What Would You Like to See

If you could design your own erotic game, what would you like to see?

Frankly, I would create something with darker themes representative in Japanese gothic terms and some steakpunk, Shirowpunk or cyberpunk added to the mix. I’d use real photos from places I’ve been to and seen in Japan.

Also, I’d throw in more chaos and random events to change the dynamic of the game.

Made in DNA

PS Sorry if this has been posted before; I’m still new here.

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-13-2003).]

If I were to make a Bishojo Game? I’ve actually thought about this quite a bit.

-One of the ideas I had was to make a Wing Commander type game where you get assigned to an all female fighter squadron.

-Basic Plot was that you are this new hotshot pilot who gets assigned to this Squadron because during Flight School you bailed the C.O. out of a jam, and he assigns you to this Squadron of Elite Female Pilots as Compensation. The Squadron is an Elite Strike Force that’s used as Propaganda to Promote enlistment in the war that’s going on. Members represent various member Nations and Planets. So there’s a variety of Women available for the player to choose.

There would be three factors to determine who you would end the game with.

-Your mission success

-Who you assigned as your wingperson.

-Interactive scenes between missions, typical ADV game stuff.

I’d also like to see various Squadron members have different areas they would be good at.(i.e. Girl A is a great pilot, Girl B is a great with Weapons. If Ships have turrets on them, being able to assign one of the girls as my gunner, etc. Girls would also get better if you assigned them to a specific task repeatedly. i.e. Bomber missions, Gunner, Escort etc.)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 04-13-2003).]

I always had this thing about Jinjya (Shinto shrine). The game would have to have heavy doses of Shintoism, sexy Shinto priestesses, revered heroes.

Hmm, never really gave it much thought myself. Story is still primary for me, so the settings and general genre would be based off that. And I do like the idea of adding more randomness to enhance replay value to a game, if it’s handled correctly. For instance, to me, Private Nurse’s random sex scenes quickly turned from a point of interest to a chore and brought it’s value down for me.

Great, now I’m going to be think about this in the back of my head all day instead of doign work… Wait a minute, why am I complaining about that?!?

I would like to have a game where there are only girl-girl scenes. Like a girl looking for her girlfriend and goes trough all those girls-only bars and stuff.
Maybe there is such a game but i haven’t seen them. There are so many games coming out, i can’t keep up with them all.

To Doug:

Er, actually, there’s already a game in existence that’s quite similar to the one you’ve imagined–Ren’ai Kouhousei: Starlight Scramble. Take a starfighter squadron composed of entirely cadets-in-training, strand it in the middle of nowhere, frame it for something it didn’t do, and have everything from allies to enemies to Mysterious Alien Invaders™ attack as it tries to make its way back home alive. Along the way you try to nurture relationships with the female members, maintain at least working friendships with the males, and figure out who’s behind all the conspiracies and cover-ups.

I suppose one way of putting it is Sakura Taisen in Space, except it’s somewhat more complicated than that, and the battle scenes are all starfighter dogfights.

Originally posted by snooty:
I would like to have a game where there are only girl-girl scenes. Like a girl looking for her girlfriend and goes trough all those girls-only bars and stuff.
Maybe there is such a game but i haven't seen them. There are so many games coming out, i can't keep up with them all.

That might be because, for the most part, only Japanese guys write these kinds of games. On top of that, of the few girls who do write/create these types of games, even fewer are lesbians.

You should go to Akihabara some time, the back alleys are PACKED with games you wouldn't believe. In contrast, there is very little hentai gaming in the US.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Doug:
If I were to make a Bishojo Game? I've actually thought about this quite a bit.

-One of the ideas I had was to make a Wing Commander type game where you get assigned to an all female fighter squadron.

-Basic Plot was that you are this new hotshot pilot who gets assigned to this Squadron because during Flight School you bailed the C.O. out of a jam, and he assigns you to this Squadron of Elite Female Pilots as Compensation. The Squadron is an Elite Strike Force that's used as Propaganda to Promote enlistment in the war that's going on. Members represent various member Nations and Planets. So there's a variety of Women available for the player to choose.

There would be three factors to determine who you would end the game with.

-Your mission success

-Who you assigned as your wingperson.

-Interactive scenes between missions, typical ADV game stuff.

I'd also like to see various Squadron members have different areas they would be good at.(i.e. Girl A is a great pilot, Girl B is a great with Weapons. If Ships have turrets on them, being able to assign one of the girls as my gunner, etc. Girls would also get better if you assigned them to a specific task repeatedly. i.e. Bomber missions, Gunner, Escort etc.)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 04-13-2003).]

Doesn't have to be bishoujo, just erotic.

Interesting concept,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
To Doug:

Er, actually, there's already a game in existence that's quite similar to the one you've imagined--Ren'ai Kouhousei: Starlight Scramble. Take a starfighter squadron composed of entirely cadets-in-training, strand it in the middle of nowhere, frame it for something it didn't do, and have everything from allies to enemies to Mysterious Alien Invaders(tm) attack as it tries to make its way back home alive. Along the way you try to nurture relationships with the female members, maintain at least working friendships with the males, and figure out who's behind all the conspiracies and cover-ups.

I suppose one way of putting it is Sakura Taisen in Space, except it's somewhat more complicated than that, and the battle scenes are all starfighter dogfights.

Hmmm, even more interesting,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I always had this thing about Jinjya (Shinto shrine). The game would have to have heavy doses of Shintoism, sexy Shinto priestesses, revered heroes.

Throw in a few mythical creatures (my ex said she thinks I'm part fox-spirit), and a thunderous prophecy and you have my attention.

On a side note, I know a sexy Buddhist nun that likes to get drunk and speaks English. She's so erotic. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since we met.

Made in DNA

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-14-2003).]

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
Throw in a few mythical creatures (my ex said she thinks I'm part fox-spirit), and a thunderous prophecy and you have my attention.

On a side note, I know a sexy Buddhist nun that likes to get drunk and speaks English. She's so erotic. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since we met.

Made in DNA

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-14-2003).]

Buddhist nuns have to shave their heads right? I see you go for the Sinead O'Connor/ Seargent Ripley look.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Buddhist nuns have to shave their heads right?

I don't think so, at least not all the time. Well, at least if you're in training, you don't necessarily have to shave, just simply keep it short, as Motoko did when she cut her hair in Volume 13 of Love Hina. (At least, I think it's 13.)

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
On a side note, I know a sexy Buddhist nun that likes to get drunk and speaks English. She's so erotic. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since we met.

Oh well, there goes a lot of my preconceptions of nuns... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Just kidding. Hmmm, I think it probably depends on what particular type of Buddhism you follow. Some sects may require the full head shaving, others may not. *shrug* It's been a long time since I studied asian religions.

Originally posted by bokmeow:

Buddhist nuns have to shave their heads right? I see you go for the Sinead O'Connor/ Seargent Ripley look.

For training and certain ceremonies she had to, but it's rare now. She has short cut hair, but she can have it as long as she likes I believe.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
I suppose one way of putting it is Sakura Taisen in Space, except it's somewhat more complicated than that, and the battle scenes are all starfighter dogfights.

Wow... I would love to play a game like that. A WC setting for a game would be awesome.

Haha... Shirowpunk.... that too would be a really cool setting for a game. (I myself like fantasy and sci-fi settings in general).

Originally posted by Made in DNA:

For training and certain ceremonies she had to, but it's rare now. She has short cut hair, but she can have it as long as she likes I believe.

Made in DNA

Well, from what we see of Mikos in b-games, it looks like that about them being able to have their hair as long as they like is true...

Nuns aren’t Mikos. Mikos go with the Jinjya, which is the Shinto religion.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Nuns aren't Mikos. Mikos go with the Jinjya, which is the Shinto religion.

Aha, I see.. so there's other rules for them?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aha, I see.. so there's other rules for them?

Don't know the specific rules in Shinto, but I know the 'clerics' of Shinto has always been traditionally female, that's why you don't see any males wielding those little wands that allows them to exorcise demons and spirits, it comes with the profession, not because they look cute and sexy in games or anime. They also always dress in Red and White. They don't shave heads. They worship natural spirits and heroes of history as well as passed away ancestors as deities.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Aha, I see.. so there's other rules for them?

Yes, and technically, both Miko and Ama-san have to be virgins to join. When they marry, they have to leave the order, and most likely they marry someone in the order who will take over their particular shrine and followers (unless a Miko, who just leaves). Nowadays Miko jobs are actually part-time jobs young girls can get to make a little cash on the side.

This is a VERY general reply. There are a variation of of orders and rules. Some strict, some not.

My Ama-san friend took over for her father when he passed away. She was an OL before that. When I met her, she was drunk (Lamuness can atest to this), and she asked us if any of us were looking for wives. I won't tell you how many hands went up, but let's just say that both Lamuness and I were going for the world hand-raising speed record.

Made in DNA