what to do when I visit japan?

I’ve lived in the us for almost 35 years now. Never left the us. I plan on staying in a hotel near Tokyo,japan next September for atleast ten days. I recieved 4 language CDs from pimsleur on speaking japanese each about an hour long.
I listened to the first part of one and was able to repeat it almost like the native speaker pronounced it.
I like watching ninja warrior on g4;
I have played quite a few of bishoujo games on my computer.
Also what are the differences if any when visiting a strip club
In japan?

Hmmm… touchy subject this one. There are strip clubs in Japan, that are tailored for tourists. They’re not unlike American clubs: no touching the dancers variety. However Japan has a very racy stripper nightlife if you know where to look (or wander into it by accident)… one that Americans might feel go too far, since it’s comparable to prostitution. In any event, a lot of strip clubs don’t allow foreigners in them: ESPECIALLY the ones near a US military base (Yokosuka, Iwakuni, Zama, etc). They don’t want trouble - and drunken Sailors and Marines tend to be magnets for it… not to mention involve foreign police (last thing they want is an international incident). Roppongi strip clubs have a history of being raided for illegal activity or illegal aliens: I hear it’s not fun being caught in one.

Honestly, I feel that you should avoid strip clubs in Japan. Maybe L-man, Shingo, or Peter will differ in opinion with me, and give you better advice. However I’m not comfortable advising someone new in Japan, where to find the best strip clubs… the ones I know of require a club member to admit entrance or places I wouldn’t visit myself. :expressionless:

I know from watching g4 that there’s a place I could test my skills for ninja warrior with out being in the contest. That’s one place to visit plus I’ll visit mount midoriyama if possible? But as far as the first response I’d like to stay out of trouble
If possible in a foreign country.

Very good idea. You don’t want to end up in some kind of foreign prison. (Not that this is common, rather if it DID happen, it’s really bad.)

I’d like to point out that even with almost 3 full semesters under my belt, I still have very low comprehension. When I’m studying my textbook, I understand a lot. But textbooks are very careful to not use vocabulary words they haven’t introduced yet (or defining them when they do), and “in the wild” Japanese does whatever it wants.

Japanese pastry (Wagashi), Japanese food, and Japanese hot springs. Everything else is just gravy.

If you may own any DS, then you may get “My Japanese Coach”. :wink:

i have the my japanese coach for the ds.
i’ll use that as a buffer once i finish my language cds
to see where i can improve on.