what titles do you hope jast usa annouces

Maybe Jast realised that they’re actually awful and backed out of the deal. I bought some off dlsite, big mistake :frowning:

EDIT: I know how they can fill the yuri gap! Since they’re already selling it, why not license Subarashiki Hibi? It’s probably going to be the best yuri eroge ever, too (by that I mean best eroge with yuri content, not the best eroge for people who want yuri content. Semantics, I know =P)

They’re that bad? They looked cute and some of them had gameplay but of course I haven’t the foggiest what the dialog’s about…

A yuri plotline in a mixed game is enough for me (although if that game’s not even OUT yet I’d think their chance of getting it slim)

My best guess? They prioritized DemonBane (and probably Nitro+ in general) over the Rolling Star titles (probably for exactly that reason). Now that CFA is out, Cat Girl Alliance is in the process of coming out as we speak (as we post?), and DemonBane is close to done, they may add one to their pipeline.

EDIT: The only things in their pipeline now are Downhill Night 2/3, Raidy 2, and Nitro+ titles. They’ll be making new announcements pretty soon, I expect.

Maybe I played the wrong ones, but there was no substance there - a bunch of scenes wrapped around a flimsy excuse for a plot, with no real logic connecting them. This is, in fact, my very least favourite kind of eroge. I’ve played lots of nukige and can tolerate much of it, no matter how bad the stories are, but they at least make sense in their own microcosm. If all you have is H scenes and you don’t even tie them together properly I wonder why I’m playing the game in the first place. Loli*Para was the clearest one; there was literally nothing else to it. Eroge-- even bad eroge-- and substanceless eroge are worlds apart.

Well, true =P (besides, it’ll be a cold day in hell before a denpa game gets officially licensed ever)

Starless from empress (http://www.will-game.com/empress/starless/index.html)

and for a long shot pianissamo from innocent grey (http://www.gungnir.co.jp/innocentgrey/p … index.html)

That would be awsome if Pianissamo (or any Innocent Grey game) was announced.

I liked Cartagra a lot more personally…

I’ve played the trial of it and (judging by that), if it did get licensed Subarashiki Hibi would be a very very difficult game to sell to the average JAST customer. Although it’s impossible to tell how things will play out, the story seems to be very unusual and abtruse, as well as in several places completely (for want of a better word) insane. One other difficulty is that Subarashiki Hibi is possibly a sequel to or remake of KeroQ’s first eroge Tsui no Sora, released in 1999 - at the very least, the games share some characters and are probably connected thematically as well (can’t comment on this, as I’m waiting for my copy of Tsui no Sora to arrive).

Sono Hanabira 8 (coming out tomorrow) is probably JAST’s best possibility for a yuri title. Although I didn’t particularly like Sono Hanabira 7 mostly because of the characters, it did have the best production values in the series, and 8 looks even better, particularly in the art department. One of the characters in 8 is a tsundere yamatonadeshiko, which should be a big improvement on the awkward student/teacher relationship.

That would be awesome.

I agre, we need some horror titles

Even though they’ve said it won’t happen, I’m still holding out for Fortuna by Zyx.

X-Change Alternative 2 and ??\???. (Three methods to conquer the world).

While I’d love more yaoi or Otome game, my most realistic dream game is X-Change 2. It would seem inevitable that XC2 will get released eventually as I understand the others ( which I’ve really enjoyed) are all big sellers.

Sweet Pool or any of the other Nitro+Chiral titles.

from what peter said he didn’t even know either x-change a2 or 3 methods were even out i hope jast gets them by next year

Well he admited himself that it’s been while since he last talked with Crowd… And Crowd blocked acces of their website to westerner… I don’t think we will get any new Crowd title in a near future.

Alicesoft and Getchu (!) also blocked access to foreigners recently. Sad times indeed.

Well Overflow and frontwing seems very interested in Western Market and we already got Circus, Navel, Overdrive, Nexton, Nitro+, Baseson and Will… Not so bad ^^

I’ve been wondering why there are so few Nitro+ titles mentioned here, considering the fanfare I heard when JAST announced its partnership with Nitro+.
On the other hand, I assume Kikokugai won’t sell much due to piracy.

Probably because it’s been brought up in other threads. That’s the case for me at least. Also, this thread is pretty old.