What's this fetish called?

Anyone know what’s the “proper name” for the moe fetish, where the girl’s eyes are covered by her forward bangs?

The guys on 2chan aren’t giving me kosher answers. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what it’s called, but I love it.

See also:

The single image that makes me want to play G-senjou no Maou.

Haru is filled with win.

Same here. I love the design as well… and I refuse to believe Japanese Otaku have never actually given this a name yet.

On 2chan they kept calling it the “Mana-ko” after some random nut posted a pic of Mana with the hair style. Then some others pulled the joke further with “Sada-ko” (from The Ring). No help there… :expressionless:

I know its used temporarily for a lot of Yandare when they finally snap, but its obviously not exclusive to Yandare.

Maybe the word for shy or akward ???

And what’s the name of the fetish when you like to see the girl still wearing her panties on one leg ?

That’s not a fetish per se - its a sexual position. 8)

One of those new age Karma Sutra books has it mentioned. I’ll see if I can find it.

No, there’s a proper name for that, i know.

I remember i read in some place a long time ago. It’s “something”-kko, just like Meganekko, refering to a girl who cover her eyes with her hair. I don’t remember right now… :?

I’ve always assumed the hair over the eyes was an implication of a shy character or very quiet character.(And in most cases it seems to hold true.) Eyes cast down, head lowered, etc. I don’t think I’ve ever personally heard a term used strictly for the bangs hiding the eyes though.

Aye. That seems to be the most common use for it… however it also has a general use for just making someone “mysterious” - for the fact that its impossible to see their eyes, and thus know their emotional reaction from them. Hence the occasional Yandere use for it, since their eyes have that “dull expression” in them (instant sign of mental breakdown); and hiding it adds to the surprise.

Also Shermie from KOF has the hair style, and she’s FAR from being shy or quiet. :stuck_out_tongue:

We also have two variants of this technique:

#1: One eye covered.

#2: Both eyes covered.

Yea… Narg has been studying this a bit too far. :oops:

Personally, I like the “both eyes covered” look. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, you’re expecting an /honest/ answer on 2chan? That’s like going to /b/ and expecting serious discussions…

True. And it doesn’t help that I don’t hide that I’m American… so that instantly puts me somewhere between a cockroach and rat in terms of “self respect” there. :wink:

But I figured my best chance of finding the name, would be going direct to the source. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you consider that as a position, then of course you can imagine thousands of diferent sexual positions (more than 9000). :slight_smile:

When if think about it, i remember one of the H-scene in YMK when you do it on the roof with Aeka.

And for your fetish, I prefer it when yandere hide only one eye. It’s important to see their eyes, so if they hide both something is missing.

LOL! Ain’t that the truth! I see quite frequently in JAV movies too. IIRC, that position was called The Drying Pole. Still looking for the book… its in a closet somewhere. Just gotta find which box.

Isn’t that supposed to be the name of Sasaki Kojirou’s nodachi? =P

I checked wikipedia about Love Hina’s Nodoka.


Nodoka is similar with a similar “helmet” hairstyle and shy, insecure personality (without the violent tendencies Shinobu developed later in the series).

I guess…that’s “helmet hairstyle” fetish. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s so popular, it even made it into Pokemon as an entire Evolutionary Chain.

I’ll have to remember that : The drying pole.

I couldn’t stop myself so I had to reinstall YMK only to check the GC of Aeka’s path.
She does it on the roof and in her secret place (no… not “that” place but in the stairway).

Aeka rules the world.

I still have no damn idea what the fetish is called. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just saw this upcoming third-class eroge feature it though.

I think I’m gonna start making a list of eroge I encounter the fetish with.

Nodoka is from Negima! :wink:

Never thought I would have a same interest as Narg. :lol: