What web browser do you use?

I use Mozilla Firefox -yeah I now Im behind the times. does anyonestill use ie lulz ?

Nope… FFox + Noscript + Session Manager + Enhanced History manager = Super rocka. :slight_smile:

Firefox + Noscript + Noautoplay + Adblock Plus = sweetness…99% adds and whatnot never reach me.

Mostly Firefox with a few plug-ins and such, same as everyone else it seems.

Firefox v2.0 + I.E. 6.0 + Netscape Navigator 4.79, depending on the page I browse and the reason why I browse it (since each browser does one task differently, therefore one is better than the other at one specific task).

did you know that the beta of MFF 3 is already out. Now I’m curious as to what you meant when you said IE and netscape had their uses as I find MFF far superior to either.

Firefox 3.0b5.

Extensions: AdBlock Plus, CustomizeGoogle, Download Statusbar, DownThemAll! (Great for 4chan!), Greasemonkey, FaviconizeTab, IETab, NoScript, Foxytunes, PDF Download.

I also use Opera on occasion.

Most annoying firefox 2.0 thing: print a page, modifying the printer default properties. Now, print another page; the printer went back to the default properties. Do it in IE; the printer keeps the modified properties for the whole session.
Another very annoying feature of firefox: the browse bar history. In IE, if you open a page with a Ctrl+O (or Ctrl+L; that does the same thing), the opened page is put in the history of files opened (so you have auto-completion if needed if you type the fist letters anew), but not in the history of the browse bar. The history of the browse bar is only filled if you directly type something in it; and this special history is easily accessible in the registry for you to modify. It’s especially useful when you visit a homepage because you can type in the browse bar only the main page; then easily access it later but scrolling the browse bar. In firefox, all visited pages are added to the browse bar, so all of the sub-pages are proposed when you type the first letters of your page. For instance, if I type “ot”, I have all the “http://www.otakuism.com/bbs/viewforum.php?f=NN” choices in firefox when IE would only propose me “http://www.otakuism.com/bbs/” if it was the one I type directly in the browse bar.
Did you find firefox “superior” because of the hype, or because you truly tried all the browsers with an open, unbiased mind? For my part, the only really interesting thing firefox has over the others is the tab window thingy.

oh… I hardly ever print thats why. I’ve heard some people say they like opera what exactly is it good for?

i use firefox for the most part (other than windows update or downloading stuff from microsoft where they will do that genuine check thingy)

Heh… Firefox is seriously overrated with hype.

Currently using IE8 and seeing what all the new toys are. Typically I use IE or Firefox. Honestly I see no difference between them in performance that I care about.

anyone wanna tell me what opera is best suited for :?:

Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS :wink:

Seriously though… browsers are so alike these days, and most of what they do “under the hood” is so irrelevant to the common user, that its all a matter of taste. If you like Firefox, use Firefox. If you like IE, use IE. If you like Opera, use Opera. In the end, its all the same Internets. :mrgreen:

i use opera only when i need to check a website’s layout when doing website design jobs

one of the reasons i use firefox is because i can make use of the chatzilla extension so i dont need to install another program or icon to use IRC

Most of this does not apply with the Version 3 beta.

Example: It now passes the Acid 2 Browser Test. Memory issues have been fixed, enhanced anti-phishing and malware, etc.

That page is also three years old. Almost all of the information on it is sorely outdated.

Me, I use Opera when I have to do things more business related. Generally, it’s a good idea to have more then one browser just in case.

Plus, Firefox lets you get under the hood and change almost every programmable setting… great for hands-on people and developers!

Indeed, hence my “Did you find firefox “superior” because of the hype, or because you truly tried all the browsers with an open, unbiased mind?”
No browser was ever as over-hyped as Firefox, by no-IT people.

The same can be said for anything about IE6 or IE7 since IE8 now exists. Matter of fact: softwares evolved with time, usually with improvements, and a patch of an old version is usually more stable than a new version, since the latter will have more features --therefore more untested code.

Indeed. Reason why I have three. :smiley:

The information is still relevant however, as it was posted during the time when the entire “Firefox is da best” hype was in its prime: when users were claiming Firefox was better than IE, when in actuality it was not. As OLF pointed out: IE has long rid itself of the issues many people keep claiming IE suffers from. It’s the usual “hating on the big dog” complex. Many IT’s will tell you Microsoft products are far from perfect, but compared to the alternatives? It’s a damn oasis in the desert.

Yet the misconception that Firefox is so much better than IE - to the point that IE is useless garbage - still prevails. Firefox is nice… but so is IE… so is Opera… It’s all a matter of personal taste or the requirements of your network administrator.

All I know is that I haven’t been infected with spyware since abandoning IE.

I was the senior network administrator of an organization that had over 500 workstations running exclusively on IE for our Internet browsing purposes, due to the Microsoft centric nature of the server backbone. We didn’t have a single spyware or virus infection for my 4 year tenure, due to Internet Explorer (most were due to wireless palm pilots or USB sticks - which I had no control over). I could forward you my resume if you doubt it.

This vulnerability got me a few hours after I upgraded Firefox to that version. So yea…

I still don’t claim Firefox sucks because of it… nor do I claim IE is “da bomb” because it never gave me problems.

Javascript, by its own nature, leads to security faults. IE has these as well. Which is why I either use NoScript or disable Javascript entirely.