What Would You Like to See

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
My Ama-san friend took over for her father when he passed away. She was an OL before that. When I met her, she was drunk (Lamuness can atest to this), and she asked us if any of us were looking for wives. I won't tell you how many hands went up, but let's just say that both Lamuness and I were going for the world hand-raising speed record.

Oh really? Do tell... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Just kidding. (I'm just so easily amused.) And I was about to ask was OL meant, but I think it means "Office Lady". Sorry, my brain is just slower than normal today.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Oh really? Do tell... :D

Just kidding. (I'm just so easily amused.) And I was about to ask was OL meant, but I think it means "Office Lady". Sorry, my brain is just slower than normal today.

Office Lady would be correct, oh easily amused one. ;)

WHAT?! you still have contact with that lady from our onsen trip?!

forward me all your emails with her :stuck_out_tongue:

gee, I wonder who was the one who got her drunk in the first place that night…not me definitely :stuck_out_tongue: (whistling)

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-20-2003).]

I’d like to see some games that incorporated some of the game elements in the old Infocom games. Not text, but some of the innovative things like time-based gaming. Deadline was a great game – a murder, and 24 hours (or was it 18? I can’t remember). During that time, all the other characters populate a world and you go and interact with them, not based on events necessarily. You had to figure out the times that thing happened so you could observe what you needed to observe and then you could catch the murderer.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
I'd like to see some games that incorporated some of the game elements in the old Infocom games. Not text, but some of the innovative things like time-based gaming. Deadline was a great game -- a murder, and 24 hours (or was it 18? I can't remember). During that time, all the other characters populate a world and you go and interact with them, not based on events necessarily. You had to figure out the times that thing happened so you could observe what you needed to observe and then you could catch the murderer.

I agree whole-heartedly, and not just cuz you're the boss. =P I honestly like a challenge. Something that really makes you think. Though, I think it's important to have more than just one route to a successful ending, but with different consequences.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Lamuness:
WHAT?! you still have contact with that lady from our onsen trip?!

forward me all your emails with her :P

gee, I wonder who was the one who got her drunk in the first place that night....not me definitely :P (whistling)

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-20-2003).]

Oh yeah man. You didn't know that? Hmmm guess not. I thought Peter might have told you. Then again, I haven't told him much either. Met her for XXXMas and a couple other times. She's been extremely busy lately with paperwork so some of the elders can go to Korea to meet some of their elder monks. =( Was hoping to go to Hamami (hanayou) with her, but no such luck. =( Gonna have to invite her over to ride the Ferris Wheel here. Now that I have car, it's easier for me to get down to Omiya to pick her up. Anyway...

Forward you the email?! Hey, I'm not a kiss-and-tell kinda guy! =P

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, there was a perfectly good-looking Buddhist nun sitting in front of me with out a beer. Was I going to be an ungracious host? No way!

*whistles too*

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
I'd like to see some games that incorporated some of the game elements in the old Infocom games. Not text, but some of the innovative things like time-based gaming. Deadline was a great game -- a murder, and 24 hours (or was it 18? I can't remember). During that time, all the other characters populate a world and you go and interact with them, not based on events necessarily. You had to figure out the times that thing happened so you could observe what you needed to observe and then you could catch the murderer.

*blink* The scary part is that I remember the old Infocom games. Hmm, not Deadline specifically but I remember others where I spent a lot of the early replays just trying to cut my time down.

For shame, getting a nun drunk. Why that's just...like something I would do. Hmm, I think I'll stop this line of thought while I'm ahead... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
The movies Sister Act #1,#2 are fun to watch!

Eh. I liked Sister Act, it was funny and refreshing. And it actually managed to be...somewhat different than the norm; a hard thing to do sometimes in Hollywood.

Sister Act 2 wasn't nearly as good.

Disclaimer: I've not seenm either movie in its entirety in some years. Your mileage may vary.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
I'd like to see some games that incorporated some of the game elements in the old Infocom games. Not text, but some of the innovative things like time-based gaming. Deadline was a great game -- a murder, and 24 hours (or was it 18? I can't remember). During that time, all the other characters populate a world and you go and interact with them, not based on events necessarily. You had to figure out the times that thing happened so you could observe what you needed to observe and then you could catch the murderer.

Hey, you're an Infocommie? Dude! Not that you're ever going to see this, but that's cool [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I actually prefer to go by LrdDimwit myself...

But Deadline was actually not the game that pioneered that tactic--if I'm not mistaken it was some Transylvanian vampire adventure (I think it may actually have been named Dracula).

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
Met her for XXXMas and a couple other times.

I am not familiar with this particular holiday. Please do not elaborate :)

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 04-23-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I am not familiar with this particular holiday. Please do not elaborate :)

I.. uh... plead the Fifth. I don't know what you are talking about. WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS THIS?... (OO)

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
I.. uh... plead the Fifth. I don't know what you are talking about. WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS THIS?... (OO)

Welcome to the board. You'll fit right in...

Or die trying…


Originally posted by woodelf:
The movies Sister Act #1,#2 are fun to watch!

Really enjoyed the first one and even picked up the soundtrack. Havn't really seen the second one.

Hmm, the conversation has wandered a bit, as usual. Then again, I'm blanking out on a way to bring it back. *shrug* Go with the flow I guess. *sits back to watch the wandering conversation*