What to do with games fininshed playing?

Only if the game wasn’t that good. I always back up the save data and config files, though.

Generally… no, I don’t uninstall. I hoard.

I need free space on my computer so I uninstall them (byt I keep the save files somewhere).

Then, when I want to play it again (and again and again => YMK) I re-install it.

One thing I always wondered about…

When installing the Japanese version of X-Change 3, Yin-Yang, and other games, the install is a lot different.

For one, you get a nice piece of artwork that isn’t in the English version on the install screen.

But the MAJOR difference is that it defaults to installing only the core game files to the hard drive. You still need the CD in the drive to play music and voices.

However, the English version delete this artwork and install the full game to the disk, making it possible to play the game with no CD (a piracy hazard, imo) AND taking up lots more space on the disk.

Why would the install be changed this way?

If if u require a cd to play, piraters can easily do with creating ripped images and stuff.
@ topic.
I just save the files and backup my data and uninstall. Later if I am to play the game again, I may just use the backup or start a fresh. I do this with probably any genre.

Yeah, but they rip the images anyway, and it makes more sense to keep the music and voice on the disc and not have to use more hard drive space.

Usually I keep them installed, but I very rarely replay anything - too much of a backlog to get through. :?

I usually keep them installed. Right now I’m a little tight on space, but the next machine I’m building will have a massive amount of storage.

I like to play all my new games on a lap top that’s community property with the Wife, and since I don’t wish to embarrass her (or clue her in to how much I’ve spent overall on eroge), I store all my old games in an old computer that I got from a friend. But how can you ever say that you’ve really finished a game? It seems to me that even if you finish all the ‘correct paths’ of a given game and collected all the CG’s, there’s still the ‘wrong’ paths to follow, which can lead to some interesting parts of the story that you might have otherwise have missed. And there’s also the chance that you might stumble onto an easter egg that no one else knows about…like maybe there really is a hidden sister path in YMK?

Pretty simple! See, after one too many games that had a branching path system too stupidly difficult (I think EXTRAVAGANZA might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back) I now play all eroges with a kouryaku* (capture guide), which basically tells you how to complete everything in the game with the minimum of replay.

The thing is that I never played these games as though I was controlling some character, so there’s no real satisfaction in picking choices - I’d rather just see the story that the scenario writer wrote. This also helps me to save time on games that I would otherwise end up doing far too much replaying or loading just to find the right obscure combination of choices that allows me to continue without getting a bad end - that’s not fun, it’s lame, and I’d rather be reading more eroge.

*the only ones I don’t play in this method are games that don’t have a kouryaku.

I don’t usually un-install the games. But when I am finished with them I won’t usually ever play them again. (I will use a game guide to be sure that I haven’t missed anything before I finally drop the games.) So they will just be on my computer until I buy a new computer (or until I need to free some space on the hard drive which isn’t very likely to ever happen anymore).

I always uninstall them and just keep the save files.

I don’t even keep the save files, come to think of it I’ve always wanted a clean sheet when I replay games whatever genre it might be. Besides I’ve never understood why you would keep em, as I couldn’t quite see myself looking at CG’s without prior content, but I guess thats just another odd aspect of my personality. :roll:

You’ve never played a game with Carnelian as the artist.
You keep THOSE around just so you can look at the art occasionally.

Or play an eroge that takes an eternity to figure out without cheating, making a 100% save file like a badge of honor.

Eroge I greatly enjoy, stay installed on my hard drive: the original box and discs enshrined on a shelf. I end up going around praising the game so much, I need it installed to answer questions potential future buyers might ask. I also constantly replay it for the in-depth discussions about the game’s story. There’s about 30 games like that on my external hard drive.

Other eroge get uninstalled. As most everyone else, I keep backups (emphasis on more than one) of the save files. Unless the title had twins (my dream is to have largest eroge twincest collection on Earth), I usually end up trading these for something else.

Indeed I haven’t, I just looked at the releases she’s done on her wiki, and it doesn’t seem to be much english translated stuff out there with her name attached… which almost makes me want to take my previous statement about not being able to read or write Japanes back, since it does look really awesome.

My collection pretty much consists of what you’ve guys have recommended in the past, or talked about for that matter… and I do tend to replay quite a bit as I think I stated in a earlier post, but within the english releases would you say anything out there is worth keeping for looking back on? Only thing that comes to mind would be Fate/stay night I did like the artwork there, but still think i’d rather replay after a couple of months.

I don’t think there is any game out there for the english community thats within that catagory, boy I wish there was… please correct me if I’m wrong though.

edit: Now that I think about it, perhaps the closest thing would be Fate/stay night with all the tiger dojo marks, and the diffrent routes and whatnot. Thats actually the only game I’ve played so far without a walkthrough, considering you had to play it in a order to open the diffrent routes. (didn’t see the point in a walkthrough then)

I uninstall, for the sake of hard drive space. Mostly I remove save files too, with Little My Maid as exception.

I keep them installed and make a corner of my desktop filled with shortcuts, it’s sorta like a pyramid in terms of design, with the top being ones that i have the most work to do to beat, and the bottom ones being fully completed.