What were your favorite tracks from Princess Waltz?

Now that the game has been out for a bit, I thought I’d ask what tracks from the game everyone enjoyed. I’ve been meaning to start this thread for awhile now, and Panzerhaust’s post finally motivated me to begin it. Anyway, I’d tell which ones I’d like here now, but I’ve been so caught up in other things that I can’t remember right now while I write this. So as soon as I listen through them again, I’ll post what my favorites are here.

endless dash
armed forever
battlefield of steel


Battlefield of Steel, Dawn Walker and Everyday Dance. The first two are particularly good, the third one was chosen mostly because it really fits “Liliana’s mood”. Overall, anyway, I liked the whole soundtrack :slight_smile:

The transformation song…
I forget what it’s called though.

Armed Forever - as said before :smiley:

Rock on!

As you might have guessed by my starting this thread, I too love the whole soundtrack. This is the only other eroge soundtrack aside from Crescendo that I have consistently listened to outside of the game. That is to say, I listen to the music tracks in addition to the songs.
It is hard for me to choose definitive favorites amongst the music tracks, but they are as follows (using the names in English): The Throne Room, Everyday Dance (I too feel this song is perfect for Lun Lun), Endless Dash, Armed Forever, Battlefield of Steel, The Princess of the Sword (the transformation song Lipp couldn’t remember, too bad it is so short), Under the Moon, and Daybreak (quite the refreshing idea creating a track mixing the sweet sounds of an oboe with a modern beat).
As for the songs, I liked all of them. It is quite a shame that we were given only the short versions of Dissonant Chord and Dawn Walker. However, if you want to hear the full version of Dissonant Chord, then you can watch this video someone made that I found (it is sort of like an extended version of the trailer for the game).

A couple of them were good, but ‘Battlefield of Steel’ stands out as the best by far. It somehow brings to mind both epic battle and classical dance. Which if you think about it, was the entire point. :wink: