what older peach princess/jastusa/ g-collection games would

what older games from peach princess/jastusa/g-collections you recommend
i need a new game(s) to play while waiting for new games to come out

the major ones i am looking at are chain, slave pageant, idols galore, heart de roommate, privite nurse, pick me up honey, my little maid, secret wives club, and i’m gonna serve you 4

sagara family is on my list for newer games
same with doushin

Private nurse and chain are the best story games on the list. I’m gonna serve you 4 and secret wives club being the best sex romps. The rest kind of slide inbetween I guess you could say.

I liked Heart de Roommate. Other than that, I second Private Nurse and Chain, they’re both good.

I would also put Ever 17 on the list, since it was (apparently) just reprinted. If you haven’t played it already. I’d also put Nocturnal Illusion up there, if you could acquire a copy at the moment.

heart de roommate, privite nurse -those 2

Be warned PN has sound issues on XP SP2 and Vista systems. There are instructions out there on how to fix it.

Heart De Roomate for light hearted, Private Nurse for heavy, Chain was a pretty big disappointment for me.

Snow Drop. (Watch it girls, my Minoru would return armed with walkthrough)

Figures of Happiness is a good story game, if your looking for something a bit different. (I have to pimp this game cause I love Shinigami-chan, aka Miss Death)

Out of those definitely: “Chain - the lost footsteps”, “Heart de Roommate” and “Private Nurse”.
From your other list I would add “The Sagara Family” and I agree with Doug regarding “Figures of Happiness” too.

If you want to kill a whole lot of time, “Brave Soul” should be taken into consideration too!

Oh, and you definitely should do something about your lost YMK, that still is listed in your signature… :wink:

That’s funny - mine wrote one after he finished the game… :lol:

I ordered Phantom of inferno on ebay (since it’s from hirameki).
It seems the story is awesome.


[] chain - Great detective story[/]
[] slave pageant - Dark game. Story isn’t much, as its a simple “training” game.[/]
[] idols galore - It uses the “rape the gal to start the relationship” device. Takes away from the later half of the story which is basically a normal “love grows for no good reason” story, so its a bit flat on the “sweets”, but isn’t a real “dark” title. More like a plotless hentai manga turned into a game.[/]
[] my little maid - The older maid trainer (and NOT “little my Maid”) ? It is a true trainer sim. Train their maid skills— ALL their maid skills. Very different genre from all the others.[/]
[] secret wives club - The romancing of 3 bored japanese house wives. Standard eroge love story with some light bondage and dom fetish to it.[/][/list]

I cannot comment on the following: heart de roommate, privite nurse, pick me honey, i’m gonna serve you 4. I either haven’t played them, or its been so long that don’t remember them well enough to comment.

I’d recomment Chain as the best of the lot for story. Slave Pagent is the darkest of the options, Secret Wives Club is a standard eroge love story (with minor fetish graphics) that tries to hide its vanilla story behind a “trainer” looking interface, and My Little Maid is the definate “different” game being a real trainer.

Oh, if you meant “Little My Maid”, it was an interesting eroge. I liked its graphics, and it had some interesting plot lines. It is a strong fantasy title, so if you are looking for something with fantastic elements, that’s something to look into.

Have fun!

Don’t you mean “The Maid’s Story”? Which actually was not a “peach princess/jastusa/ g-collection game” but by C’s?

Otherwise, your description doesn’t really ring a bell for me…

Unicorn, you are correct. Sorry, got that title twisted around. :oops:

Not all of these are that old I go as far as 2007 but many of them are worth playing imo.

Phantom of Inferno: As a proud owner who bought inferno for only 10 dollars (thanks amazon) I would give my vote to phantom of inferno for its great story and characters. Mind you this has no h-scenes but is definitely one of the best games released by hirameki.

Ever 17: If you can find this game it is worth every penny. This is the other gem of games released by Hirameki and is nearly if not harder to find than phantom. A great story, characters, and artwork. Has multiple endings and one final ending that puts all together. No h-scenes but worth playing regardless.

Since most have been mentioned already I will throw a couple of others out there.

DOR: A classic that is supposed to be quite entertaining despite the fact the graphics are censored. You can get it relatively cheap. I believe a modern adaptation of this game was also made in Japan but do not know whether it will ever be release outside of Japan.
Kana Little Sister: Depressing but nice story. If you like romantic tragedy this is for you
Chain: A rather good mystery eroge but sadly is more or less an anime. You make very few actual choices in this (can’t recall and story setters) and it is extremely linear with nearly no chance to diverge from the main story.
Private Nurse: 3 different characters all with their own personalities. Personally the third is my favorite. Has a rather nice story to it as well.

Brave Soul: Another highly entertaining fantasy rpg game. It lasts quite some time so if you like jrpgs you’ll like this. my game does have a problem with it though at a certain part but it is easily fixed with a patch. Still a fun game with good replay value.

Figures of Happiness: A long game with a great story and lots of characters.

Yume Miru Kusuri: Easily one of my favorite eroge thus far. A great heartfelt story and beautiful artwork. It can get a bit depressing during a certain arc but it makes for a great story. Highly recommended.

Going through old threads … let’s see …

I have just started getting into Private Nurse. I have noticed that it is more difficult to find discussions on this title over the internet, compared to more popular titles. My impression is that Private Nurse is underrated. Insofar as the quality of story goes, it is as good as Kana Little Sister.

