What the hell?

Okay so after years of not playing games, I decided to take a trip down memory lane. Played TSS, NI, Mayclub and Desire, Desire gives me a weird Ize out of sync error around the second day of the makoto scenerio anyone know how to fix this error? The error is causing me not to be able to complete the game as it constantly crashes out.

I know that this is a C’sware game and that they’re pretty much non existant anymore but I’ve looked everywhere.

So no one has any idea whats causing this?

I have an idea - but you wouldn’t like to hear it.

For starters, you should try if the same thing happens on another computer too - preferably one on which you already finished the game.

Hmm, only one problem I tend to get rid of older computers when I upgrade so I don’t have another one… I’d really love to hear your idea though. I’m thinking it might be memory or maybe the game itself is just broken.

Usually i get out-of-sync errors when I play MP games…

Yea, I find this to be the strangest error ever… I know for a fact when I got it in 2000 though it worked and I beat the game…

That’s basically my guess: media don’t last eternally.

And even if you got in in 2000 (thus “only” 8 years ago), that doesn’t mean the CDs were made in the very same year either!

I don’t even think the game is made anymore either… damn this was one of my favorites too.

K well it was the game, I ordered this again from himeya…