what titles do you hope jast usa annouces

otome games especially sangoku rensenki by daisy2
…that recent sex change fest game coming from crowd in october
and hopefully more recent nitro+ titles released in the future if demonbane goes well :slight_smile:

He needs to update us. He might, MIGHT be able to open up talks with them given the sheer number of deals the two of them have cut in the past with great success.

I want to know what the heck he’s up to, and when he plans on engaging in talks.

Wasn’t the XChange series JAST USA’s best sellers, as far as eroge goes? I find it very strange that they’d ignore these new releases.

I hope they announce “Hello, World!” (nitro+) next! 8) 8) 8)
I’ll buy as many copies as needed :stuck_out_tongue:

I was also hoping for 3 methods…

i don;t think he ignored them just was too busy to pay attention
i haven’t seen any of the mods post anything since since june with the update of the release list

I know that used to be true. But that was years ago, and I dunno if it’s still true anymore. Given the fact that he hasn’t really dealt with Crowd in a while (it has to be a few years since XCA2 has been out for that long but he didn’t know), I’d say probably it hasn’t been true for awhile.

Put it this way - if XChange Alternative had sold very well (like the previous titles did) then I’d’ve expected Peter to be all over XCA2 as soon as possible. He wasn’t.

Errrr…Hello World have,about, 20% more text than Demonbane… And first Demonbane need to sell well for Nitro+ to say yes to the Next translation, which is Jingai Makyo and have almost the same text lengh than Demonbane… So don’t hope too much ^^

Hanachirasu sounds interesting from what I saw about the setting as that is all I can find on it. It sounds like a good third game just to have a change of pace from the fantasy type games.

Maybe the loss of interest was on Crowd’s end?

It’s possible … but if Peter was still interested in Crowd, I’d expect him to at least be aware of Crowd’s new releases.

Depending on how the breakup happened, of course. If Crowd got really pissed off and told Peter where to stick it, then refused to talk to him anymore, that’s one thing. But if they just kinda didn’t have time to talk to Peter, I’d expect Peter to monitor the situation, so he could say “Hey, XCA2 just came out - that one did really well for us, you remember?” and try to reopen negotiations.

It’s hard to say (pure speculation, obviously) but I’m thinking there’s a few possibilities:

  1. XChange used to be a strong seller, but isn’t anymore. Maybe XCA didn’t do so hot, so the reason Peter wasn’t aware of XC2’s release because he didn’t care.
  2. Peter’s empire has poured most resources into other projects (former GC, Downhill Night, and Nitro+). Lacking resources for Crowd titles, Peter de-prioritized Crowd. (Kazoku Keikaku’s translation issues, for example, when other titles didn’t have them might indicate a new translator for the project.)
  3. Crowd might have abandoned the partnership for any number of reasons.

I suspect the truth is somewhat of a mixture of all three; I think probably XChange isn’t doing as well as it used to, and Peter has other projects he’s choosing to work on because he thinks they’ll do better than Crowd’s fare. So the companies probably drifted apart.

my guess is the drifting apart or cost of other things

Well, only Peter and crowd know anyway ^^

But i think it’s a good thing in the end.I mean… Jast USA have the enormous Will catalog and didn’t used it very well… We only got on or two crappy Eroge from Guilti, a so-so eroge from PULLTOP, The best Eroge from r√πf and all the old Eroge from a dead Branch (Sweat Basil) and that’s all…Oh i forgot the Yaoi Title from Langmaor, my bad.

Nothing from Propeller. Forget about Cleavage, Empress don’t seems to care about the uncensored CG anymore and i don’t think we’ll see Cross¬ÜChannel from Flying Shine but still hope… Well at least they announced a title from Eternal.
But it hink that Jast USA should really use more the Will catalog instead of Crowd.

Well, i don’t think we’ll see another Guilty Title… Jast USA don’t sell Tsuki and Virgin Roster anymore…So…

I am obligated to kill you now.

And for what? 2 eroge (XCA 2 and 3 methods)?
While on Will side their is at least 10 good one… (and some awesome one, like Cross¬ÜChannel)… Without the BL Game and Otome Game.

So, for me it’s clear as day : Will should be the priority (until Demonbane sell like crazy and Jast USA secure definitively Nitro+ of course)

I personally thought Princess Waltz was better than “so-so”, but to each his own. I am kind of disappointed we didn’t get any other Pulltop titles.

And I thought there were a few more Sweet Basil titles released that weren’t brought over?

Princess Waltz is a So-so Eroge.pulltop did far better than Princess Waltz.(And i also found it so-so.Linear and classic Story, ClichÈ situation and character, very simplictic and easy card system.Well the realisation and CG where top that’s true).

And for Sweet basil, well, my bad, 4 titles remain in their line up…

I can’t believe I am suggesting a nukige, but I want this: http://vndb.org/v1178 (Mainichi ga M!)
It looks sexy, would probably be popular, and has pretty graphics.

Oh, and PW was great. Utter blasphemy to anyone that doesn’t love Chris.

One of the most obvious reverse trap i saw in while plus being the worse crappy and annoying character of the game (…Hmm, maybe Suzushiro is worse than “him”… Well, maybe it was because of the voicing that i found low level for both character while all the other were good, very good)

Cross†Channel has already been English patched.

Yeah i know and i own a legit copy of this eroge since…two or three month after Cross¬ÜChannel release…But, how much westerner who played it have one? (legit copy)
1% at most…Since the game cost about 80¬Ä ($100).

So serioulsy who care about fan Made patch which just create more piracy?
Not me.(for your info i have about 50 eroge in Japanese… And some have been released in english or got a fan made patch… and i brought them way before that… Like some Nitro+ title, Key Title, Circus title, Mink Title, Black CyC title, Illusion title… I even own a Legit Rapelay DvD ^^ )