I have only managed to complete Maria’s storyline so far, but my impression with regards to her storyline: Some of her traits especially towards the end of her storyline in which she silently slips out of Hiroki’s home at night as well as totally oblivious to the rest of the world while watching TV seem rather quirky unless she is ‘understood’ as a fairy of some sort. I realized this once I saw that she becomes very attached to Hiroki (and vice versa), then even though she begins to want to leave him, she cannot do it on her own until Hiroki releases her. Overall, her storyline feels like a classic fairytale in which there is no such thing as Disney-style happily-ever-after ending.

Amen. Even if you don’t like the story all that much (I was pretty underwhelmed by Maria’s and Mio’s routes, though I liked Ayano’s), the atmosphere in Private Nurse is beautiful and music is gorgeous. The stargazing scenes with Ayano are easily my favorite part of the game. Thankfully, one of the game discs doubles as music CD, so you have lossless access to the soundtrack outside of the game.

Going over the list of titles mentioned in this thread, I’d second The Sagara Family (probably the only sex romp I’d recommend), Private Nurse, Figures of Happiness, Ever 17, Yume Miru Kusuri, and Phantom of Inferno (the anime adaptation of which is pretty good up until Chapter 3 / Episode 20; it unfortunately has to rush from then onward).

Heart de Roommate is somewhat overrated; it’s basically a mindless sitcom with archetypal characters and an easily-misunderstood epilogue (the final line is unfortunately not translated, and it does change the meaning of the scene: “C’mon, guys! Let’s go!”). The story for the most part does not take itself seriously, making for some serious mood whiplash when it’s trying to be dramatic (the same could be said for Family Project, which I much preferred).

I can’t say anything about the Trabulance titles, Little My Maid, Snow Drop, Nocturnal Illusion, Doushin, Brave Soul, or The Maids’ Story since I haven’t finished any of them.

Going back to Private Nurse: It seems that Ayano’s storyline is considerably less bittersweet than that of Maria’s (I am just beginning to get into Ayano’s). I have yet to get into Mio’s storyline. Perhaps because Hiroki can relate to Ayano much better as she does not have the drawback of Maria’s ‘mysterious’ baggage (Maria’s inherent mystery is the reason for her eventual departure).

Yeah, Maria’s storyline was underwhelming – I certainly did not cry over Maria’s storyline like what happened with my first session of Kana Little Sister – but hers felt more bittersweet. My take on the differnce between Maria and Kana: Hiroki discovers an unusually ideal girlfriend in the form of Maria, certainly something that would make all other boys very envious, but they are unable sustain their relationship as they are fundamentally different beings. Holding onto Maria is like keeping a fairy inside a bottle; an impossible situation. Furthermore, the closer Hiroki figures out about Maria (meaning, he starts to unravel some of her mysteries), the ‘magic’ between them starts to fade away. By contrast, Kana and Taka stay as close siblings, whether she survives or not, regardless of lack of blood relations.

Three things make Private Nurse worth its price tag: Story writing (very little typos or other awkwardness that I can nit pick, unlike several other titles), music (serene and mysterious feeling) and graphics (uses green-blue-violet palette pretty well).

Perhaps that is one reason for the popularity of ‘utsuge’ (depressing) visual novels. I have noticed from titles like Kana, Private Nurse, Yume Miru Kusuri that it is not easy to make a reader to think about life and even philosophical issues unless the story in question delves into setbacks and even tragedies (also the lingering fear of losing something precious). To put it another way, it is rather difficult to appreciate the warm sunlight unless one has a first-hand experience getting blasted by severe storm.

That’s not quite what I meant. There’s slice-of-life slapstick (see: Clannad, Snow Sakura, Kanon, Wind, ef, Figures of Happiness, Ever 17, etc…) and there’s over-the-top there’s-no-way-I-can-take-this-seriously slapstick (My Girlfriend is the President, Heart de Roommate, Family Project, ToLOVEru). To be fair, Tomoyo’s hit counter is decidedly over-the-top, but that’s more an exception than the rule in Clannad’s humor.

Don’t get me wrong here; I love a good comedy every now and then. However, when a title tries to make an Afterschool Special-style point, it fits far better in the former camp than in the latter. Imagine if the serious episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air ended with the usually funky outro instead of the silent fade-to-credits; that’s the kind of whiplash I’m not particularly fond of.

I should note that all three of the utsuge you mentioned are among my favorites.

I finally finished the other two endings in Private Nurse. Three different ‘flavors’:

  1. Maria: Her storyline is like a fairytale in modern settings, but has the most bittersweet ending. Maria would have been the ideal girlfriend as, depending on situation, she behaves like a mom, an innocent girl, and also very sexy. Some of her quirky aspects consist of: a) Almost always smiles and speaks softly; b) Rarely revealing something about herself; c) Rather ‘airy’ attitude towards the outside world (especially when watching TV).

  2. Mio: Her storyline develop rather slowly until close to the end. The biggest difference is that, unlike Maria and Ayano, Mio is an adult who is considerably older than Hiroki, so Mio-Hiroki dynamics are quite different, resulting in more subdued ‘flavor’. Hers is the least emotional.

  3. Ayano: Her storyline contains the most emotional ups and downs, considering that there is a tension between her and Hiroki. Sources of their tension: a) Their differences (rather huge, as their mental and physical conditions are virtually the exact opposites); b) Willingness to stick together.

I found it interesting that I got Maria’s ending the first time, then followed by Mio, and finally Ayano. I actually ended up with Mio’s ending when I was actually trying for Ayano’s. It appears that I struggled the most to achieve Ayano’s end.