What anime magazine(s) are you reading?

Hello, all. We’re trying to figure out the best places to advertise in this post Newtype USA world (sob, sob…). Can you tell us which magazines you’re currently reading, anime-wise, and your thoughts on the magazines in question? We currently advertise in PiQ (the new version of Newtype) and Geek Monthly (my own favorite current magazine), as well as Comic AG (which everyone here is reading, right? ^_^). We appreciate any thoughts or recommendations you can provide us with.

Otaku USA http://www.otakuusamagazine.com/

I read Play Magazine occasionally. I think it has a wonderful variety of media, video games, movies, anime, up and coming technology. The variety is what makes it even better because it may mean advertisements will reach more people who otherwise might not ever see them.


I have to be honest here … I don’t. When I want info on some show, I consult the vast array of anime blogs which exist.

Only magazines I read regularly are EGM and Game Informer, and they’re not going to touch your ads with a ten foot pole.

Sorry, I don’t. When I want info about anime, I hit the blogs and the chans. You already advertise on 4chan.

I read Wizard magazine, few years ago. Also several Viz magazines.

I liked Newtype USA magazine. I will check more anime/manga magazines at any bookstore.

One of the good things about Play magazine is that we get to get the download edition of their magazine ( http://www.direct2drive.com/guides ).

I am a subscriber to “PC Gamer UK edition”

that aside, what about online advertisement is anime related heavy visited websites like http://www.megatokyo.com

or having a 3rd party sale your digital editions (if they are willing to sale adults only titles) like gamestop, direct2driver or steampowered? (having your titles in the “recently” added titles in their front page is an advertisement)

UPDATE: I just got a digital copy of Geek Magazine April, it does have an advert for j-list but not for an VN… who was your targeted audience?.. heheeheeee

I don’t read any anime/manga magazines either. Lately, the only magazine I read regularly is Maximum PC.

Sorry, I don’t read anime or manga magazines either. I just look up info on them on various websites or blogs. The only magazines I used to read were gaming magazines.

Hmmmmm, I don’t subscribe to any anime magazine to be honest, but those that I have easy access to 'cos the Public Library subscribes to it, is Shonen Jump. I appreciate Protoculture Addict’s nice clean layout and its masterful print job 'cos that’s my line of work, in the publishing industry. Yeah, I read AG. PiQ is horrible in my opinion. The attempt to ‘diversify’ has instead turned this successor to NewType into a smorgasboard of blah. Nothing grabs me in the new mag. I would be more qualified to comment on Otaku USA if it weren’t for the fact that they are all sealed in a plastic baggie at the bookstore.

Does Dengeki G’s count as an anime magazine? If so… just that, really =P

EDIT: Oh, sorry, this is for advertising purposes. Dengeki G’s probably wouldn’t be very useful to you, would it?

I really miss NewType USA. What an absolute bummer that it’s gone. :frowning:

Right now, I’ve got a continuation of my subscription thru PiQ magazine, and I’ve also subscribed to Otaku USA.

I don’t read Anime Magazines. Looks like it was a bust to ask but i could be wrong. Hopefully I am wrong.

I stopped reading anime magazines when Newtype USA kicked the bucket. :frowning:

As for magazines that would be good to advertise in, I’d recommend OtakuUSA and Protoculture Addicts.

right now anime insider and otaku usa
piq sucks ass

More bad news for PiQ: July will be its final issue. Way to go, lasting a total of 4 issues.

It’s starting to look more and more like ADV Films will either draw back to focus on their anime, or we will be seeing another storied Anime licensor in the States go the way of Central Park Media and Geneon.

cpm still does hentai and j-porn and manga so they are still kinda in the game
and the loss of geneon is just sad
adv doesn’t seem like it is going anywhere
piq was not very good and didn’t sell that well therefore it was caned

The links already been givin but OtakuUSA seriously they got the audience you want to see your ads.

Is it still though? I’ve only seen basically old releases staying in print, but not much of anything else. I have seen, however, that O’Donnell appears to be still a serious backer of Anime convention events, as noted by his name appearing in sponsors of New York Anime Fest.

i am trying to get protoculture Addicts but i would have to order it online since there is no suncoast in my area anymore