What games can we recommend for U.S. release?

I know that a lot of people have their list of favorite games (I certainly do), including ones that they don’t have translated in the U.S. yet.

I noticed that over the years, people tend to ask, “Can we have [game title]? Or [another game title]?” This leads to a lot of debate and nobody is really certain if any of the games will ever get picked.

Rather than ask it that way, how about if I ask it a different way? There’s only certain kinds of games or certain game companies that have a chance of U.S. translation here. If we were to know those restrictions, I think that people could come up with better suggestions. As an example, I personally like Studio E-go games, but I already know that there’s no point for me to keep asking for them, as it’s my understanding that they have no chance.

[This message has been edited by kasumi (edited 05-08-2005).]

As I’ve said elsewhere, I don’t believe in wishIists or, worse, backlogs of games (I buy and play almost any genre, but I choose my future games on the spur of the moment and only when my Fancy is adeguately “stimulated” ).
My real wish is to see English DOWNLOADABLE games in the near future. Low prices, no Customs and Postal Service problems, ample choice (including -in this case- 99% of G-Coll. games) and… who cares about V-Mate and its cousins?!?

He didn’t suggest making the games only available by download. This is something that I would love to see. I don’t order many of my games online for the same reason that I don’t phone the restaurant and place an order a week or more in advance, I want it NOW. Broadband is spreading pretty fast now. It would be a great time to start a service like this.

Two words: lower price. If making the games downloadable enables them to reduce the price to around $20 (only 2,400 yen on the site Baldo linked to–the games retail for 8,800!), then I’m all for it. It is nice that you can get the games a little faster, but it’s still going to take a day to download items > 1GB, no matter how fast your connection is. I do understand that international customers would benefit significantly from the elimination of shipping charges, though. But for most, the reduction in base price would be the main attraction, I think. And if the company serves the games over a client like BitTorrent, they could greatly cut bandwidth costs. But I also realize that there’s many here who would be disappointed if the games became download-only. So the question becomes: can PP and GC significantly reduce prices for downloadable games AND still offer boxed versions simultaneously? Or are these alternatives mutually exclusive?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-09-2005).]

Good think you’re not a math major, Dark_Shiki. One yen is about once cent, so a game that retails for 88,000 yen is $880. Those Japanese players really will pay any price.

God damn it, messed it up again. Well I know what I mean anyway…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-09-2005).]