so niche-ish in nature that advertisers like that don't even bother. That or the mods eradicate such filth before I even see it. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

But if it was originally posted in the bishoujo discussion section, then I'm inclined to agree with your assessment and your reaction. -_-

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-14-2005).]

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