What was the first Peach Princess game ever?

I was wondering which game was the first game Peach Princess ever translated.

GameFAQ’s claim it was X-Change back in 2001:


I’m sure Peter or the L-man will tell us the real answer though. However we’re just talking about the Peach Princess brand, right? Isn’t JAST part of Peach Princess too? They’ve been popping out titles quite early:


Speaking of old eroge… anyone remember Megatech Software? :smiley:

:p  Too bad they died...


[ 12-12-2007, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I’ve always wanted an English sequel to Knights of Xentar. Or another game like it. Frankly, I enjoyed the “teen friendly” scenes in it quite a lot as well.

Hmmm interesting so it was Jast who translated True Love which was the first Eroge game I ever played. Anyways thanks for the info.

[ 12-12-2007, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

I don’t think so - JAST USA made three games before the age of “Peach Princess”:
[list][]Three Sisters story[/][]Season of the Sakura[/][]Runaway City[/][/list]
There actually was a fourth game by them that was released after “Peach Princess” came into existence, but… let’s forget about it.

I am not sure who made the localisation of “True Love”, but I’d rather guess it was “Otaku publishing”, who was also responsible for other games back then, as for example:
[list][]Paradise Heights[/][]Paradise Heights 2[/][]Ring Out[/][]Time Stripper Mariko-chan[/][/list]After all, if JAST would have had the rights for “True Love”, it would probably have been possible to get a re-release…

And I have to admit, I have no clue who at all made the Milky House games:
[list][]May Club[/][]Nocturnal illusion[/][]Legend of Fairies - series (only novels in its english localisation, but apparently they have been Mahjong games in their original japanese release)[/][/list]Because of the later released Milky-House Memorial collection, we can assume an affiliation with JAST USA here, though…

Another thing are the Bishoujo-RPGs that were released back then:
[list][]Knights of Xentar[/][]Mad Paradox[/][/list]Here I have absolutely no idea, but in case of doubt I would assign them to “Otaku” too…

Oh, and then there were back then of course C’s, who made their localisations themselves and sold them primarily via Himeya…
[list][]Fatal Relations[/][]GloRiA[/][]Amy’s Fantasies[/][]Divi-DEAD[/][]Desire[/][]EVE Burst Error[/][]The Maid’s Story[/][]Kotobuki[/][]Adam - the double factor[/][/list]

[ 12-12-2007, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

But THERE IS a sequel! Just not in english. :smiley:

This one:


Don’t forget the original title of KNIGHTS OF XENTAR is DRAGON KNIGHT 3. DRAGON KNIGHT 4 is the direct sequel, featuring the adventures of the son of Desmond and Luna.

Knights of Xentar is Megatech Software. I’m not exactly sure if they were the first commercial translators of Japanese eroge, but they were definitely one of the earliest to make an attempt: they released Cobra Mission in the US way back in 1992. Did okay I hear: enough to let the company float for three years or so.

A shot in the dark here… but does anyone know anything about Megatech? Seems like after they went away, not a single shred of evidence exists about them (aside from the games). No word on who funded them, intentions, how they got licenses. Nothing. Figured maybe Peter knows something?

[ 12-12-2007, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Peter’s link above is linked to the Remake of DK 4 by elf. From what I understand the graphics are all the same just recolored and Hi-Res’d and the battle engine was completely revamped.

[ 12-12-2007, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

Hey! Is that twins I see in that game? Has the Faith of the Two played that to see if there is twincest in it? What about it, Twinseeker?

Alas, poor Narg would be supremely disappointed because while there are twins, you don’t get to experience the true wonder of twincest in this game. It teases you but you only get to have one twin through both Eto and Kakeru’s paths in the game. You CAN have the same twin through each playthrough by meeting certain conditions in the Battle part of the game, but both together, no. :frowning: