What kind of PR image should Bishoujo games portray?

Well, if you guys don’t mind me tossing in my 2 cents here.

Okay, if we go with the “3 camps” idea I still think the game companies miss a lot of what bishoujo games could be in, at least, the American market. Let me try to give you all something to think about.

The adult movie industry is one of the most lucrative markets in Hollywood. The adult industry has been attempting to change its overall image for the past several years. Yes, there are still 90 minute porn movies that have 89 minutes of sexual content; however, there is a steadily growing number of adult movies that have a great plot as well. The industry realized that women enjoy the story more than the acts of sex. This is why harlequin romance novels do so well. So, the adult movie industry has made some huge turns in what it makes to get more women into enjoying their products, and therefore more money in their coffers.

Now, I feel this is what the bishoujo translating companies should do as well. Instead of saying Game X has thousands of adult pictures; say Game X has a mature story that adults will enjoy. That is, instead of emphasizing the sexual aspects of the game, empasize the maturity and complexity of the game. The American population is aging, and adults want to buy games that they will enjoy.

Since, at least, the American audience is mis-informed about the products, the business’ involved in the selling of the material should make an effort to explain it to them. Peach Princess has made significant effort to show this, but more work could always be done.

I will disagree with Ladypheonix’s comment on Private Nurse, though. As far as I can tell, the Memories Room for Private Nurse has both the sexual situation scenes, and the everyday scenes as well. I can remember clicking through several images of the cast siting around the dining table eating, or clicking through several pictures of the Maria and Hiroki when they are sitting out in the park having their picnic. I even remember the picture of Julia (the moon-nurse.)

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I'm hoping the reviews will counteract that. Personally, retailers should just present a story synopsis and describe what genre the game is, as well as define the genre. Unicorn and I have discussed this a bit, and we think hammering out a universally accepted set of definitions for the game genres will be beneficial.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 05-22-2003).]

As a retailer I present games based on what the customer is looking for. Sometimes they just ask about sex scenes. A few will ask about plot lines. Those who already have looked into games themselves generally want something with a good balance of the two. I don't have a standard approach to sell them.

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
I will disagree with Ladypheonix's comment on Private Nurse, though. As far as I can tell, the Memories Room for Private Nurse has both the sexual situation scenes, and the everyday scenes as well.

You misunderstood her comment:
She talked about the images that were displayed on G-Collentions's website as examples of the graphics in this game, not the diary entries or the CG-galleries of this game.
There are really a lot of beautyful pictures in this game, but the guys at G-Collection put only pictures from the rather repetitive and boring h-scenes in the game's showcase.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-27-2003).]

It’s just for entertainment purposes, but my poll at MegaTokyo shows that people have played Bishoujo games with adult content or irregardless of adult content at a roughly 4:1 ratio. Bishoujo game companies in Japan overwhelmingly post H CG teasers prior to release of their titles. Looks like the wonderful story is losing against the wonderful ecchi.

Well I’ll relate my first ever Bishojou game purchase & why I made it since it relates to this thread…

To start I didn’t know what a Bishojou game was til I was pointed in this direction by a random post by a person who actualy doens’t like Bishojou games (& thinks they are simply porn from his favorite art form). Before that I was simply a fan of Anime & Manga as well as asian culture in general… I don’t speak any asian languages though & I really doubt I have time to learn even if I could (& I suck at languages)…

Now to the real story… I ended up at Peach Princesses front door (which looks very much the way it does now even back then). I stepped inside & had really no clue what I might want to try to see if these games were any good. I’d been looking long & hard for anything from the relationship games I’d heard about in japan, but had almost no luck finding any of them… I wanted msot somethign that didn’t make me think I had missed something since most US games won’t show content that I could see in an R rated movie (which I think is silly) & make no attempts to gain a older/more mature audience…

I stumbled upon XC1 & after reading the basic concept of the game I noticed it sounded much like my all time favorite anime series (Ranma 1/2), but without the martial arts… Since I’d already been a fan of several Lemon writing projects (Daigakusei no Ranma - Daigakusei no Ukyou Series beign my favorite) that bring Ranma into a more mature (well in a funny way of course) light… So XC1 sounded perfect… I ordered it on the spot…

Unfortunately XC1 didn’t quite play the way I’d hoped, but was a very charming game in & of itself… So I bought 2 more titles the next chance I got… Snow Drop (which I heard had a great story when I looked through this BBS or it’s likeness at that point in time) & I pre-ordered Critical Point… In the end Snow Drop stumped me (as I cannot & have never gotten the ‘best endings’, though I do get one of the tame ‘good’ endings if that makes any sense) & I’ve contemplated Tokimeki Check-in! since I like Love Hina (& they seem somewhat similiar in conception, at least to me) but I haven’t gotten to it yet…

I then received Critical Point, which I like alot though some things drove me nuts til I got used to them (I was to nice to everyone & the game doens’t like that… well unless you wanted to have all three or 2 depending in your ending)… Just as I finished that they started pre-orders for LMM & XC2… Both of which I’ve pre-ordered after Critical Point. Though LMM seems like it may be awhile still (read as years)… sigh… Now I’ve just ordered 2 more sets of games due to the review sites listed here in the forums…

Which pretty much ends that convuluted story, but maybe it explains how/why I buy Bishoujo games…