What's this fetish called?


I could not remember that I typed mistakes. >.< My bad!!!


I created it, long time ago. >.>

Now that PP and Nitro+ are such wonderful friends, it’s worth noting that Sumaga has one of these lovely ladies (one eye showing variety). :wink:

Narg you know if conservatives see Mira , bricks will be shit.

Well I hope they get a colon rupture. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh… that All-Time eroge is nothing more than a mindless rapefest without replay value. Unless you REALLY have a fetish for these kinds of girls, I’d avoid it.

On a plus side, someone pointed out Mysterious Girlfriend X to me. A rather interesting manga series. From the start, there’s mutual attraction between the girl and boy, which they both express. Mikoto Urabe even openly tells Tsubaki she’ll lose her viginity to him, and looks forward when that time comes. The tension is mostly born from the fact that Urabe isn’t human (probably an alien; maybe an angel), and does things at a pace we humans consider weird, so the long courtship towards the day they have sex is the source of entertainment. There’s also the whole deal with Mikoto’s spit (it’s addictive, allows mind reading, transfer of memories, etc).

Oh… and she has scissors… for when she needs to go into “no ettchi” mode.

There’s also the added bonus of Oka and Ueno… aka big-boobed lolicon and her lovey-dovey boyfriend.

Heh, so you finally discovered this, eh? It has been so long since I’ve looked at Mysterious Girlfriend X that I had forgotten that she falls in to this so-called fetish. A classmate of mine when I first started taking Japanese raved about this particular series to me and some others in the class. Scissors as a hobby, and an addiction to drool/spit. Who would have ever expected it?

Komori Kiri…


…so hawt.

Funny that you should revive this; I played that eroge a while back (I have a thing for mind control/hypnotism). It was pretty dull, but it DID lead me to another All-Time which was much better made (the Timeblock one).

Has there ever been a “dark” loli game ?

I mean one where the protagonist rapes multiple lolis into submission ?

Not something like SMJ 2 with one teenager, I mean one where nearly all the girls are lolis and about the age of the girls in komorebi?

I was thinking there seem to be a lot of loli love games.

Yuu FTW, amirite? :mrgreen:

They exist… personally I don’t know of many, since I’m not a loli fan myself, but I know I’ve seen them float around. Eien Tonnatta Rusuban: Papa wa Kaeranai was a rather infamous title for it’s time. Was eventually banned for it’s content. Very hard to find these days… only see it on auction sites for insane prices. These days the content would seem rather tame though… guro and vore have come a long way since then.

Mostly though, it’s a dark eroge that happens to feature a loli, that I run across. I generally don’t buy loli-only dark eroge. I haven’t fallen that far down the path yet. I’m more of a Lawful Evil kinda guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno! See, it’s not often in these types of eroges that there exists someone with the powers equal to those of the protagonist, and I really wish she were a bit more of a threat, especially considering how talented she clearly was.

I suppose I’d have to ask exactly what you mean by that, There’s that Submarine 707R “fanfiction” eroge by the BadName writer, which is basically just a whole lot of loli raep. There’s stuff like Eien to Natta Rusuban, like Narg mentioned. There’s stuff like Hateshinaku, which is more of the ‘horror’ kind of dark than the… usual kind - that contains a couple of loli characters.

Rape, murder, incest, and torture are perfectly fine, but all loli all the time – that’s just beyond the pale?

How exactly does that qualify as “lawful” evil? Those first are hardly lawful.

Well I dunno …it just seems to me like any so called loli eroge has flat/small chested women in the 11-14 year old category . I remembered Narg reviewed a very tender sounding title that was 100% loli.

I was wondering if there was a game with maybe …one adult character like a single mom with multiple loli daughters who is blackmailed by a neighbor and helps render her daughters into his hands either through force of cohersion and blackmail. He basically forces her to be an accomplice in training her daughters, I could think of 2 or 3 more but I mean come on the possibilites are endless. :twisted: