What possesses people to overpay on a product still in p

Originally posted by dexter:
SATAN'S PLAN - Give everyone a Magical Super Enema while they are sleeping!! This will make them "shit" non-stop for a year. All this "shit" would release "methane gas" that would suffocate life on earth.

Great! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Now we are actually discuss BS, just as Lamuness said in that other thread... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/eek.gif[/img]

Originally posted by dexter:
* Satan comes back *

Bwahahahaha!!!! What are you talking about they all know your true nature!! Bwahahaha!!!!!!

* Satan creates a plan on destroying the world *

SATAN'S PLAN - Give everyone a Magical Super Enema while they are sleeping!! This will make them "shit" non-stop for a year. All this "shit" would release "methane gas" that would suffocate life on earth.


... I would never come up with a plan that stupid. That sounds like one of Excel-kun's plans. It's beneath me to rip off another evil organization's plans; theirs are obviously not worth plundering.

Can someone go tell Il Palazzo that Excel's been blabbing his evil plans again?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Well speaking as someone that who has had to read a lot about what fear will drive people to do, if they do fear even a little bit of tracking they might be paranoid enough to pay over 200% just to be secure in not tracking and no it is not logical.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-21-2003).]

Except it's not untrackable. Given a good deal of time and effort I could track this down. Contact eBay, find the seller, find the address the item was shipped to, then track the money that paid for the PO box or whatever, back to its source.

If someone wanted to track it that badly, they could. It would require having the power to subpoena records, but you could. So whether this would be a wise move, depends on who the bidder is trying to fool. If they're his 'stupid parents' and he's underage, this would (probably) work. If he's under the impression this is some kind of *cough* illegal producy (you know, the kind the FBI actually does make arrests over), then he's being foolish.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Except it's not untrackable.

If someone wanted to track it that badly, they could. It would require having the power to subpoena records, but you could. So whether this would be a wise move, .

Actually thanks to certain nameless acts, and I don't want to talk politics, you really don't need subponeas anymore which depends on your view if it is good or bad; but the point I think is even if you want to track as you said it is a lot harder to track and many don't know you can or realize to this day, almost anyone can track anything done online if they wanted to bad enough, so they feel safer doing it this way.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
In that case, the buyer must be really afraid, because right now it's at $123.00.

That's 150 percent more than its original retail value.

Maybe, they don't want to be tracked down because they are going to sell illegal copies of the product. And therefore get their capital back. That is probably the reason why they would buy the product at such a high price.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
... I would never come up with a plan that stupid. That sounds like one of Excel-kun's plans. It's beneath me to rip off another evil organization's plans; theirs are obviously not worth plundering.

Can someone go tell Il Palazzo that Excel's been blabbing his evil plans again?

Beware while you sleep Nandemonai!! you might be the next one to receive the Magical Super Enema!!!!!


Just kidding!! Hehehe!!=)

Originally posted by dexter:
*Satan speaks*

Would you rather be in Heaven or Hell???
Remember! in Heaven you couldn't play B-games!!!! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!

Now there's an interesting discussion... because I'm an evangelical Christian who'll happily play bishoujo games, and support the industry by buying them... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/eek.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

(Probably a discussion for the Off-Topic Forum, admittedly [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] )

-- Chrono "You'll be surprised how much Bishoujo there is in Heaven" Luminaire

Originally posted by dexter:
Beware while you sleep Nandemonai!! you might be the next one to receive the Magical Super Enema!!!!!


Well, now we know where your mind is. I hereby dub you Enema-san.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-23-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Well, now we know where your mind is. I hereby dub you Enema-san.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-23-2003).]

Well , actually my mind isn't where you think it is. In fact I have an IQ of 131 (I don't usually tell people this because they don't believe me but because of the situation you presented me, I feel I need to prove that I am not a mindless person). And Please don't call me Enema-san. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by dexter:
Well , actually my mind isn't where you think it is. In fact I have an IQ of 131 (I don't usually tell people this because they don't believe me but because of the situation you presented me, I feel I need to prove that I am not a mindless person). And Please don't call me Enema-san. :)

I tend to keep my mouth shut about that. The only time I ever deliberately rubbed it in someone's face went something like this:

[Dork] Guess what? I got admitted to Harvard! (Note: I am at work. I don't know him. Nobody else does either.)

[Dork] No, really, I did! Honest!

[Dork] I swear! Tell 'em, Bob

[Dork's friend] *rolls eyes* Yeah, he did really get into Harvard.

[Me] Oh, really? Harvard, eh? Must be pretty smart. What's your SAT score?

[Dork] (around 1350)

[Me] Well, that's interesting. I got a 1550.


And I won't call you Enema-san if you don't steal my (bad) jokes.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-25-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

[Me] Oh, really? Harvard, eh? Must be pretty smart. What's your SAT score?

[Dork] (around 1350)

[Me] Well, that's interesting. I got a 1550.

Just out of curiosity, I'd like to ask what a SAT score is?

The SAT is one of the college-entrance tests US students take. It’s meant to be fairly abstract to cover for differences in background, unlike the more-subject-based SAT II’s or ACT. Half is ‘math’ and half is ‘verbal’.

Max score is 1600. I also got a 1550.

I don’t think any one’s going to pay for it.

Originally posted by papillon:
The SAT is one of the college-entrance tests US students take. It's meant to be fairly abstract to cover for differences in background, unlike the more-subject-based SAT II's or ACT. Half is 'math' and half is 'verbal'.

Max score is 1600. I also got a 1550. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

It is one of those tests too that is highly debated, some people feel that it is not a fair test since all knowledge people have, much of which could allow them to excel in numerous univeristy majors, is not tested, and not all people come from schools that acutally allowed them to acquire the knowledge the test requires them to have to excel on the test.

How much over is the price at now if I might ask?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-26-2003).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
It is one of those tests too that is highly debated, some people feel that it is not a fair test since all knowledge people have, much of which could allow them to excel in numerous univeristy majors, is not tested, and not all people come from schools that acutally allowed them to acquire the knowledge the test requires them to have to excel on the test.

How much over is the price at now if I might ask?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-26-2003).]

Lucky Me!! those kind of test have been removed in my country. The department of education here didn't think those kind of test are very useful. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by dexter:
Lucky Me!! those kind of test have been removed in my country. The department of education here didn't think those kind of test are very useful. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

The people who run the SAT were quick to head off the debate in that regard. They conducted several studies, which found that, if you structure the exam properly, you can in fact get fairly useful predictions. Performance on the SAT is a fairly accurate predictor of first year grades; beyond that its usefulness drops off sharply, as the topics covered in classes get more complex.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The people who run the SAT were quick to head off the debate in that regard. They conducted several studies, which found that, if you structure the exam properly, you can in fact get fairly useful predictions. Performance on the SAT is a fairly accurate predictor of first year grades; beyond that its usefulness drops off sharply, as the topics covered in classes get more complex.

I speak only from my own discipline, but some sociologists, my professors, find those findings faulty for two reasons, one those are the ones SAT wanted to find, and if you look hard enough you will often find something to justify what you want, and two, it predicts only how one will do with grades, not the social adjustment to being away from home on ones own for the first time which can have a massive adverse impact on grades if more time is spent moping, partying, whatever then studying.

In short you are right insofar as it was proved to show the educational readiness of people, but not the social or emotional readiness which is often as if not more important to preformance first year.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-26-2003).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
In short you are right insofar as it was proved to show the educational readiness of people, but not the social or emotional readiness which is often as if not more important to preformance first year.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-26-2003).]

And my psych class was very quick to point out all these things. You're right - the SAT is not a valid indicator except in the very narrow field of academic aptitude for first year classes; the social aspects, and even the academics past year 1, are unpredictable.

Any scientific study is only useful if you know its limitations. In fact, that was probably the most useful thing they taught in said psych class.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
The people who run the SAT were quick to head off the debate in that regard. They conducted several studies, which found that, if you structure the exam properly, you can in fact get fairly useful predictions. Performance on the SAT is a fairly accurate predictor of first year grades; beyond that its usefulness drops off sharply, as the topics covered in classes get more complex.

Did you guys know that Albert Einstein was a highschool "drop out" and yet he was a "GENIUS". This example proves that grades or scores are not important,that's why I don't tend to brag about them!! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] And when did the topic became SAT's, we are drifting from the "original topic" posted by "bokmeow"

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And my psych class was very quick to point out all these things. You're right - the SAT is not a valid indicator except in the very narrow field of academic aptitude for first year classes; the social aspects, and even the academics past year 1, are unpredictable.

Any scientific study is only useful if you know its limitations. In fact, that was probably the most useful thing they taught in said psych class.

Oh yes my sociology professor pointed this out to me and I agree it is good to know these things about the SAT. I think that should be mentioned and there are some tests, none are perfect, but there are some tests to show if someone is as mentally and socially read for college as they are academically ready.

As to the latter part you mentioned he mention that to me too, only he broadened it to society saying that our knowledge is specialized to the groups of which we are apart, and that knowledge for each group is often unable to be transferred and specifically used in another group or when facing the much larger idea of a country.

By the way no clue how it came in here, but like a real comfortable conversation I think it drifted.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-27-2003).]