What you all do best.... Suggestions

I started my Bishoujo Game collection just two years ago. So, by that virtue, I’m still a newbie. My first game was Season of the Sakura, which at the time was still available individually without having to buy the whole memorial collection. I followed that game up with Graduation and The Maid’s Story and have to say they greatly disappointed me compared to Season of Sakura.

Last year was when I really started to get into it. I bought 7 titles last year. Brave Soul, Casual Romance Club, Crescendo, Kana, TCI, Phantom of Inferno and Snow Drop.

This year I’ve lost interest somewhat again and have decided I will probably opt to buy 4 games. Already slated to be bought are Little My Maid (should it come out this year) and Gibo. That leaves me with two games that I plan to be buying. Amusement Park is also planned so really I have only one that hasn’t been pre decided for me. So… I’m going to tell you experts what I’ve rated each of the games I already have and then maybe you can have some fun analyzing that and letting me know what you think a good title (currently available) would be for me. (This comes with the understanding that of course nobody can choose for me… but its always fun to toss around ideas…)

Games are being rated by how well I enjoyed them on a scale of 1-10.

Season of the Sakura: 8
Graduation: 4
The Maid’s Story: 4
Brave Soul: 9
Casual Romance Club: 8
Crescendo: 6
Kana: 10
TCI: 4
Phantom of Inferno: 3
Snow Drop: 5

As for my likes. Obviously I’m more the need a good story type of person. I tend to like drama far more than comedy, and I’m not objectionable to perversion and darker themes. Games that have a strong over all romantic theme intrigue me far more than anything else, although I’ve been very tempted to try my hand at Divi-Dead (SP) since I am a horror flick fan. Multiple endings are a must!! If it’s linear please disqualify it before you even start to consider it (one reason I’ve not rushed for Divi-Dead, I heard that besides a few key points the game was mostly linear). I also am not interested in the memorial collections either.

So… what say it the jury?

Hmm… I would recommend Private Nurse to you. People might start noticing that I am recommending “Private Nurse” to almost everyone I encounter. And I will be more than happy to stand by my words. Private Nurse is THAT good.

Even though Private Nurse has only 2 girls, 3 if you want to count the nurse in. It has one of the most romantic and engaging storylines there is in English B-Games. I am not ashamed to admit that besides Kana, Private nurse is the other title that has an ending that’s strong enough to make me tearing up. I have purchased and played all the english b-games (well, not heart de roommate as I just placed my order a few hours ago). Kana and Private Nurse are my all time favorite.

I recommend Private Nurse… ~__~

I’d have to agree with Private Nurse being a good match for your taste. It has the right balance of drama, character development and mystery to please someone who enjoyed Kana and Crescendo. I’d also make a case for I’m Going to Serve You 4 as a dark horse candidate. It appears light and cliched on the surface, but there’s an underlying drama that made me play through every ending without getting tired of the story.

Phantom of Inferno: 3
Something I forgot to ask - Why did you rate Phantom so low? I assume it wasn't because of the DVD interface, otherwise you wouldn't have Amusement Park on your buy list. So what was lacking? I don't think anyone's posted a full review of the game yet, but I'm starting to think it was wise to wait for Koiyoubi and Amusement Park.
Originally posted by perigee:

Something I forgot to ask - Why did you rate Phantom so low? I assume it wasn't because of the DVD interface, otherwise you wouldn't have Amusement Park on your buy list. So what was lacking? I don't think anyone's posted a full review of the game yet, but I'm starting to think it was wise to wait for Koiyoubi and Amusement Park.[/QUOTE]

I personally find Phantom to be quite enjoyable. Despite its lack of H-scenes, I find the story to be interesting and unpredictable. I have been planning to get the 2 new releases as well but I do think it's wise to wait. Even though it said on its homepage that the 2 games should be out on 2-17-2004, the fact the game releases status is still on "coming out" have me worried. I will just wait and get them from amazon.com like I did with with Phantom.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 02-18-2004).]

As I said in the Hirameki games discussion, I got this email notice yesterday from RightStuff, where I preordered the games a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately we are unable to ship your complete order due to the unforeseen demand for the items listed.
ekylo thought this was the usual out of stock message they send, but it was the first time I’ve ever gotten it for a preordered item. I can’t imagine RightStuf sold out before the product even shipped. I’m wondering of there was an unannounced delay in the release of the two titles?

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 02-18-2004).]

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 02-18-2004).]

Actually, I said it was their generic message when they are unable to complete shipment immediately, not when it is out of stock. There’s a difference, one’s a reason for the other. The two main reasons they cannot complete a shipment is ‘out of stock’ and ‘item has not been released yet’.

And some places will consider a preorder item ‘out of stock’ when their preordered amounts are accounted for. Usually because it goes something like this. Let’s say they ordered 100 units initially. Through preorders, they account for all 100. They go back to their distributor to order more but are told no more are available until the second printing of the item. So they are esentially ‘out of stock’ of a preorder item.

Er, sorry, back on subject. Hmm, actually, I more or less have to go with the Private Nurse recommendation as well. In general, to me your ratings suggest to me that you like those with a storyline developing over a longer period of time rather than just a few days. You like to see the relationships develop “naturally” rather than making some the relationship “leaps” that occur in most games. (hey, you said to analyze…)

Ekylo, I liked your analysis, very correct. That’s actually the type of posting I was hoping for! lol

As to Phantom… I dunno, the game just didn’t work for me. I think it’s the theme of the game, I just don’t think I’m into underworld/spy type stuff… It reminded me of a bad James Bond movie, and I wholeheartedly hate James Bond. That’s not to say it’s not a good game, but it just wasn’t enjoyable to me … if that makes sense.

Heh, well I wasn’t entirely sure if that was what you wanted in a reply or not. Plus, sometimes my analysis is a bit off. I’m happy I wasn’t this time…

Private Nurse has a fairly lengthy “in-game” time period. There’s the month period that Maria’s supposed to stay, but the game goes quite a bit beyond that if you do your storyline correctly. Coupled with the “After Diaries”, you get a sense of observing the relationship build over a pretty decent period of time. It’s also definitely more dramatic than comedic in the story as well. I think it’d probably be a good fit for you. (Of course, we’d have to see what you think afterwards… )

Heh, don’t worry, who makes sense all the time here? Just kidding. People have different tastes, so they get a different level of enjoyment from things. For instance, most of my friends and I love the movie The Princess Bride. Except one buddy who absolutely hates it and can’t really put into words why he feels that way. It just didn’t “work” for him.