What H-Game of your Dreams ...?

The blind human woman with a black dress? Yeah, she is very beautiful.
But i think Ernesta, the elf woman with a witch hat is hotter. If she’s winnable, will be definitely my first catch! :slight_smile:

[ 06-05-2007, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

That plot description sounds interesting. Of course there’s little chance of the game actually being translated, but one can dream …

I actually imported White Clarity for $97 without tax. A month later the price dropped to $18. And no, other than install the game I did not bother to play the game during that one-month time period. It made me want to throw objects - more specifically the game disc, followed by myself. I wanted to get it before it became OOP.

<img src="http://anime.advancedmn.com/images/content/misc/WhiteClaritySample2.jpg" alt=" - " />

Anyways, my Japanese is fairly basic, so I didn’t even really attempt to try and comprehend the story because it’s a kanji-fest, as expected. From what I can tell though, the main character doesn’t have a default name - it’s set to “You.” The girl you see in the above image is named Rino and she is an albino. The english description tells of a legendary moon-being and I think it’s her or something. Rino is kept in the basement of the place where you currently soujourn and you one day run into her. She is a pure and innocent child; but she cannot speak. She eventually learns how to say the word “Cookie,” which is the name of the pet ferret that she has. It may be because I skipped through the story; but the scene where she utters her first word was not touching at all. It made me roll my eyes, to tell the truth. The game has excellent presentation value and there are some really really good looking backgrounds and high-resolution CG. The music is peaceful, soothing, sophisticated, and orchestrated. I’ve only fast-fowarded through Rino’s path; but those are my impressions of the game. Whether or not the game is good, I cannot say because I did not read through the story; but I was impressed by the production value. The prologue is certainly intriguing; but the player character doesn’t look cool. He doesn’t have cool points on his character design. The game, also has complex branching paths, and multiple choices per decision point. I actually got the bad ending from choosing the paths without even bothering to read them the second time I played, and an automatic game over the first time.

I do like Rino’s character design a lot. She also has some great CG-art scenes.

       <img src="http://anime.advancedmn.com/images/content/misc/WhiteClaritySample.jpg" alt=" - " />

This part (the above CG) I paid attention to and I really liked how it was done. The use of colors in the background in particular is what I found really impressive; and though the light doesn’t reflect on the characters clothes as my friend had critique - making the characters seem out of place, I really like the tear-filled embrace the characters have here. There is no use of shadow, either, unfortunately. Of course, you only really notice these things if you’re looking for faults. With that said, the quality of the presentation is still above many other titles.

The game’s main theme is in Engrish; and I like it a lot. It’s probably my favorite vocal track from a bishoujo game thus far. The lyrics are really about the game - more specifically Rino. I attempted to transcribe the lyrics to the full version, and here is what I have:

Deep inside the under moon
in the dark of the night I saw a dream
there is one, there is one
a type who loves to tame tomorrow
even the land is brightening so much
with reflected light from the white moon
there is one, there is one
a type who loves…

You are the same under white skin
looking very sad
thatfs not for me
forever I live our future

because of suddenly youfre lost
you were always there, your place
itfs too late when we got lost
you were always silent, course
you were always there, your place
your silence speaks louder than words.

The moon weeps day and night.
Itfs dripping with a white silver
It¬Åfs a legend. Its legend…
A type who loves to tame tomorrow.
Everyone knows, everyone knows.
Youfre still talking no deification.
It¬Åfs a legend. Its legend…
A type who loves…

Right now I want to be with you.
Keep on feeling that wefre mine.
Thatfs not for me.
Forever, I live our future.

And, the tears became you.
You were always there, your place.
Tears of the moon became you
Your wayfs always silence speaks.
You were always there, your place
Your silence speaks louder than words
You were always there, your place
Your wayfs always silence speaks
You were always there, your place
Your silence speaks louder than words

You can download the OP movie from the official site or stream it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4qprmnidbQ&mode=related&search=

The movie features the short version of the song White Clarity ~ And, the Tears Became You - the one I transcribed above.

It’s not 100%, of course. The song is hard to make out.

Hey Nargrakhan, if you’re still planning to take review requests when your new site is up, I’d like to request for this game to be reviewed.

<img src="http://anime.advancedmn.com/images/content/misc/whiteclaritymiscsig.jpg" alt=" - " />

[ 06-07-2007, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

The english patch for Shuffle! is back on track and should be ready for release soon.

http://gamepatch.se/news.php For more info

I’d like to see “Miss Each Other” by Overflow