What out-of-print games do you want to play?

OK, so the other thread is locked up, and I can’t find that other thread, so here’s the big question I need to break to everyone: How many out of print games do you actually want to play because you read detailed reviews and analyses of, and not just jumping on the bandwagon, clamoring for a release just because it seems like the ‘in’ thing? I know there seems to be a infectious syndrome that plagues many Tokimeki Memorial/Sentimental Graffitti/Kanon fans, which goes something like "I heard so much good about [said game], why won’t American companies license it, or why won’t Konami or Key release it in the states?"

Peter seemed to be exploring the possibility of rereleasing Otaku back catalog games, but whether he pursued it or dropped it, is unknown.

Langrisser Series ^^

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Peter seemed to be exploring the possibility of rereleasing Otaku back catalog games, but whether he pursued it or dropped it, is unknown.

Do you target with your question at out-of-print-games that already were localized to the english language (as this quoted part does)?

Or does that include also out-of-print-japanese games (as your lament about the rabid Kanon/TokiMemo/whatever-fans did)? Or probably even out-of-print-japanese games that we already played ourselves and would like to see localized?

Well, I target mine at the English out-of-print because if the Windows XP compatibility or later Windows compatibility issue is settled, and the licensing is straightened out, it’s less work because there’s already a finished product with tweaks, major or minor to perform.

You can imagine the issue with older Japanese Windows OS games is a lot more complicated than say older Playstation games, although I understand Playstation 2 hardware emulates the Playstation 1 to reach almost full compatibility with older games.

Hmm. Well bokmeow’s initial “either/or” question seems a bit odd. I tend to avoid finding out lots about the games I’m going to buy, because I like discovering it for myself… but equally, I don’t buy half (let alone all) of the English-translated bishoujo games - so I’ll read reviews and assess whether I’m likely to like a game before playing it.

TokiMemo/Senti Graffiti/Kanon I would buy in English like a shot, but for kinda a combination of both reasons you list: it’s generally agreed to be a good/classic game Is that “jumping on the bandwagon”? Or is it making an assessment because of reviews?

As for re-releases of things which have already been released in English once, I’d DEFINITELY buy a re-release of True Love if it was made, but not sure about anything else… are there any other English translated b-games which can’t be bought in one of the Memorial Collections?

[This message has been edited by chronoluminaire (edited 10-02-2003).]

I’ll second, third fourth and fith for the langrisser series. I’d kill to play those in english, hell even 3 lol.

Sakura wars would be rpetty cool.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
OK, so the other thread is locked up, and I can't find that other thread, so here's the big question I need to break to everyone: How many out of print games do you actually want to play because you read detailed reviews and analyses of, and not just jumping on the bandwagon, clamoring for a release just because it seems like the 'in' thing? I know there seems to be a infectious syndrome that plagues many Tokimeki Memorial/Sentimental Graffitti/Kanon fans, which goes something like "I heard so much good about [said game], why won't American companies license it, or why won't Konami or Key release it in the states?"

Peter seemed to be exploring the possibility of rereleasing Otaku back catalog games, but whether he pursued it or dropped it, is unknown.

Most of the older games that I'm interested in would be the older ones from CsWare like Luv Wave, Chara-Hana, or something like that.

Hmm…I’d have to say gin’iro? People keep talking about it here so of course now I want to play it

Originally posted by woodelf:
Hmmm Sakura Wars comes to mind.
I got the anime, now I want the game.
I really don't want to think about all
the teen and adult games that will never
be released.

They want to release the series in the states, but are confused as to how.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well if you could share them part of your evil (c) plans I am sure the can release something in the USA. I suspect just how introduce the game is problem because the orignal game is too old, and the last games require the background of the orginal game to play well. This would require a creation of new game for the US market and they don't want to do that and have it flop?

Hmm. You may be right; this would explain their Evil Hidden Agenda behind remaking the first game.

I believe this is a copy of Giniro:

I do not have a Japanese address though. But perhaps someone else who does (or has a contact) may be interested.

Well, I just won an auction for Knights of Xentar, AKA Dragon Knight III and I have to say other than the battle system which is just insanely spastic due to MS-DOS program running on Windows 98 and the shitty voice acting which I didn’t hear most of the times, this is a very impressive game in story and in gameplay. Did these Elf games have renewal versions?