What games should peachprincess translate next?

At least we’ll always have our lesbian strippers …

I really hope they release those types of games. Under the moon looked very cute, and the guys drools are so hot. Same goes for the other games. Eye candy for women, heh. I guess, I love bishounens a little too much, nah, I’m just a normal hot-blooded woman with a insatable lust for bishies. :slight_smile: [/b][/QUOTE]

There would also be the added bonus that one-girl-many-guy games would be much more acceptable to guys (the main customer base so far) than yaoi games. I know I, at least, would be willing to at least look at such games, but there’s roughly a snowball’s chance in hell I’ll play a yaoi game.

The problem I foresee is that yaoi has an already-existing, galvanized legion of fangirls whose existence as a demographic has been known for some time; it was just not catered to. (Witness the recently-started-up line of yaoi manga translation.) The market for these is much less clear.

I for one like the 1 girl lots of guys scenario, and would definitely buy that kind of game as long as it didn’t involve excessive rape.

Well, I hope at least they will check these GxB games out. Because like it or not not every girl is a yaoi fan. And playing as a girl, which I am, and going after many hot guys is what I like. :slight_smile: