What B-Games are you currently playing?

You’re missing the toad? :wink:

Not to mention the fact that the 1st DLC pack is available on XBox Live right now (Though it cost 400 MS points >.<)

As for being back on topic, Looking forward to Raidy, and I’ll dig out an old Bishojo Game every once in a while and put it on the HD. Little My Maid I reinstalled and played for a bit recently.

Presently, I’m playing Tsuyokiss.

:stuck_out_tongue: :evil: :stuck_out_tongue: ( :oops: )

I’m replaying Snow Sakura.
I wanted to see Saki.

Saki is the best! 8)

You should wait a year. :wink: I bet you will enjoy it more.

I’m playing Hitomi right now. :cry: Poor girl

Preach my brother. XD

Anyway, so far I am playing Discipline and from my experience, while you do get a bigger selection of girls to jump on, it has less replayability than Bible Black did. I mean at least in bible Black, you can choose between more than one lover (I did like Shiraki and in my opinion she was better than the main girl.) But the Leona payback scene was vera satisfying.

Just realized Remember 11 is going to get a PC version in Infinity Plus, so I have a feeling this is where I’ll be heading next once I finally get some free time.

For those curious, or unaware of it already(Though I’m sure most know by now.): http://www.cyberfront.co.jp/title/infinity_plus/

Never7, Ever17,Remember11, and 12Riven all in one.

Still on ever17. Hmmm… 'cos my new DT440 has some problems so I gotta exchange it and no sound/music for now. sighs And I gotta wait a few hours for the new pair to adjust.

Finished Utawarerumono yesterday, using mirrormoon’s translation patch. Possible mild spoilers below:

I guess it’s one of the few games I’ve played that could be called ‘epic’, both in terms of the overall storyline, the number of plot twists, and the emotional ‘range’ it covers. In the story there are moments of great humour, anger, friendship, anguish etc, and there were quite a few scenes that I found very moving. The character sprites, event CGs and music are all excellent - although some of the backgrounds are a bit undetailed. The other negative would be the H-scenes (9 in the scene gallery, although 1 of them isn’t an H-scene at all :roll:). If they were whited out completely from the game without any other changes being made, the game would be worse off - but many of the scenes do feel oddly out of place. In my opinion, the game would be better off if the writer took the stories surrounding the scenes in a different direction, and having the H-CGs replaced with more CGs of other in-game scenes.

The RPG component is handled well, and although the enemy placement is identical each time, there is still a lot of strategic thought needed, particularly on the harder difficulties. Depending on the characters and upgrades you choose, there are a number of potential strategies that could be taken, although with the wrong choices, certain battles will be completely unwinnable.

If it wasn’t for the lack of voice acting, I wouldn’t have been able to tell that the game was originally released nearly than six years ago - Utawarerumono is easily worth the roughly $70 US price on paletweb, and now takes over 3rd spot in my list of favourite VNs, behind Gakuen Redux and Ever 17.

Currently trying to fully unlock 100% of Pia Carrot 3 and Shimaima.
Pia Carrot 3 - a bit hard to get it all, but i’ll get there soon, just have to repeat playing it using every one of the three waitress uniforms for each playthrough.
Ah, my favoritism for cute assistant managers reawakens… Akemi Hasegawa FTW!

Shimaima… O.O
I’m playing without any walkthroughs at all; and yet i cleared both of them already (Sana and Shizuru) and now embarking on a quest to unlock the rest (involving more than the two of them O.O… and i thought that these two were more than enough; but… well, more is better!)

It’s a S-RPG, not a VN. >_<
“Visual Novel” is NOT synonymous with “re’nai erogee”.

On my laptopI just started playing Utawarerumono, also using mirrormoon’s translation patch.I use the patch because, on my stationary computer i am playing Mission of Murder in Japanese. I think it is hard to play two different games in Japanese. Mission of Murder is also an RPG-bishjou game.

The PS2 version has voice acting, and I can honestly say that it makes a world of difference on how the story feels.

Good point :oops:. I guess why I called Utawarerurmono a VN was due to the presentation of dialogue using a textbox. S-RPG is definitely a better description.

Yeah, the PS2 version seems to be better in every respect bar one - no difficulty setting when starting a new game.

I am defently going to be getting this. hopeful for translation but either way, I am definately getting this. I loved ever 17 and would love to see the other stories just as well.

Did you know Utawarerumono has a voice patch if you own the PS2 game as well?
Sadly there doesn’t seem to be plans to patch the new PS2 content though… sounds like it would be a hassle. But just adding the voices is really something. I loveeeeeeee to hear everyone lol

So … I spent 128$ on the anime, 73$ on the PS2 game and 85$ on the DVD game itself… [286$ which includes shipping]
Wish this money was going to a local company like PP/Jast :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, well I should pre-order Raidy 2 :wink:

Oh and I beat Utawarerumono. I think I would like to compare it to an aspiring Xenogears… It has the makings of a real expansive RPG/legend. But massive time flys by in the game, and you only get to see a fraction of the events going on. I’d love to see it blown up into a full FF budget game. wish