What anime magazine(s) are you reading?

geneon still exists, just not in the us. adv doesn’t look to be going anywhere and it if did, i believe it’s repercussions would be felt far more than geneon.

As for magazines, i don’t read any consistantly. Otaku is the only one i see on shelves around where I live and subscriptions imo are generally too expensive or the magazines don’t have enough goodness in them to make it worth the price.

I think the last subscription I had was years ago to my Dragon magzine…

I am reading Anime Insider now. Don’t know if I want to subscribe to Otaku USA. I am kinda on the fence for that one.

I also subscribe to EGM now, but I dont know if they want Bishoujo games in their magazine.

I forget, but isn’t EGM for console games and not computer games anyways?

otaku is the only main anime mag that gives preview dvd’s even if they aren’t as good as the ones newtype gave they are something

I was a fan of computer gaming monthly… and then they removed the Tom vs Bruce section which was to me like Q_Q WTH WAS WRONG WITH YOU!!! Then I stopped reading it.

Anime insider sucks because it is at least 9 months out of date. SJ is also out of date by 9 months and the gap widens as the stuff is basically once a month as opposed to Japan’s once a WEEK. Same goes for Shojobeat or something.

Probably the only thing else is PCgamer but that is not Japanese. There is the perks of it though because at least PCgamer is relatively well updated because the PC is primarily based in America in terms of updates so the stuff is actually very well up to date.

Other than that, probably NP just because I’m a Nintendo fan. The games coming out for DS in the United states are still enough to keep me occupied. But it still makes me mad that they keep the good stuff in Japan and not even give us a scrap of information on them like Narikiri Dungeon.

Probably the most reliable source for anime and manga updates is your trusty interweb where you can find out the latest stuff free of charge, or at least free of running to your nearest store to get a free instore read of stuff that happened 6 months ago before the shopkeepers kick you out. XD

Ah, you mean Computer Gaming World. I used to read it all the time as well. They morphed in to Games for Windows: The Official Magazine. That’s about the time I stopped reading the magazine.

Yeah i know they only focus on Console games. But this months issue they talk about Bishoujo/dating sims, and mainly why Americans do not want to embrace them.

That particular article was like one part sarcasm, one part half-truth, and one part bias. It’s fairly obvious the guy had never played any of the good ones (or possibly any, period).

Can you send me a copy or a link? I want to point at it and laugh. XD

Bishoujo games are like god because they have both H and story in them. Well at least most of them. Yume Miru Kusuri was like god…

hopefully otaku won’t fold like newtype did

digital edition of “Girls of Gaming 6” should be coming out soon (don’t know about the printed edition, if any). Might be a good place to advertise :expressionless: